“God Showed Up At Normandy”

God Showed Up at Normandy 1

© 2021 Don Pinson | [Download]
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On June 6, 1944 the beginning of the end for the satanic Nazi regime was ignited on the Normandy beaches in France. An Allied force of three million men, over 5,000 ships, and 11,000 planes crossed the choppy waters and attacked the Nazi strongholds in the cliffs of Normandy. Never, in the history of man, had such a force been amassed to attack an enemy. Even so, it would not be easy. More than 54,000 of those troops would die in that invasion. Another 155,000 plus would have the rest of their lives altered from wounds incurred in those hours of the invasion. But victory was achieved! This, Ladies and Gentlemen, is the price of liberty!

General Dwight Eisenhower, the Supreme Commander of this joint force, wrote a letter which was read to the troops stirring them to trust God to help them achieve this victory. It read, in part, as follows:

“You are about to embark on the great Crusade, toward which we have striven these many months. The eyes of the world are upon you…you will bring about the destruction of the German war machine, the elimination of Nazi tyranny over the oppressed peoples of Europe, and security for ourselves in a free world.

“…let us all beseech the blessing of Almighty God upon this great and noble undertaking.”


And God showed up with miracles on behalf of liberty in answer to those prayers.

For one thing, the weather was Continue reading

“Why We Remember”


© 2020 Don Pinson | [Download]
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For Memorial Day, a restaurant in our town displayed a message on their marque that read:

“‘Thank you’ to those who never came home.”

Why do we remember our fallen military heroes? This was the original purpose for Memorial Day when it was begun during the War Between the States. We remember for two reasons: One, God tells us to remember our past as a nation, so we will see His Providential Hand in it; and thus, He will become more real to us. When we remember His work in the past, it aids our faith in believing Him for miracles now. The Bible commands us to remember our history. It states,

“Remember the days of old, consider the years of many generations: ask thy father, and he will show thee; thy elders, and they will tell thee.” (Deuteronomy 32:7)

Secondly, remembering our past helps us know Continue reading

“Numbering Our Days”


© 2014 Don Pinson / To Download, right-click here: [Download]

One of the fundamental truths on which our forefathers based their lives was that God numbers our days.  This means that we cannot die before our days are completed- if we are earnest in our attempt to obey God in His plan for us.  This created tremendous security for them even in turbulent times.

Knowing this truth gave George Washington the courage to ride to the front in the Battle of the Monongahela and face almost point blank gunfire from the enemy lines.  Though he sustained four bullet holes in his coat and another one in his belt buckle, he escaped unharmed: as he said, “By the miraculous dispensations of Providence.”

Our Forefathers got this understanding from the Bible.  God, who gives us life, numbers our days from before the time we’re born.  The Bible teaches in Psalm 139 that God planned all our days for us before our birth.  This is why David refused to take vengeance on King Saul though Saul was trying to kill David.  David stated to one of his soldiers (who had an opportunity to easily kill Saul), Continue reading

“Who Should Steward Civil Government?”

Who Should Steward Civil Government - Pic 1

Listen to or download this week’s radio program:

© 2014 Don Pinson / To Download, right-click here: [Download]

A hundred years ago, who would have ever believed Christians in America would be fighting for the right to keep homosexuals off our church staffs or that we’d be having to try to protect our children from transgenderism in our schools?  What happened to our nation that was once known as the most moral on earth?  Can I be “gut-level” honest with you?  We, as church leaders, lost the Biblical understanding of education, business, and civil government.  And when we moved out of those God-ordained institutions, satan moved in!

Our Founding Fathers knew the importance of teaching the Biblical understanding of these institutions.  This is why they planned an extra meeting on Thursday afternoons, at which the local Pastor would teach about current events in light of the Scripture.  By this method they created a nation which had a Biblical view of every major area of life.  They knew if the Biblical view of education, business, and civil government did not permeate a nation satan’s view would.  If we don’t return to this Biblical view of the world, we will shortly live as slaves to a dictatorial government.

But why should we, as Christians, learn about civil government from our churches?  Well, ask yourself this question:  Who created civil government?  As in all questions, the Bible has the answer. Continue reading

“The Judgments Promote Just Living”

The Judgments Promote Just Living 1

© 2019 Don Pinson | [Download]
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Everything from parental disrespect, to chaos in the schools, to mass shootings, can be laid at the feet of one missing truth in our society:  Accountability to God, our Creator.  And yet, I seldom hear a sermon from the passages in the Bible which teach that we will face God as our Judge of what we’ve done with this life.  Yet the Bible is so clear about it!

The final judgment, the one for those who haven’t surrendered to Christ as their Master, is found in the book of Revelation, chapter twenty.  It tells us:

“And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away…And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works…And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.” (Revelation 20:11-15)

God is going to open “the books” (Rev. 20:12); that is, the Books of the Bible; and He is going to reason with every single lost person about why they should have surrendered their lives to Christ, until they bow their knee and say, “Yes, you were Continue reading

“God Aids Those Committed To Liberty”

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© 2019 Don Pinson | [Download]
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In the first two years of our War for Independence from England, George Washington’s army had very few victories. They were out-manned, out-gunned, and out-supplied. Yet they refused to give up and clung tenaciously to the hope of liberty. And some miracles occurred in the winter and spring of 1778 which would begin to fulfill that hope.

As they had marched into Valley Forge to establish their winter camp, Washington spoke of how this was a most remarkable army. Though just volunteer farmers, they had stood up to the British army, the greatest in the world, with dogged determination. Even now, as they struggled into their winter camp, their sacrifice was evident. Many had clothes which hung in threads, exposing their naked bodies to the cold. Washington recorded how one could trace their steps by the path of blood left by many who had no shoes of any sort. That winter over 2000 of the 6000 man army would die from lack of food and exposure to the elements. Yet, they stayed. Their love of liberty meant more than any physical hardship they were experiencing.

And in answer to prayer, God sent a man all the way from Prussia who would Continue reading

“When Men Stood For Liberty”

Listen to or download this week’s radio program:

© 2017 Don Pinson | [Download]
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On April 19, 1775, Pastor Jonas Clark in Lexington, Massachusetts had watched his men allow the British to fire first into their ranks, obeying the Biblical principle that only a defensive war is just.  One year later Pastor Clark would boldly proclaim about this event:

“From this day will be dated the liberty of the world.”

(America’s Providential History, M. Beliles-S. McDowell, 1989, pg. 141)

When Men Stood for Liberty 1What convinced him that civil liberty was being born for the world on that day?  For twenty years he had been teaching his congregation the principles of civil liberty from the Bible.  He believed Biblical teaching, done for decades before this day, had prepared the American people as no nation had ever been prepared for civil liberty.  And indeed this day would seem to “…proclaim liberty throughout the land to all the inhabitants thereof…” (Leviticus 25:10)

The story really begins the day before as children, playing in the streets of Boston, but trained to listen, gained Continue reading

“The Church is Responsible for Teaching Civil Government”

The Church is Responsible for Teaching Civil Government 1

illustration by Sweet Publishing

© 2018 Don Pinson | [Download]
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Concerning Civil Government, God says in Romans 13:1,

“…there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.”

Thus, we see that God is the One Who created the realm of authority known as civil government, just as He created the realms of authority known as the home and the church.  And from the Garden of Eden to the time of Noah, God exercised the authority of civil government by punishing crime Himself.  He set up the angel with the flaming sword to guard the Tree of Life, and keep man from eating of it after man had sinned.  It was God, Himself, who pronounced the sentence on Cain for murdering his brother, Abel.  It was God who sent the great Flood and punished the people of Noah’s day for their crimes of immorality and violence.  So early in human history God took responsibility for enforcing His statutes of civil law onto man.

But after the Flood, God transferred to man the responsibility for operating civil government.  He said to Noah Continue reading

“Christ Brings Freedom To The Whole Man”

© 2017 Don Pinson | [Download]
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Sam Adams, the Father of the American Revolution, which secured our liberty in America, stated:

Christ Brings Freedom to the Whole Man 1“The right to freedom being the gift of God Almighty, the rights of the Colonists as Christians may best be understood by reading and carefully studying the institutions of The Great Law Giver and the Head of the Christian Church, which are…clearly written…in the New Testament.”

(Adams, Samuel. November 20, 1772, in his pamphlet entitled, The Rights of the Colonists, in section: “The Rights of the Colonist as Christians.” The Rights of the Colonists (Boston: Old South Leaflets), Volume VII, 1772 | John Eidsmoe, Christianity and the Constitution – The Faith of Our Founding Fathers (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, A Mott Media Book, 1987; 6th printing, 1993), p. 254.)

Sam Adams believed that our liberty was rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  It was simply the extension of the internal liberty Christ brings into our spirit and soul when we submit to Him as our Master and Deliverer.

The prophecies surrounding Jesus’ birth reveal Continue reading

“Jesus Is Alive!”

Jesus is Alive 1

© 2022 Don Pinson | [Download]
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Jesus had been dead three days. Some of the women who had followed Him came to His tomb early and had found the stone door rolled away and His body gone! They had told His disciples, and Peter and John had come to the grave site and seen for themselves that His body was gone. But now the others had left and only Mary Magdalene remained. It is here we pick up the story from the book, Why God Birthed America:

“Mary did not want to leave. She stood there a few steps from the entrance to the grave, trying to sort out all that had happened. The angels had said He was alive. Jesus Himself had told them He would come back to life. But could that really be?

“She moved closer to the entrance. Questions were flying through her mind. Could He really be alive again?

“She didn’t know how long she stood there lost in thought. But as she put her head on the doorway and wept, she was instantly blinded with light! There they were again! The two shining creatures they had seen earlier.

“They looked at her with compassion. ‘Woman, why are you weeping?’ they asked. ‘Because they’ve taken away my Lord and I don’t know where they’ve put Him’, she wailed.

“She turned her head away, having no stamina which could stand up to the questions of celestial beings. What had happened? Where was His body? Her mind was racing, exceeded only by the racing of her heart.

“Blinded by tears, she turned Continue reading