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While this is the darkest time in our nation’s history, the light is beginning to rise. I consistently meet people who are praying with others for revival in this land, and who assure me they are also praying in their own “prayer closet” for revival. This is encouraging because, as one great man of God stated it:
“When God intends great mercy for His people, the first thing He does is set them a-praying.”
(Matthew Henry, as quoted by Miles Bennet at http://www.liftupusa.com/pquotes.htm)
After many years in the ministry, it seems to me that the greatest “grace-ometer” (as C.H. Spurgeon said it) of the church is its prayer meeting. You can tell what God is up to in a church by how many people are fervently praying for Him to settle among them and do whatever He wants to do.
So, with the growing darkness in our land, how should we be praying? While it would be usurping the Holy Spirit’s leadership to, in detail, tell someone how to pray about a specific thing, there is Continue reading