“Inauguration Protestors”

"Think About It" - Heritage Ministries of Kentucky

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© 2017 Don Pinson / To Download, right-click here: [Download]

David Barton, President of Wallbuilders, shares with us the reason for the protestors being at the Presidential Inauguration.  The Bible teaches that satan blinds “…the minds of them that believe not.”  (2 Corinthians 4:4)   The protestors at the inauguration are sad examples of this.  But we must know why they think like they do or we will allow our liberty to be destroyed by them!  I’m quoting extensively from Mr. Barton.  He writes:

Inauguration Protestors1“The inauguration of Donald Trump was remarkable in…that six different individuals offered prayers, with four of those prayers ending in Jesus’ name…

“Another unique feature of his inauguration was the large number of protestors present. Most were [from 20-36 years old], and [many] were still protesting the general election results…a common protest sign was ‘Trump is not my president’.  But that statement says more about our education system than it does about those who held the signs. It affirms the failure of American education in four areas:  American history, government, Constitution, and truth.

“First, the sign was intended to express their outrage over the fact that Hillary won the popular vote…but lost the presidency—an outcome they believed was unprecedented in the history of American elections.  Only it wasn’t.  The identical thing has happened in several other presidential elections.  Shame on schools for not teaching basic American history, and why such outcomes occur. Continue reading

“Which Education for Your Child?”

"Think About It" - Heritage Ministries of Kentucky

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© 2016 Don Pinson / To Download, right-click here: [Download]

Recently I learned that 3 Christian schools in our town were now full to capacity.  This Which Education for Your Child1increase is an encouraging sign for our area.  I hope it indicates that parents may be waking up to what the real effect of humanistic education is—confusion.  The battle over whether men can be in women’s bathrooms is now rampant.  It is irrefutable evidence that when you leave God out of the education curriculum and methodology the end result is confusion!  The Bible names the world system “Babylon”.  The word Babylon literally means “confusion” (just one more time when the Bible is proven to be exactly right!).  Because we have, more and more, left Biblical education in the last 80 years, we are reaping the confusion we’ve sown in America.

We simply must recognize that there is an all-out war against Christianity in our culture—and that it is been happening much longer than most realize.  In 1934, John Dewey, the father of our current education system in America, wrote of his hatred for Continue reading

“Cleaning Up Obama’s Bathroom Mess”

"Think About It" - Heritage Ministries of Kentucky

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© 2016 Don Pinson / To Download, right-click here: [Download]

Americans are angry about Obama’s edict for boys and girls to share common bathrooms, and they should be angry!  A number of Governors have urged their school districts to ignore Obama’s command, and Governors should be doing that!  Rev. Franklin Graham stated he hoped “school districts across this nation will defy President Obama and his administration’s radical, progressive agenda to promote and advance the sin of homosexuality…” (http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/president-obama-transgender-bathroom public schools/2916/05/13/id/728773)  (By the way, “progressive” is now the word used in place of “communism”.  New name—same murderous Fixing Obamas Bathroom Mess1philosophy!)  In Texas, Lt. Governor Dan Patrick said the Lone Star State was prepared to forfeit billions in federal aid rather than let the Obama administration dictate restroom policy for its 5.2 million students (Breaking News at Newsmax.com 2016/05/13).

But remember:  As the church goes, so goes the nation.  We get the kind of elected leaders which reflect the thinking of the majority of the population.  It is as Abraham Lincoln stated Continue reading

“Teach Voting”

"Think About It" - Heritage Ministries of Kentucky

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© 2015 Don Pinson / To Download, right-click here: [Download]

In America’s early education system one of the things that was constantly taught was the Biblical understanding of government. Children were taught to govern Teach Voting1themselves by internal choices. They were taught to reason every choice back to its root; that is, “What God says in the Bible about what I am facing”. This was education God’s way.  That education system created a moral people. Noah Webster, in his original American dictionary defined “moral” as:

“The conformity of an act to the divine law.”

Thus a people developed in this nation who had stable emotions. That created persistence in what they set out to accomplish.

This way of thinking would be the foundation for the greatest civil government the world has ever known. Their children were taught to let that internal self-government grow to the external civil government. It was the natural outflow of a life committed to living out the Bible in this present world. And while America’s Founding generations were certainly not perfect, they did succeed Continue reading

“America’s Foundational Religion”

"Think About It" - Heritage Ministries of Kentucky

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© 2015 Don Pinson / To Download, right-click here: [Download]

America's Foundational Religion - Heritage Ministries of Kentucky“Education without the Bible is useless.”  Those words were not spoken by a right-wing fundamentalist, or what the media might call “an ignorant backwoodsman.”  They were spoken by the man who was the Father of America’s original education system.  That educational system brought the greatest amount of liberty to the greatest number of people of any in world history, in that it produced the great Continue reading

“Teaching Children Who is Their Creator”

"Think About It" - Heritage Ministries of Kentucky

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© 2014 Don Pinson | [Download]
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Few ministries in America have been attacked more than Answers in Genesis.  From the day they started to build the Creation Museum they have been constantly harassed by the liberal media and socialist organizations which hate the message of mankind having a Creator.  These groups know they have to control the mind of the next generation in order to teach them socialism.  The first Biblical truth they must remove from the eyes of children is that God made them in His “image, after [His] likeness, to Teaching Children Who is Their Creator1have dominion.”  Unless they can convince them of the lie of evolution, they will lose the war to change America to atheism and socialism.

America’s Founders were not fooled by the teaching of evolution.  Others, before Darwin, had put forth the theory for centuries.  But America’s Founders were men who had already considered the arguments against the Bible’s explanation of man’s origins—and had rejected those arguments.  George Washington revealed his thinking on the subject when he stated:

“It is impossible to account for the creation of the universe, without the agency of a Supreme Being…A reasoning being would lose his reason, in attempting to account for the great phenomena of nature, had he not a Supreme Being to refer to.” Continue reading

“The School of the Pilgrims”

"Think About It" - Heritage Ministries of Kentucky

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© 2014 Don Pinson / To Download, right-click here: [Download]

The group had made great sacrifices to be able to teach their children the truth of why God made them, and of His plan for them.  First, they had sold their farms in England—that had been in their families for generations—in order to be able to move to Holland, where they hoped to have the liberty to teach their children God’s truth.  And The School of the Pilgrimswhile there was liberty to do it, there wasn’t the means to do it.  The parents in this group (known later as the Pilgrims) were shut out by the Dutch economy to the point that there wasn’t enough money to allow them to teach their children.  So many hours were spent just scraping out a living that there was no time left to educate their families.  So then they made the second sacrifice:  They got on a boat, the Mayflower, and crossed the Atlantic to come to America in order to be in a place where they could have the means and the liberty to teach their children God’s truth; and be able to teach all the academic subjects from the principles of God’s truth revealed in the Bible.

The Pilgrims were taught well the truth recorded in the Bible which states,

            “As a man thinks, so is he…”

(Proverbs 23:7)

They knew that whatever they allowed to go into their child’s mind was going to determine the direction of that child in life. Continue reading

“Raising the Standard for Children”

"Think About It"

Listen to or read this week’s radio program:

© 2014 Don Pinson / To Download, right-click here: [Download]

Raising the Standard for Children - Heritage Ministries of KentuckyThe conversation of a Ugandan boy of 11 with an 11-year-old from the U.S. puts childhood into proper perspective.  The Ugandan boy, an orphan, has been touched by the powerful revival which has been happening in his country for several years now.  After meeting the young boy from the U.S., the Ugandan child asked him, “What are you going to do in life?”  This was not a question of childhood play.  He was completely serious.  The other child was amazed and asked how was he supposed to know what he would do in life—he was only a child!  The boy from Uganda replied, “You’re eleven years old and you don’t yet know what you’re supposed to be in life?!”  He really was amazed.  You see the Ugandan child has been under the influence of a move of God’s Spirit in his nation that has had a profound impact on his country.  Unlike the boy from the West, he has been taught that life is not about him and his pleasure; but rather it’s about the plan of God for him.  He’s planning and is now taking steps to become what God has created him to be.

Before you dismiss this as just a child’s aspirations, or perhaps as the result of over-zealous parents and teachers who have “crammed” the Bible down his throat, you better consider history.  It is a fact of history recorded in the Bible that God wants children to know His plan for their life; and to prepare early for that plan. Continue reading