“The Miracle Which Birthed Our Constitution”

Listen to or read this week’s radio program:

© 2012 Don Pinson  /  To Download, right-click here: [Download]  /  Continue reading

Praying For Our Nation…

Consider Praying For Our Republic This Way:

  • Thank God for our history and original educational, economic, and governmental systems.  Ask Him to help you re-learn them!
  • Pray for a revival of morality (Internal Self-Government).
  • Pray for a revival of His Institutions:
    • Structural –
      • That He will restore the Home according to Ephesians 5:18-6:2
      • That He will restore the Church as in Ephesians 5:22-23
      • That He will restore Self-Government as in Ephesians 5:18
    • Operational –
      • That He will restore Education according to 2nd Timothy 3:16 & Psalms 78:5-8
      • That He will restore Economy according to Deuteronomy 8:18 & Matthew 6:33
      • That He will restore Civil Government according to Matthew 28:19-20


  • Will you commit to daily pray that God will restore you, your home, and your church?
  • Will you ask Him to join you with another believer or several believers who will pray together at least once a week for revival and reformation in America?
  • Will you ask Him to make you aware of tasks you can perform to bring revival and reformation among those you know and in your local community?

4th of July Thoughts





It is July the Fourth and my heart is torn between joy and sorrow.  I’ve never felt so patriotic, so proud, so grateful to God to be called an American.  Nor so frightened- I am “trembling for my country” even as I dance for the joy of our liberties.  I am weeping simply because my heart is overwhelmed.  I want to eat cake and celebrate for the joy and giddy excitement in my heart but I can’t seem to get it past the lump in my throat.  I feel like cheering and mourning, playing and fighting, laughing and weeping, all at once…

One thing I have determined: I am a Christian.  I am an American.  For me that is not an oxy-moron but a united truth.  I am BOTH.  I am an American BECAUSE I am a Christian, and to deny America is shirking a huge duty to my Jesus.  It is not “either, or” for me but “both”.  I am a patriot, I love this land, and BY GOD’S GRACE I am praying to not let the enemy have her without a fight!  If America fall I pray it would only be OVER MY DEAD BODY and that God would still resurrect her for HIS glory.  But, more than anything, I just pray for revival, for mercy, that this great country might become what she was intended to be all along: a beacon for the Gospel to spread, and a picture of the Kingdom of God to the world!

That is my living sentiment, and, by God’s grace, it will be my dying sentiment!  Independence now and independence forever!  Give me liberty, or give me death!

In Jesus’ name, amen.

Christis Joy


“Will The Real America Please Stand Up!” Part II

Listen to or read this week’s radio program:

© 2012 Don Pinson  /  To Download, right-click here: [Download]  /  Continue reading

That Which Makes Jesus Different

Jesus is totally unique among all the leaders of world religions.  Not one of them came back from the dead!  The following tells the story of the evidence of His uniqueness (this is taken from the book: Why God Birthed America):

Chapter 5   —   Alive!

One of their group, Mary Magdalene, was just as uncertain as the rest.  However, the love in her grateful heart would not be denied:  Not by questionings or by fears.  Jesus had set her free from a wretched life of bondage to sexual sin and the torture of evil spirits.[I]  He had changed her!  She had never been the same since that day she met Him, and her gratitude of duty now compelled her to go to the tomb and do the anointing with spices to His body, which time had not allowed the day He died.

Though it was still mostly dark, she gathered her spices and started to make her way to the tomb.  Some of the other women fell into step with her, but Mary was oblivious to their presence.  She only vaguely heard the question about how would they ever be able to roll away the stone from the tomb entrance.  That stone over the entrance weighed several tons.  It was designed to keep out intruders.  And then there was the Roman guard.  Would they still be there?   Continue reading