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God made man “in His image” to look like Him in spirit. He made man “in His likeness” to look like Him in his soul; that is, in his mind, his will, and his emotions: And He made man to rule over earth, as God rules in heaven and in earth.
But we, as mankind chose to rebel against God’s plan for us. We refused God’s offer of Covenant with Him; which means the “meeting of minds”. We wanted to think our own thoughts and act in whatever way we chose.
But God never gave up on His dream of man being a vessel of His life. He continued to offer restoration to that Covenant for any man who chose to agree with Him again. But people must forever come to God the same way: By admitting He was right, they were wrong, and that only the shed blood of the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ, could “…[take] away the sin of the world.” (John 1:29)
And for those who would Continue reading