“Why They Came – Part 2”

© 2016 Don Pinson | [Download]
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The spray from the waters of Cape Cod blowing in the wind was covering the men in the small boat.  They were looking more and more like “ice men” as the spray quickly turned to ice as it hit their beards and clothing.  The snow was becoming blinding.  The 1why-they-came-part-2wind was picking up now, making any site of land impossible.  Not only was it looking like they wouldn’t be able to find a place to build their houses today, they were beginning to fear this might be their last day on earth.  This storm was such a rage they began to pray in desperation that they could find any safe harbor.  Suddenly, as if God had intervened, the wind died enough for one of them to see what he thought was a shoreline.  They struggled desperately with the waves and the elements, and with great difficulty finally made land.  They had no clue where they were, for in weeks of looking around Cape Cod for a place to settle their families, they had never been here before.  They were really afraid because their guns had gotten wet and would not fire.  They had already encountered the Indians in this area and they had proven to be enemies instead of friends.  The men prayed and prayed for the storm to stop and for God to protect them.

The next morning when the sky had cleared the men found they were on an island in what is now Plymouth Bay.  The storm had blown them through the narrow entrance of the bay just as if God had planned it so.  Indeed they would come to believe He had, for as they looked across the bay to the mainland they could see what would become their home.  The land was gently sloping, good for farming, with four fresh water springs.  The top of the hill was perfect for defense against unfriendly neighbors and the harbor was deep enough for ships bigger than the Mayflower to anchor.  Indeed, they believed God had prepared and preserved this spot for them.  But they didn’t know the half of it!

Four months later, they would hear the story from the sole survivor of an Indian tribe that had lived on this land but had all died of a mysterious plague some four years before.  Squanto by name, this Indian would become what these Pilgrims would call “God’s Providential helper” to them.  They came to believe God had preserved him from this plague by allowing him to be captured to be sold as a slave, but then had helped him escape and eventually make his way back to America.  Squanto had returned to his homeland only six months before the Pilgrims had arrived.  Though half their number had already died, God would begin to preserve them now through Squanto’s knowledge of this wilderness.  He taught them how to fish in these waters, how to stalk the deer, and most of all, how to plant and harvest corn.  In turn, they did an even greater thing for him.  They introduced him to Jesus Christ and Squanto yielded to Jesus as his Lord.  When a year and a half later Squanto died, he told them he was looking forward to going to the heaven the Bible spoke of.

2why-they-came-part-2Why did God preserve the Pilgrims in this wilderness?  Because they were committed to Him and His purpose.  They had come here to, they said, “…propagate the Gospel…in those remote parts of the world…”  They wanted to teach their children and neighbors that Jesus Christ had come to restore them to the purpose for which He had created them.  And the Bible teaches that if we will, “Seek…first the kingdom of God and His righteousness” all the things we need to live on will be provided.

Don’t you have much you ought to thank God for?  Or, if you are finding it difficult to thank Him, could it be you are not “seeking first His kingdom” and His right way of living?  Shouldn’t you yield your life to Him right now, joining your Pilgrim forefathers in their deep commitment to Jesus Christ?

Think about it; because if you don’t, someone else will do your thinking for you—and for your children!  And you won’t like what that brings to you.  I’m Don Pinson; this has been Think About It.