“Inauguration- Then and Now”

"Think About It" - Heritage Ministries of Kentucky

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© 2017 Don Pinson / To Download, right-click here: [Download]

Many of us are now celebrating Donald Trump’s Inauguration to the Presidency of the United States.  In my opinion, a miracle brought this about.  Consider:

-He had no political experience, and he faced an opponent with decades of government involvement.

Inauguration--Then and Now1-He was outspent probably 2 to 1.

-He constantly made the media his enemies by exposing their lies.

-All major polls showed him defeated going into Election Day.

-He even lost the popular vote, and only the great wisdom of America’s Founders in establishing the Electoral College made possible his win.

I describe Donald Trump’s ascendancy to the White House as a MIRACLE!

Another miracle occurred in 1789, in the approval of our Constitution, as many of our Founders in America pointed out.  On April 30, 1789, George Washington took the first Oath of Office of the Presidency, as prescribed by the Constitution.  Having his right hand raised and his left hand on the Bible he stated Continue reading

“We Reap If We Faint Not”

"Think About It" - Heritage Ministries of Kentucky

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© 2017 Don Pinson / To Download, right-click here: [Download]

“And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.”  This is God’s admonition from Galatians 6:9.  But long has been the period that tempted Pro-life folks to “faint” in Kentucky.  Early in this century it seemed Kentucky We Reap If We Faint Not1was poised to be one of the most “Pro-life states” in this nation.  However, political maneuvering in the House of Representatives killed most every bill designed to protect children in the womb.  I remember the frustration of driving away from Frankfort at the end of the Legislative sessions.  It was heart-breaking, knowing that thousands of children would be murdered in Kentucky that year because we could not get politicians to enact law that would protect them in their time in the womb.  Twelve long years children in the womb languished under oppressive government.  But now, finally, many of them (though not yet all) will be protected.

Saturday, January 7th, in a special session of the Legislature, the new House of Representatives quickly passed two Pro-life bills which will save thousands of Kentucky children’s lives this year, and each year after this.  One bill, the “Ultra-sound” bill has been pushed by Pro-Life groups and Legislators for at least 12 years, but due Continue reading

“Alive – Part 1”

"Think About It" - Heritage Ministries of Kentucky

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© 2017 Don Pinson / To Download, right-click here: [Download]

The three days after Jesus was crucified were days of painful reflection for His 1alive-part-1disciples, both personally and as a group.  They were desperately trying to make sense of the recent events which had ended in Jesus’ death.  They were now afraid they may have been wrong about Him being the Promised One.  All the while, they were fearful of what the next opening of the door might bring.  They were afraid to go out, but afraid to stay in.  They were simply—afraid!  Each day passed in tearful grief and painful questionings.  As the weekly Sabbath day came to a close, their questions were no more answered than they had been three days ago when they watched Him die.  Oh, why had He died?

One of their group, Mary Magdalene, was just as uncertain as the rest.  However, the love in her grateful heart would not be denied:  Not by questionings or by fears.  Jesus had set her free from a wretched life of bondage to sexual sin and the torture of evil spirits (Luke 8:2).  He had changed her!  She had never been the same since that day she met Him, and her gratitude of duty now compelled her to go to the tomb and anoint His body with spices, which time had not allowed on the day He died.

Though it was still mostly dark, she gathered her spices and started to make her way to the tomb.  Some of the other women fell into step with her, but Mary was Continue reading

“The Epic Battle – Part 8”

"Think About It" - Heritage Ministries of Kentucky

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© 2016 Don Pinson / To Download, right-click here: [Download]

Now the end was near.  Jesus’ breathing on the Cross was so labored those watching expected death to come at any moment.  But then, in an unmistakable voice of triumph, 1the-epic-battle-part-8Jesus cried out, “It…is…finished!” (John 19:30)  The words rang with victory, with accomplishment!  It was as if His perspective on this whole ordeal was that a work was being done.  The tone of His voice spoke of completing something that had been planned from eternity past.  The books were now balanced!  He had paid man’s debt to God:  That debt of one perfect life which man had incurred in Eden when he used, for selfish purposes, the perfect life God had loaned him.  Jesus’ perfect life had been offered up as a sacrifice to God to pay man’s debt.  The work was now accomplished!  (Colossians 2:13-15)

A few moments later, Jesus uttered His last words from the cross.  Focused on the Father, He was heard to say, “Father, into Your hands, I commit My spirit.”  (Luke 23:46)  Though His body was weakened beyond exhaustion, the words rung distinctly with inexhaustible faith!  He was entering death, but He was believing the promise recorded in Psalm 22 that God would not leave Him in death.  The vision of God would be accomplished in Him!  With these last words Continue reading

“The Christmas Story”

"Think About It" - Heritage Ministries of Kentucky

Listen to or download this week’s radio program:

© 2016 Don Pinson / To Download, right-click here: [Download]

Ladies and gentlemen, the following story is why we have Christmas:

The Christmas Story1 “Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When his mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together she was found with child of the Holy Spirit. And Joseph her husband, being a righteous man, and not willing to make her a public example, was minded to put her away [privately]. But when he thought on these things, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, ‘Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit. And she shall bring forth a son; and thou shalt call his name JESUS; for…he… shall save his people from their sins.’ Now all this is come to pass, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord through the prophet, saying, ‘Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel; which is, being interpreted, God with us.’ And Joseph arose from his sleep, and did as the angel of the Lord commanded him, and took unto him his wife; and knew her not till she had brought forth a son: and he called his name JESUS.” Continue reading

“God Was Taking Care of America”

"Think About It" - Heritage Ministries of Kentucky

Listen to or download this week’s radio program:

© 2016 Don Pinson / To Download, right-click here: [Download]

god-was-taking-care-of-america1The date was December 7th, 1941.  The time was 7:55am.  To the complete surprise of American forces in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, Japanese planes began to sweep down and drop devastating bombs onto our fleet and also our planes on the ground.  When the attack was done, 18 of our ships were sunk or sinking and nearly all of our planes were destroyed.  Over 3500 of our servicemen were dead.  We were shocked at such a bold and devastating attack on our U.S Navy.  Many wondered if the Navy would ever recover.  Even worse, we wondered if our liberty would shortly be ended and we would be required to worship the Emperor of Japan as god.

In the midst of this despair, President Franklin Roosevelt replaced the commander of our Pacific fleet with an Admiral named Chester Nimitz.  Nimitz arrived at Pearl Harbor on Christmas Eve, 1941.  He immediately went for an inspection of the harbor.  Sunken ships and twisted metal were everywhere.  Once Nimitz had inspected the whole harbor, the young seaman at the helm of his boat asked him, “Well, Admiral, what do you think after seeing all this destruction?”  Nimitz’ reply shocked everyone listening.  He said, Continue reading

“Why They Came – Part 2”

© 2016 Don Pinson | [Download]
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The spray from the waters of Cape Cod blowing in the wind was covering the men in the small boat.  They were looking more and more like “ice men” as the spray quickly turned to ice as it hit their beards and clothing.  The snow was becoming blinding.  The 1why-they-came-part-2wind was picking up now, making any site of land impossible.  Not only was it looking like they wouldn’t be able to find a place to build their houses today, they were beginning to fear this might be their last day on earth.  This storm was such a rage they began to pray in desperation that they could find any safe harbor.  Suddenly, as if God had intervened, the wind died enough for one of them to see what he thought was a shoreline.  They struggled desperately with the waves and the elements, and with great difficulty finally made land.  They had no clue where they were, for in weeks of looking around Cape Cod for a place to settle their families, they had never been here before.  They were really afraid because their guns had gotten wet and would not fire.  They had already encountered the Indians in this area and they had proven to be enemies instead of friends.  The men prayed and prayed for the storm to stop and for God to protect them.

The next morning when the sky had cleared the men found they were on an island in what is now Plymouth Bay.  The storm had blown them through the narrow entrance of the bay just as if God had planned it so.  Indeed they would come to believe Continue reading

“Why They Came”

"Think About It" - Heritage Ministries of Kentucky

Listen to or download this week’s radio program:

© 2016 Don Pinson / To Download, right-click here: [Download]

why-they-came1The little boy tugged at the young man’s coat sleeve.  “How far is it to America?” he asked, “Will we soon be there?”  “No, lad,” the man replied, “It will take many days to cross this huge ocean.”  The little boy gazed briefly across the ocean to the west.  Then, unaware of the risks of such a voyage, he ran to find his friend to tell him this ship, the Mayflower, would be their playground for a long time.  The young man continued to gaze across the vast ocean.  His thoughts drifted back twenty years—to the time he had first met these people he was now a part of.

He remembered the wonderful meetings they had in their homes in England.  For the first time in his life he had felt accepted, really accepted.  These people were genuine, somehow he just knew it.  Though others were saying this group were bigots who thought they were the only ones who were right and that they had “gone off the deep end” with their religion, he knew the truth.  These people were real.  They people didn’t claim to be perfect.  They readily admitted that they too were capable of selfishness.  But the unique thing about them (that so set them apart from those who were against them) was that they had entered into an agreement to help each other not give into selfishness by letting their friends point it out to them.  And the way they did it seemed safer to him than living the way his relatives did.  Because they recognized their own bent toward selfishness, they didn’t trust their own thoughts alone.  They had agreed to compare their thoughts about another member’s actions to what the Bible said about those actions.  Those who were critical of them certainly didn’t Continue reading

“What’s Ahead – Part 2”

"Think About It" - Heritage Ministries of Kentucky

Listen to or download this week’s radio program:

© 2016 Don Pinson / To Download, right-click here: [Download]

George Barna’s American Faith & Culture Institute reports that in his election to the Presidency, Donald Trump “was the recipient of a miracle and America has been granted one more chance to repent and turn the nation’s hearts back to God.”  Consider what was against him:

1whats-ahead-part-2– He was facing an opponent with a deep network of campaign volunteers, party backing, and Mr. Obama working hard for her election.

– He lacked any political experience, which was evident in the debates.

– His campaign had virtually no local volunteers to turn out to vote.

– He was not only mistreated by the media—he made a game of calling them out for their lies and bias, a strategy no previous candidate had dared attempt.

– The Republican establishment party disowned him and many of its leaders said they would not vote for him

– His “favorability score” was the lowest of any presidential candidate ever.

– National polls consistently showed him losing the race.

Dr. Lance Wallnau, believes that God is using Trump as a “wrecking ball to the spirit of political correctness”, claiming that Continue reading

“What’s Ahead – Part 1”

"Think About It" - Heritage Ministries of Kentucky

Listen to or download this week’s radio program:

© 2016 Don Pinson / To Download, right-click here: [Download]

We finally have, after 8 years of White House usurpation, an American born citizen as President-elect!  We finally have a President who will salute our flag instead of standing with arms limp when our national anthem is played!!

1whats-ahead-part-1But beyond the observance of those important symbols, what can we now expect?  If Donald Trump keeps his word to the American people—and he has certainly been no shining example of moral rectitude—but if he will keep his word to the American people, we will have at least one Supreme Court judge (and hopefully several) which will be a true Constitutionalist appointed to the Court.  We’ll strengthen our military and give them the weapons they need.  If Mr. Trump keeps his word, our policemen will be honored and once again unshackled to enforce Constitutional law, instead of sharia or socialist law! Illegal immigration will become a treacherous mountain path instead of the super highway it has been for years!  We can expect American industry to recover from years of suffocating socialist regulation.  But remember, Mr. Trump has no political record.  Therefore, we can’t be sure he’ll do any of the things he promised.

So what strengths and weaknesses can we expect to surface in Mr. Trump?  His greatest strength will be Continue reading