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For several years now, there has been a massive move to bring to the forefront of our thinking a political theory known as CRT. It stands for Critical Race Theory. And those who believe it insist that all must be FORCED to embrace it. I first began to encounter it, several years ago, among young Pastors who were graduates of seminaries where the concept of CRT was taught. It manifested itself in an animosity that bordered on hatred for this nation. They wanted nothing to do with the truth that America was birthed from Biblical principles; all they could see was the many faults which current America had picked up from the root of the very idea they were proclaiming: Yes, what they didn’t know—because they’d not been taught our true history—they didn’t know that what they now believed about America was what those who wanted to overthrow the liberty of America had taught their teachers. Yes, so-called Critical Race Theory was nothing more than the same old Communist garbage can, painted a different color. The ultimate aim was the same: Divide this nation along racial lines; let hatred produce civil upheaval; which would produce fear. And when people are afraid, they will more readily change their form of government.
In reality, Critical Race Theory is simply the idea that: If you are of European descent, you are the oppressor; if you are of darker skin, you are the oppressed. Can we not please use our minds instead of acting like a flock of sheep?! What does skin tone have to do with political oppression?!!
To “divide and conquer” has always been Continue reading