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Across America there is a growing desperation. Older citizens fear for what their grandchildren are going to face. Parents fear that their children will experience the violence of a street gang, or rapist, or satanist: Or they fear their teenage daughter may turn up pregnant. With more and more young people using drugs, parents fear their child may get hooked too. Young people fear that their parents may be the next to divorce. People are asking, “Is there anything in this world that is stable?!”
There is an answer to that question! A resounding answer: “YES!!” And you might be surprised to know that, in the past, there have been those who’ve known this stability. The Founding generation in America walked in this stability. And though they were beset with war, economic woes, and having to build a new government in the midst of all this, they still knew where the “Rock” was. They constantly turned to Jesus Christ and His Word as “the stability of their times”. They believed “His Word was truth”, as the Bible taught (John 17:17). They lived out the reality of the Scriptures as they sought to obey it in their personal lives and built it into their institutions. Daniel Webster spoke of them and their faith when Continue reading