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Jamestown would not have survived without him. Plymouth may not have survived without him. America might not even be in existence had it not been for this one individual. I’m referring to John Smith; soldier, adventurer, and—you might be surprised to know—Christian. One of the most colorful individuals in all of history, this Englishman with the very common name, John Smith, is also one of the most important individuals in all of history. Not that you’ll find much about him in the textbooks of our day. It’s interesting how many great individuals have been completely ignored by modern-day historians. But that’s another subject. Why was John Smith so important to America?
Smith came with those who landed at Jamestown in the spring of 1607. He had been picked by the council who sent them to be one of the leaders. But jealousy among the group refused his leadership, and they even put him in chains for the whole trip across the Atlantic. Once here though, his Christian character and his many experiences began to shine to the point he could not be denied his rightful place as leader of the colony. Taking Continue reading