“Christ Brings Freedom To The Whole Man”

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Sam Adams, the Father of the American Revolution, which secured our liberty in America, stated:

Christ Brings Freedom to the Whole Man 1“The right to freedom being the gift of God Almighty, the rights of the Colonists as Christians may best be understood by reading and carefully studying the institutions of The Great Law Giver and the Head of the Christian Church, which are…clearly written…in the New Testament.”

(Adams, Samuel. November 20, 1772, in his pamphlet entitled, The Rights of the Colonists, in section: “The Rights of the Colonist as Christians.” The Rights of the Colonists (Boston: Old South Leaflets), Volume VII, 1772 | John Eidsmoe, Christianity and the Constitution – The Faith of Our Founding Fathers (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, A Mott Media Book, 1987; 6th printing, 1993), p. 254.)

Sam Adams believed that our liberty was rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  It was simply the extension of the internal liberty Christ brings into our spirit and soul when we submit to Him as our Master and Deliverer.

The prophecies surrounding Jesus’ birth reveal Continue reading

“Jesus Is Alive!”

Jesus is Alive 1

© 2022 Don Pinson | [Download]
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Jesus had been dead three days. Some of the women who had followed Him came to His tomb early and had found the stone door rolled away and His body gone! They had told His disciples, and Peter and John had come to the grave site and seen for themselves that His body was gone. But now the others had left and only Mary Magdalene remained. It is here we pick up the story from the book, Why God Birthed America:

“Mary did not want to leave. She stood there a few steps from the entrance to the grave, trying to sort out all that had happened. The angels had said He was alive. Jesus Himself had told them He would come back to life. But could that really be?

“She moved closer to the entrance. Questions were flying through her mind. Could He really be alive again?

“She didn’t know how long she stood there lost in thought. But as she put her head on the doorway and wept, she was instantly blinded with light! There they were again! The two shining creatures they had seen earlier.

“They looked at her with compassion. ‘Woman, why are you weeping?’ they asked. ‘Because they’ve taken away my Lord and I don’t know where they’ve put Him’, she wailed.

“She turned her head away, having no stamina which could stand up to the questions of celestial beings. What had happened? Where was His body? Her mind was racing, exceeded only by the racing of her heart.

“Blinded by tears, she turned Continue reading

“Can Revival Happen Now?”

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© 2019 Don Pinson | [Download]
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I often have people say to me, “Don, I just don’t believe we’re gonna have revival in America.  These are the last days and I just don’t believe we’re gonna see revival.”  While I certainly agree that these are the last days, I believe we should consider some other things before we just write off the possibility of a national awakening to God right here in America.

We should consider the widespread movement among college age adults.  Over the last several years there have been thousands in that age group who are making commitments to Christ as the Master of every area of their lives.  This is evidenced by such ministries as Passion and the Justice House of Prayer (J-HOP).  Passion is centered in Atlanta and in recent years they’ve see thousands and thousands come to their meetings.  From Boston to L.A., young adults have come to do serious worship, Bible Study, and intercession; and the numbers continue to grow.  This is no entertainment time.  This is a ‘Lay your life on the line for Jesus!’ kind of message that is being heard.  I heard Billy Graham say Continue reading

“Coming To God’s Order”

Listen to or read this week’s radio program:

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Coming To God's Order--Pic 1A principle in one of our schools in East Kentucky insists that the students who come to his school be given breakfast before they start their day, even if they have to take it with them to class.  His reasoning:  So many children come from homes that are out of order, they may not have eaten since yesterday when they were at school.  Of course this is nothing new.  We’ve been feeding children breakfast for many years now.  But we didn’t do this when I was a child.  Our homes still had enough of the holdover of Christian order to them that most parents accepted their God-given responsibility of feeding their children before school.

Children coming to school hungry is typical of the disorder that now affects so much of our nation.  Individuals are being destroyed by addiction to drugs, or alcohol, or sexual immorality.  This disorder is the result of not knowing the God of order who created us.  His order protects us from destruction by bringing us into peace.  Peace is the natural result of His order.  When we are at peace in our soul, we don’t go looking for life—we already have it!  This is what Jesus meant when he said Continue reading

“Knowing Our History Is A Must!”

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Knowing Our History Is a Must- 1Woodrow Wilson said:

“A nation which does not remember what it was yesterday, does not know what it is today, nor what it is trying to do.  We are trying to do a futile thing if we do not know where we came from or what we have been about…”

(1913. Robert Flood, The Rebirth of America (Philadelphia: The Arthur S. DeMoss Foundation, 1986), p. 12)

Where did earlier generations get the idea we are to know our history?  Why did our ancestors place so much emphasis on knowing our history?  Could our present decline be rooted in the “national amnesia” so prevalent across our land?

While it may be a shock to some; America’s Founders got the idea they must communicate to their children the story of where they came from—right out of the Bible.  It was the Pastors who taught the importance of remembering our history.  They pointed out such commands by God as the one in Deuteronomy 32:7, which states:

“Remember the days of old, consider the years of many generations: ask thy father, and he will shew thee; thy elders, and they will tell thee.”

Those early American Pastors realized that if we knew history well, we would Continue reading

“The Rock Of Nation Building”

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The Rock Of Nation Building--Pic 1During the Revolutionary War, some Delaware Indian Chiefs brought three young people to General George Washington, asking that they be taught in American schools.  General Washington responded:

“…You do well to wish to learn our arts and ways of life, and above all, the religion of Jesus Christ.  These will make you a greater and happier people than you are.  Congress will do everything they can to assist you in this wise intention.”

(May 12, 1779.  The Writings of George Washington from the Original Manuscript Sources: 1749-1799, “Address to Delaware Indian Chiefs”, (Bureau of National Literature and Art, 1907, ed., John C. Fitzpatrick)

This statement gives us great insight into the way Washington thought about several issues of our day:  And his thinking was typical of all our Founders.

The statement reveals that America’s Founders believed their way of living was better than the natives of America.  He reveals this when he says, “You do well to wish to learn our arts and ways of life…”   America’s Founders believed that their way of life, based on the teachings of the Bible, was the best the world had ever seen up unto that time.  They believed if Jesus Christ was the Creator of man, then his teachings would reveal the best way for man to live.  That didn’t mean they couldn’t learn even more from their Creator and make their country even better.  They most certainly believed that.  But they did believe that a culture based on Christianity would bring more liberty and prosperity to individuals within it than any other type culture.  Neither did it mean that they couldn’t learn certain things from the Indians. Continue reading

“George Washington’s Christianity”

George Washington's Christianity 1

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Each year on February 22nd, we celebrate the birthday of the Father of our country, George Washington. There are some things about George Washington that my schooling never taught me. Things like what Rev. Henry Muhlenberg, Pastor of the Valley Forge Lutheran Church in 1777, said of him when our Continental Army spent the winter there. I quote Rev. Muhlenberg:

“I heard a fine example today, namely, that His Excellency General Washington rode around among his army yesterday and admonished each and every one to fear God…[and] to practice the Christian virtues. From all appearances, this gentleman does not belong to the so-called world of society, for he respects God’s Word, believes in the atonement through Christ, and bears himself in humility and gentleness. Therefore, the Lord God has also…marvelously preserved him from harm in the midst of countless perils, [ambushes] fatigues, etc., and has hitherto graciously held him in his hand as a chosen vessel.”

(The Notebook of a Colonial Clergyman, Theodore Tappert (Fortress Press, 1975), p.195)

Were you aware George Washington was Continue reading

“The Greatest Need in America”

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The Greatest Need in America 1With more disrespect being shown to our flag, even within our own borders, it would do us well to revisit our heritage! Fort McHenry (where in 1812 a battle raged which inspired Francis Scott Key to write The Star Spangled Banner) was named after a man who served as a medical soldier in George Washington’s army, and later signed the U.S. Constitution. His name was James McHenry. While unknown to us today, James McHenry was one of those men who laid such a firm foundation for America that during the 1800s it would grow to become the greatest nation on earth. James McHenry got his foundation from the Bible. In addition to his achievements just mentioned, he also served as a member of the Continental Congress, his state legislature, and the U.S. Secretary of War—and President of the Baltimore Bible Society! He had this to say about the Bible:

“…public [usefulness] pleads most forcibly for the general distribution of the Holy Scriptures. The doctrine they preach, the obligations they impose, the punishment they threaten, the rewards they promise…can alone secure to society, order and peace, and to our courts of justice and constitutions of government, purity, stability and usefulness.

“In vain, without the Bible, we increase penal laws and draw entrenchments around our institutions. Bibles are strong entrenchments.”

He then Continue reading

“Knowing the God of Lincoln”

Knowing the God of Lincoln 1

© 2024 Don Pinson | [Download]
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There’s a little-known story about Abraham Lincoln, whose birthday we celebrate this week, which needs to be told.

Shortly before his death, an Illinois clergyman asked Abraham Lincoln, “Do you love Jesus?”  Mr. Lincoln solemnly replied:

“When I left Springfield I asked the people to pray for me.  I was not a Christian.  When I buried my son, the severest trial of my life, I was not a Christian.  But when I went to Gettysburg and saw the graves of thousands of our soldiers, I then and there consecrated myself to Christ.  Yes, I do love Jesus.”

(America’s Providential History, p. 241)

Abraham Lincoln was not Continue reading

“God’s Instruments of Liberty”

God’s Instruments of Liberty 1

© 2024 Don Pinson | [Download]
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Is America a nation birthed by God?  Well the Bible says all nations are birthed by God:  In Acts 17:26 the Bible says,

[God]…hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined…the bounds of their habitation;”

Let’s learn about it from the book, Why God Birthed America

“God’s plan had not changed, even though man had left the good beginnings brought about by Jesus’ death, resurrection, ascension, and outpouring of His Spirit into believers.  Still yet, God had not given up on His dream of man being a vessel through which He could live His life.  And He was about to Continue reading