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Huge is the debate about how mankind came into being!
Right here in Kentucky, a magnificent Creation Museum opened in 2007. Ken Ham, a science teacher in Australia was greatly disturbed by the constant statements in classrooms that evolution was how we got on this earth. His research had shown that there was no scientific evidence to support evolution and he was burdened that so few were speaking out against it. So he began showing the scientific evidence, which supported the Biblical account of creation in the book of Genesis. This would lead to a ministry called Answers in Genesis which has become a worldwide organization that tells the true story of man’s origins. That ministry built the Creation Museum. Not far away, they also built an exact replica of Noah’s Ark; with the aim of showing the scientific evidence that there was a worldwide flood, just like the Bible says.
Is there scientific evidence that the Biblical account of creation is more reliable than the theory of evolution? Consider this: Evolution says Continue reading