“Why God Made Man, Part II”

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In the Garden of Eden God placed two trees which He named.  What we as man did with those two trees would determine all the rest of history.

1_Why God Made Man-Part 3Besides the Tree of Life, there was another Tree in that Paradise:  The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.  This tree represented the opposite way of life.  This way of living would be motivated by what happened outside of man.  Instead of being inspired by the moving of the Life of God deep within him, if he chose to eat of this tree man would be rejecting God’s offer to come inside him and be his life.  He would be choosing a way in which he would make his own decisions, instead of allowing the flowing will of God to come through him.

Consider the name of this tree.  It was The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.  The Hebrew word for knowledge comes from a root word which, in essence, means to know by experience.  If Adam ate of this tree he would be saying to God:  “God, I want to experience the good and experience the evil in a particular situation, and then make my own decision as to which I think is best for me.”  He would be saying Continue reading

“Why God Made Man”

© 2023 Don Pinson | [Download]
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Think of the potential:  Adam had the possibility of being a dwelling place for his Creator!  God—the Almighty—wanted to take up residence inside Adam.  He wanted to fill man’s mind with His mind.  He wanted to fill man’s will with His will.  God wanted to fill our emotions with His feelings.  Man had the opportunity to be the channel through which God could flow to the world.  But God has never been into making robots.  He wanted man to choose Him to be his life.  He wanted a relationship with man in which man made the choice to allow God to come inside him and express His life through him.

1_Why God Made Man-Part 2This was the reason for the two trees.  As the Scripture declares,

“And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.” (Genesis 2:9)

God placed two trees in the Garden for the purpose of allowing man a choice as to whether he would receive the life of God as that which would indwell him—be his energy, his life.  He would not force his way into our hearts, raping and wounding us so as to prevent our being able to return His love.  He would woo us by showing us Himself.  He came to walk with Adam daily in the garden so mankind could Continue reading

“Connecting the Cross and the Constitution”

Connecting the Cross and the Constitution 1

© 2023 Don Pinson | [Download]
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Why did the Pilgrims come to America with the hope of Jesus Christ ruling—through His followers—their educational, economic, and governmental systems?  They came with that hope because they knew that RESURRECTED CHRIST personally!  This had come through “…the diligence of some Godly preachers…” by whose preaching “…their ignorance and sins [had been] discovered unto them…”  They had repented of their “ignorance and sins” and had received Christ as their Lord and Savior.  Thus, the power of the Resurrected Christ flowed in them.

But, as they studied the Scripture, they found that this Resurrection life of Christ wanted to flow not only in their personal lives, but through their lives out into their local communities.  They didn’t buy satan’s lie that Christianity must stay in the home and the church.  Matthew Henry, the great Puritan preacher, revealed their thinking when he Continue reading

“The Purpose of Our Redemption”

The Purpose of Our Redemption 1

© 2023 Don Pinson | [Download]
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Ladies and Gentlemen, we continue to see the crucifixion of Jesus as written in the book, Why God Birthed America:

“By now it was noon, and a strange thing begins to happen. The sky begins to darken with an eerie blackness. For a few brief moments, the air was so still it seemed to choke you as the darkness deepened. Then the earth began to tremble. Lightning bolts were exploding against the ground.

“Then, unexpectedly, the voice of Jesus pierces the darkness. In a loud, wrenching voice Jesus cries out, ‘My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?’ (Matthew 27:45-46)

“The level of emotional pain expressed by this outcry was incomprehensible. All who heard it were arrested by its intensity. While the light produced by the lightning bolts was short-lived, the pain in His face that they exposed was unforgettable. His brow was deeply wrinkled. The blood on his battered face was Continue reading

“Patrick’s Breastplate”

Patricks Breastplate 1

© 2023 Don Pinson | [Download]
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It has been said of Patrick, the great missionary to Ireland during the 400s, he “found Ireland all heathen and left it all Christian.”  And while, no doubt, that statement is not completely true; it, no doubt, has much truth in it.  Because Patrick was used of God powerfully in converting the Irish to Christ and helping them structure their government so that it would protect for centuries the right to share the Gospel of Christ with the next generation.  Patrick’s understanding and submission to God brought tremendous power from the Holy Spirit to his life.  You hear his understanding of God, and this world God created and controls, in what is known as Patrick’s Breastplate:  Hear the power of God in it!  He states:

“I arise today
Through a mighty strength, the invocation of the Trinity,
Through the belief in the threeness,
Through the confession of the oneness
Of the Creator of Creation

“I arise today
Through the strength of Christ’s birth with his baptism,
Through the strength of his crucifixion with his burial,
Through the strength of his resurrection with his ascension,
Through the strength of his descent for the Judgment Day. Continue reading

“Patrick of Ireland”

Patrick of Ireland 1

© 2023 Don Pinson | [Download]
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March 17th is set aside each year to remember a man who lived in Ireland in the 400s. His life would not only lead thousands of the Irish out of satanism to Jesus Christ as their Lord; his Biblical teaching concerning government would literally lay the foundation for liberty in America.

Patrick of Ireland was actually born in England, but at sixteen years of age was captured and taken to Ireland to be a slave. While many in our day would blame God as being unfair if that happened to them, Patrick did just the opposite. He recognized that the heathen living of him and his neighbors had brought him this captivity. He described their state as being,

“…quite drawn away from God, we did not keep His precepts…”

(Great Christian Classics, Kevin Swanson ed. (Generations With Vision, 2010), p. 135)

But during this time of captivity Patrick would find Continue reading

“God’s Instruments of Liberty”

God’s Instruments of Liberty 1

© 2018 Don Pinson | [Download]
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Is America a nation birthed by God?  Well the Bible says all nations are birthed by God:  In Acts 17:26 the Bible says,

[God]…hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined…the bounds of their habitation;”

Let’s continue to learn about it from the book, Why God Birthed America

“God’s plan had not changed, even though man had left the good beginnings brought about by Jesus’ death, resurrection, ascension, and outpouring of His Spirit into believers.  Still yet, God had not given up on His dream of man being a vessel through which He could live His life.  And He was about to Continue reading

“Counterfeit Commitment: The Truth is Suppressed”

Counterfeit Commitment: The Truth is Suppressed 1

illustration by Sweet Publishing

© 2023 Don Pinson | [Download]
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Have you ever asked yourself the question: “Why is there so much confusion in the world about Who God is?” Let’s answer that by reading more of the book, Why God Birthed America. I quote from the section about the Dark Ages:

“Satan had always wanted control. His attempt to take over God’s throne in heaven was the very reason he was cast down from his original position as the worship leader of heaven (Ezekiel 28:10-16). Once he was defeated in his attempt to gain control of heaven, the next best thing he could do was to try to gain control of earth. Given the rule of earth by Adam, its God-ordained master, satan had rapidly Continue reading

“Patrick Henry – Voice of Liberty”

© 2023 Don Pinson | [Download]
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A few years ago a State Senator said to me, as I was urging him to stand against the uprising of homosexuals in Kentucky: “I tell you now, I just try to get along with everybody down here”, referring to people in Frankfort. I often hear young people saying what they’ve heard in school or the music of our day: “Let’s just compromise; everybody give a little so we can get along.” I wonder if this state Senator and these young people know that they have been deceived by liberal thinkers of our day into thinking that the foundation of freedom is compromise. This is not what America’s Founders believed!

Patrick Henry - Voice of Liberty 1They believed you must know the truth about every subject as the Bible revealed it. Jesus had said, “If you continue in My Word, then are you My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (John 8:31-32) Then once you knew the truth, you must stand for that truth no matter what the cost. This was true in your personal life and it was true in your state and nation. They believed that your personal moral goodness, founded in knowing Jesus Christ as your Master and Savior, was the basis of being able to stand for liberty. If you knew internal self-government of your bodily desires, then you were qualified and empowered to walk in liberty in your community and nation. If you didn’t, you would have to be ruled by someone else. If you couldn’t control yourself, someone else would have to control you. Patrick Henry of Virginia summed Continue reading

“Attempting Biblical Reformation”

© 2023 Don Pinson | [Download]
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Polls the last few days reveal that seventy-eight percent of Americans are dissatisfied with this present national government.  The tremendous move toward socialism is now producing what it always produces:  A falling economy and dissatisfaction among the people.

Attempting Biblical Reformation 1What should we do?  Why not return to the roots of America?  Why not return to the Biblical thinking of our Founders concerning education, economy, and government?  Indeed, the way we educate is what produces the kind of government we have.  Abraham Lincoln said it plainly:

“The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next.”

(Lincoln, Abraham. Attributed. Herald Star (Steubenville, Ohio, 1984). | Stephen K. McDowell and Mark A. Beliles, America’s Providential History (Charlottesville, VA: Providence Press, 1988), p. 79; (4th printing, 1994), p. 95. | Karen Morgan, People of the Past (Historical Presentations, P.O. Box 426, Cortland, Ohio, 44410, (330) 638-8606).)

The emphasis on the Bible brought revival and some reformation to Scotland in the mid-1500s.  John Knox, the leader of the Reformation in Scotland, set the example by being a great man of prayer.  Iain Murray, who wrote his story, said of Knox that his prayer was Continue reading