“Will We Commit to the Lord’s Side?”

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Bryan Fischer is one my most favorite policy analysts in America.  He is a born-again believer, a conservative, and “straight-shooting” about the political realm we now have in America.  He had very wise and revealing comments concerning the process of Judge Kavanaugh’s appointment to the Supreme Court.  I want to quote him extensively in today’s message.  Fischer writes,

Will We Commit to the Lord’s Side 1“Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court despite vicious, cruel, and slanderous opposition represents a high water mark in American politics.  It represents the victory of order over chaos, rationality over insanity, and the rule of law over disorder and violence.  It represents the victory of the Constitution over anarchy, the victory of a republican form of government over democracy – which is just another name for mob rule – and the victory of Jesus Christ over [satan] in the unseen world.

“The spiritual warfare directed against Judge Kavanaugh was as intense as any we have witnessed in the last several decades.  It was as if all the demons of hell had been summoned and ordered to attack this good man in a concerted effort to destroy him.  Thanks, I believe, to the committed saints who released the power of God against the powers of darkness through focused and persistent prayer, victory was seized out of the jaws of defeat.  Truth won in the end…

“…The farce of the entire last week of this charade should never have happened at all.  The Bible tells us quite explicitly that the evidence of but a single witness is not to be accepted ‘against a person for any crime…Only on the evidence of two witnesses or of three witnesses shall a charge be established’ (Deuteronomy 19:15).  That standard of evidence was abysmally and unjustly absent in this entire dismal affair.

“It’s worth reminding everyone that if the weak-kneed Republicans had rallied behind Judge Roy Moore as they did around Judge Kavanaugh, they would have gone into this battle with a 52-48 margin in the Senate, and would have had an able and ardent defender of an originalist judicial philosophy.  Judge Moore, like Judge Kavanaugh, was attacked with utterly unsubstantiated and decades-old allegations from women who could not provide one single corroborating witness or piece of evidence to support their wild and unhinged charges.  In fact, in his case, there was more evidence against the allegations thrown at him than there is evidence against the allegations that were thrown at Judge Kavanaugh.  Judge Moore was as innocent of the charges against him as Judge Kavanaugh is of the charges against him.

“The big picture here is that conservatism is now in the clear and undisputed ascendancy in American politics.  The more conservative of the two parties now controls all three branches of government – Congress…the Presidency…and the Supreme Court.  The bad news for Republicans is this:  they are now absolutely, totally, completely, utterly, and entirely without any excuses not to keep their promises.”[!!!]

(Kavanaugh’s Confirmation: The Best Day in American Politics since WWII, Bryan Fischer)

Will We Commit to the Lord’s Side 2

Let’s not trust Republicans; and certainly, let’s not trust the socialists!  Let’s cry to God to raise up people who think with Him about all His institutions, including civil government.  And let’s support and vote for only those who stand with God concerning abortion and marriage; and who will roll out the welcome mat for God and His Word to be taught openly in the curriculum and methodology of our schools!  Moses cried out,

“Who is on the LORD’s side?  Let him come unto me.” (Exodus 32:26)

Will we?

Think about it; because if you don’t, someone else will do your thinking for you—and for your children!  And you won’t like what that brings to you.  I’m Don Pinson; this has been Think About It.