“John Smith: Man of Courage and Leadership”

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John Smith- Man of Courage and Leadership 1Jamestown would not have survived without him.  Plymouth may not have survived without him.  America might not even be in existence had it not been for this one individual.  I’m referring to John Smith; soldier, adventurer, and—you might be surprised to know—Christian.  One of the most colorful individuals in all of history, this Englishman with the very common name, John Smith, is also one of the most important individuals in all of history.  Not that you’ll find much about him in the textbooks of our day.  It’s interesting how many great individuals have been completely ignored by modern-day historians.  But that’s another subject.  Why was John Smith so important to America?

Smith came with those who landed at Jamestown in the spring of 1607.  He had been picked by the council who sent them to be one of the leaders.  But jealousy among the group refused his leadership, and they even put him in chains for the whole trip across the Atlantic.  Once here though, his Christian character and his many experiences began to shine to the point he could not be denied his rightful place as leader of the colony.  Taking Continue reading

“Pastors: Speak Out Boldly!”

Pastors- Speak Out Boldly- 1

© 2021 Don Pinson | [Download]
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Pastor Rob McCoy and his church, God Speaks Calvary Chapel in California, won a court case against the Ventura County government in California. They had been threatened with fines and jail time if they didn’t comply with “shut down” measures which government servants tried to force on them. The civil authorities tried to blame the virus as their reason for demanding it. The church argued that this was a violation of their religious liberty. And the church won! Whether or not the court agreed with the church, Pastor Rob and his folks were the ones who were right, because they were doing what the Bible teaches about “assembling ourselves together” (from Hebrews 10:25) so there can be the close contact with other believers whereby the life of Christ in one believer flows to the life of Christ in another believer and that LIFE ministers to both believers—and those who are around them.

Pastor McCoy understands something that few Pastors in America have Continue reading

“Why Did Americans Fight for Independence?”

Why Did Americans Fight for Independence 1

© 2021 Don Pinson | [Download]
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On April 19th, 1775, seventy-five American farmers faced an overwhelming force of some 600 British professional soldiers. The Americans were out-manned, out-gunned, and out-trained. And when the first shots were fired, nine of the Americans fell dead. Why were they willing to face such overwhelming odds? Were they dreamers? Were they crazy? Were they men of such noble ideas that they were willing to die for them? While they were all these things (except crazy), they had an even greater reason for resisting the King of England. They believed they were obeying the God of the Bible with their resistance. Their Congress had stated:

“Resistance to tyranny becomes the Christian…duty of each individual…Continue steadfast, and with a proper sense of your dependence on God, nobly…defend those rights which heaven gave, and no man ought to take from us.”

(Massachusetts Provincial Congress. 1774, in a resolution. George Bancroft, Bancroft’s History of the United States, Vol. X (Boston: Charles C. Little & James Brown, 3rd Edition, 1838), Vol. VII, p. 229 | Peter Marshall and David Manuel, The Glory of America (Bloomington, MN: Garborg’s Heart’N Home, Inc., 1991), 8.31.)

When our ancestors defended themselves on Lexington Green, and later much more successfully at Concord Bridge, they believed they were walking in a principle of liberty taught in the Bible.

When God placed Adam in the Garden of Eden, he told him to “keep it”; that is, to Continue reading

“Man’s Hope – Being God’s Earthsuit”

© 2021 Don Pinson | [Download]
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Most people live and die without ever finding the hope that they can be what God created them to be. But you can have that hope! Jesus Christ wants to step into you and live His life through you. He wants to bring you into all He created you to be. Thousands in the first three centuries found that hope. Here’s how it happened as described in the book Why God Birthed America:

Man's Hope--Being God's Earthsuit 1“Jesus’ followers had been together a lot during those ten days after He had returned to heaven. They had opened their hearts to each other in a way they had never done before. Somehow, reflecting on Jesus’ different appearances made it easier to bare one’s thoughts – the hopes and the fears. This opening of the heart began to work a oneness, a unity among them that made them feel as if they were a real part of the others: An actual body of believers, joined together by the same thinking, moving in the same direction.

“They had decided to come together on the Day of Pentecost; a Feast which reminded them of God’s awesome power displayed when God gave the Ten Commandments. Through the prophet Ezekiel, God had promised Continue reading

“Jesus Is Alive!”

Jesus is Alive 1

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Jesus had been dead three days. Some of the women who had followed Him came to His tomb early and had found the stone door rolled away and His body gone! They had told His disciples, and Peter and John had come to the grave site and seen for themselves that His body was gone. But now the others had left and only Mary Magdalene remained. It is here we pick up the story from the book, Why God Birthed America:

“Mary did not want to leave. She stood there a few steps from the entrance to the grave, trying to sort out all that had happened. The angels had said He was alive. Jesus Himself had told them He would come back to life. But could that really be?

“She moved closer to the entrance. Questions were flying through her mind. Could He really be alive again?

“She didn’t know how long she stood there lost in thought. But as she put her head on the doorway and wept, she was instantly blinded with light! There they were again! The two shining creatures they had seen earlier.

“They looked at her with compassion. ‘Woman, why are you weeping?’ they asked. ‘Because they’ve taken away my Lord and I don’t know where they’ve put Him’, she wailed.

“She turned her head away, having no stamina which could stand up to the questions of celestial beings. What had happened? Where was His body? Her mind was racing, exceeded only by the racing of her heart.

“Blinded by tears, she turned Continue reading

“The Purpose of Our Redemption”

The Purpose of Our Redemption 1

© 2021 Don Pinson | [Download]
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Ladies and Gentlemen, we continue to see the crucifixion of Jesus as written in the book, Why God Birthed America:

“By now it was noon, and a strange thing begins to happen. The sky begins to darken with an eerie blackness. For a few brief moments, the air was so still it seemed to choke you as the darkness deepened. Then the earth began to tremble. Lightning bolts were exploding against the ground.

“Then, unexpectedly, the voice of Jesus pierces the darkness. In a loud, wrenching voice Jesus cries out, ‘My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?’ (Matthew 27:45-46)

“The level of emotional pain expressed by this outcry was incomprehensible. All who heard it were arrested by its intensity. While the light produced by the lightning bolts was short-lived, the pain in His face that they exposed was unforgettable. His brow was deeply wrinkled. The blood on his battered face was Continue reading

“The Creator is Jesus Christ”

The Creator is Jesus Christ 1

© 2021 Don Pinson | [Download]
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Huge is the debate about how mankind came into being!

Right here in Kentucky a magnificent Creation Museum opened in 2007.  Ken Ham, a science teacher in Australia was greatly disturbed by the constant statements in classrooms that evolution was how we got on this earth.  His research had shown that there was no scientific evidence to support evolution and he was burdened that so few were speaking out against it.  So he began showing the scientific evidence, which supported the Biblical account of creation in the book of Genesis.  This would lead to a ministry called Answers in Genesis which has become a worldwide organization that tells the true story of man’s origins.  That ministry built the Creation Museum.  Not far away, they also built an exact replica of Noah’s Ark; with the aim of showing the scientific evidence that there was a worldwide flood, just like the Bible says.

Is there scientific evidence that the Biblical account of creation is more reliable than the theory of evolution?  Consider this:  Evolution says Continue reading

“Patrick of Ireland”

Patrick of Ireland 1

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March 17th is set aside each year to remember a man who lived in Ireland in the 400s. His life would not only lead thousands of the Irish out of satanism to Jesus Christ as their Lord; his Biblical teaching concerning government would literally lay the foundation for liberty in America.

Patrick of Ireland was actually born in England, but at sixteen years of age was captured and taken to Ireland to be a slave. While many in our day would blame God as being unfair if that happened to them, Patrick did just the opposite. He recognized that the heathen living of him and his neighbors had brought him this captivity. He described their state as being,

“…quite drawn away from God, we did not keep His precepts…”

(Great Christian Classics, Kevin Swanson ed. (Generations With Vision, 2010), p. 135)

But during this time of captivity Patrick would find Continue reading

“George Washington’s Christianity”

George Washington's Christianity 1

© 2021 Don Pinson | [Download]
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Each year on February 22nd, we celebrate the birthday of the Father of our country, George Washington. There are some things about George Washington that my schooling never taught me. Things like what Rev. Henry Muhlenberg, Pastor of the Valley Forge Lutheran Church in 1777, said of him when our Continental Army spent the winter there. I quote Rev. Muhlenberg:

“I heard a fine example today, namely, that His Excellency General Washington rode around among his army yesterday and admonished each and every one to fear God…[and] to practice the Christian virtues. From all appearances, this gentleman does not belong to the so-called world of society, for he respects God’s Word, believes in the atonement through Christ, and bears himself in humility and gentleness. Therefore, the Lord God has also…marvelously preserved him from harm in the midst of countless perils, [ambushes] fatigues, etc., and has hitherto graciously held him in his hand as a chosen vessel.”

(The Notebook of a Colonial Clergyman, Theodore Tappert (Fortress Press, 1975), p.195)

Were you aware George Washington was Continue reading

“Overcoming the Current Fear”

Overcoming the Current Fear 1

© 2021 Don Pinson | [Download]
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Is the economy going to get better—or will it continue to slide?  Will I lose my job?  Will I be able to provide for my family?  Will the nation survive the current downhill slide or will we lose our liberty and live under a dictator?

These are very real fears that many feel today.  What can we do?

The pattern I’m about to give you, you will not hear on the nightly news.

Number one, we have to settle the issue of physical death.  That’s right, we have to come to peace with our individual moment of death.  You may be wondering how this relates to the crisis in Washington, but it has everything to do with it.  Until we come face to face with the fact that we’re not going to live forever on this earth, but that we are going to live forever somewhere, we cannot possibly move into the destiny God has for us.  We cannot protect national liberty until we have personal liberty!

We simply must come to a moment in our lives when we acknowledge that this life is not ours; that it belongs to our Creator who knit us together in our mother’s womb.  When we face that fact, and say Continue reading