“Needed: A Courageous Congress!”

Needed- A Courageous Congress- 1

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Many of us have had our hopes dashed once again on the rocks of “Judicial Thievery”!  We had hoped that the Supreme Court was moving back toward being a majority of judges who would let the Constitution rule as the highest law of the land.  That Constitution allows for only the Congress to make law.  Neither the Supreme Court, or the President was given that right.  But far and away the Branch of Government that has most stolen the power of Congress in the last eighty years has been the Supreme Court; and the Congress has refused to stand up and rebuke the Court and deny them that theft.  We’ve now seen again that Court operate in an illegitimate manner by ruling in Bostock v. Clayton County that the sex discrimination referred to in the Civil Rights Act of 1964 includes “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” (Not that, in reality, there is any such thing!).  Nothing could have been further from the truth of what the Congress meant by the word “sex” in 1964.  The law was primarily aimed at making certain the rights of Black Americans were protected, which were quite often ignored in those days—especially in pockets of the South.  The word “sex” meant a male or female as determined by their sex organs at birth.  But now the Supreme Court has said that the law meant one’s chosen sexual identity.

The implications of this ruling are Continue reading

“Lawful Protest: Or Socialist Anarchy?”

Lawful Protest- Or Socialist Anarchy- 1

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Violent protests have broken out across America; supposedly because a black man, George Floyd, was killed by a white, Minneapolis policeman.  There have been killings by the demonstrators as well as the destruction of much property, owned by people of all colors of skin.  If this was about fixing so-called “racial strife”, why has the property and lives of black persons also been destroyed?

Even if we do seek to avenge unlawful acts, but do it in an unlawful way, what is to keep someone else from later doing the same to us?  This is what produces turbulence in a country:  And this kind of anarchical activity can only ultimately result in enslavement to a dictator.  The Bible says,

“There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.” (Proverbs 14:12)

No!  We can only fix injustice by restoring Biblical order.  Only this will produce peace in a society!

I even heard one person try to justify all this rioting by saying our Forefathers did the same thing at the Boston Tea Party.  Talk about being ignorant of our history!

Our American Founding Fathers did Continue reading

“The Key to Preserving Liberty”

The Key to Preserving Liberty 1

© 2020 Don Pinson | [Download]
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It really amazes me how so many people continue to sleep in the midst of this crisis, which, without revival, will end in the loss of our liberty.  Yet most Americans  continue on and on with no serious thought that our nation could be forever changed.  It is the fault of our education process that we continue to sleep, as we did on the morning when we were attacked at Pearl Harbor in 1941.  This is not to place all the blame on school systems either; education is much more than just the classroom.  The television programming, the internet viewing, the music we listen to, are all major contributors to the way we now think.  Without careful study of the Bible, believing that its teachings are true and thereby should be lived by, we simply follow the inclinations of our own thinking—and that’s the root problem.

The Bible says, “There is not a just man upon the earth that doeth good and sinneth not.” (Ecclesiastes 7:20)  It reveals that our “…heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked; [but] who can know it?” (Jeremiah 17:9)  This is because there is a root of sin in us which releases in us the attitude of “I want what I want when I want it.”  To get what you want, you have to be able to control your circumstances.  That means you have to fight someone else for control.  This desire for control is what has caused every hurt and every war in history.  Thus, those who haven’t surrendered their will to Jesus Christ, and had His life replace theirs in this world, cannot Continue reading

“The Bondage of Socialism”

The Bondage of Socialism 1

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Is it wrong for a Governor of a state to stop others from crossing from another state?  Is it wrong for a Governor to stop church meetings; to fine them or imprison them if they do?  Was it wrong for a Pastor in Florida to be arrested for having his church  meet?  The answer lies in first answering the question of:  What is socialism and how does it operate?

Socialism is an economic system which is based on the belief that government should own or control the tools of production (i.e. government should control business).  Thus, to implement this plan, socialists must control government so they can use its power to force everyone to work their economic system.  They enforce their control by:

  • Taxation: A business owner must buy a license and register his business with the government.
  • A traveler must have a permit (a license) to travel.
  • A school must have a certification from a central agency (like an Accreditation Association). If the socialists control that Accreditation Association, it guarantees that their socialism will be taught to the next generation because a teacher must have a certification from that Accreditation Association.
  • A physician must have the permission of government to practice; He must have a government worker’s approval to treat a patient in a certain locality; to prescribe a certain hospital or a certain medicine (FDA) for his patient.

All this government control means there must be Continue reading

“Reformation Army”

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One of America’s greatest men spoke these sobering words:

Reformation Army 1“The time is now near at hand which must probably determine whether Americans are to be freemen or slaves; whether they are to have any property they can call their own; whether their houses and farms are to be pillaged and destroyed, and themselves consigned to a state of wretchedness from which no human efforts will deliver them.

“The fate of unborn millions will now depend, under God, on the courage and conduct of this army.  Our cruel and unrelenting enemy leaves us no choice but a brave resistance, or the most abject submission.  We have, therefore to resolve to conquer or die.  Our own country’s honor calls upon us for a vigorous and manly exertion, and if we now shamefully fail, we shall become infamous to the whole world.

“Let us rely upon the goodness of the cause, and the aid of the Supreme Being in whose hands victory is, to animate and encourage us to great and noble actions.”

(Washington, George. July 2nd, 1776, from his Headquarters in New York the General Orders were issued to his troops. Jared Sparks, ed., The Writings of George Washington, 12 Volumes (Boston: American Stationer’s Company, 1837; NY: F. Andrew’s, 1834-1847), Vol. III, p. 449 | Peter Marshall and David Manuel, The Glory of America (Bloomington, MN: Garborg’s Heart’N Home, Inc., 1991), 11.18.)

The great American who spoke those words was George Washington.  He spoke them to his ‘ragtag’ army on July 2nd, 1776, the day when the Declaration of Independence was first approved in Congress.  Looking at their natural assets, that little army didn’t have Continue reading

“Enemies Within the Camp”

Enemies Within the Camp 1

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The worse discovery a military guard can make is to find one, clad in a uniform just like his,  working inside the camp to destroy it.  No greater damage can be done than to have secret agents working on the inside to destroy the cause for which that army exists.  However, the very worst thing that guard can, himself, do, is to assume that there are not any such spies lurking in the camp.  And yet that is exactly what most Americans—including Christians—have done.  In our quest for pleasure, possessions, and prestige, we have ignored the warning signs all around us that there are just such agents working within our borders to destroy our God-given liberty.

The Bible warns us over and over not to underestimate our enemy, satan, with his efforts to destroy the flow of the Gospel of Christ to our children.  God warns us about letting satan deceive us with his strategies.  The Apostle Paul wrote:

“Lest Satan should get an advantage of us:  for we are not ignorant of his devices.” (2 Corinthians 2:11)

The Bible warns us:

“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:” (1 Peter 5:8)

But most Americans, believers included, have Continue reading

“The Battle for Religious Public Expression”

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The Battle for Religious Public Expression 1I noticed the young mother with three children under eight years of age.  A lady in her seventies was pulling her oxygen tank and breathing with a nose-piece.  There were teenagers, middle-age folks, and others.  All had a common goal:  Defend their right to publicly express their faith.  This was their heart cry.  This is why they braved the many miles of snowy roads and the bone-chilling wind here in Washington, D.C.  They had come to the Supreme Court Building to say to the Judges on that Court:  “We want the right of our children to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ acknowledged and protected.”

The Supreme Court was hearing two cases on March 2nd, 2005, which had to do with the Ten Commandments being displayed in public.  These rulings would either stop the advance of anti-Christian forces or greatly encourage them to further strip America of open religious expressions.

Does the First Amendment protect us from exposure to the Bible?  Well let me suggest we do an unusual thing:  Let’s let the Founders speak for themselves!  If you wrote a letter, would you want Continue reading

“The Socialists’ Conspiracy is Real”

The Socialists Conspiracy Is Real 1

© 2020 Don Pinson | [Download]
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We are in the midst of a constant war that defines everything about us—whether we know it or not!  The Bible states,

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places…” (Ephesians 6:12)

Recently, Tony Perkins (President of the Family Research Council) wrote of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s warning that we have been infiltrated by large numbers of communists in this nation.  And before you regurgitate what the liberals have taught us to say at such an idea—that is, that this is the raging of some “right-winged fundamentalist”—consider that this is the United States Secretary of State talking to a group of forty Governors of our states.  And from all I can find out, Mike Pompeo is a committed Christian who lives out that commitment in his office each day.  And frankly, I think it is a “breath of fresh air” to hear the one whose responsibility it is to guard our national security being so honest.  It’s been long overdue since no previous Secretary of State in over fifty years has done it.

Tony Perkins wrote Continue reading

“Morality: Education’s Foundation”

Morality- Education’s Foundation 1

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Is it possible to actually educate unless you teach what is moral and what is not?  And how can you define morality outside the Bible?  Would not morality just be based on a person’s own thoughts.  Couldn’t it be argued that morality is what the individual thinks it is?  Isn’t this what has happened?  Could this be why so many do not know why they are alive?

There has to be a reason for everything we do.  Human beings simply cannot stay focused and achieve anything without knowing why they are doing what they are doing.  For more than eighty years, the majority of those who have written our textbooks and planned our education curriculum have not known the reason we are alive.  And if we don’t know why we’re alive, how could we ever possibly prepare children to live?  If we don’t know why we’re alive, then who’s to say what is important in life?  Who can define right from wrong?  How can there possibly be any direction in the classroom when there’s no direction in the life of the author of the education system?

This was once clearly understood in America.  William Holmes McGuffey was known as the “Schoolmaster of the Nation”.  His McGuffey Readers sold Continue reading

“The Two-Pronged Attack on Liberty”

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The Two-Pronged Attack on Liberty 1

In the early 1920s a group of pseudo-intellectuals planned how they could take over the Western world, and the U.S. in particular, establishing a communist form of government and economy.  They developed a two-pronged attack which was brilliant.

The first thing they planned to do was take over the movie industry.  Though it was then in its very young stages, they recognized its powerful potential for shaping the minds of people.  Leon Trotsky, one of the group, identified the power of the cinema when he said,

“This weapon, which cries out to be used for political propaganda, cuts into the memory and may be made a possible source of revenue to fund the revolution.  We’re obliged to make amusement a weapon of collective education.  The cinema competes with the Church.  This rivalry may become fatal for the Church.  The cinema liberates you from the need of crossing the church door.  Here is an instrument that we must secure at all costs.”

(Hollywood’s Greatest Villain; Seminar by Geoffrey Botkin; Western Conservatory)

Thus said Leon Trotsky, early 20th century Communist leader.

Vladimir Lenin, the Communist leader who established the Soviet Union in Russia, stated Continue reading