Is there a way to know a candidate’s real positions?…

Yes, there is!

If you will listen to them and compare their statements to the Word of God, you can know how they think.  This is why it is so important for us to daily read the Bible.  As we “hide its words in [our] heart,” God’s thinking grows in us.  Then, when we’re listening to or reading someone’s words an automatic comparison occurs that creates great discernment in us.

Also, if you can find someone you trust (who is a Biblical thinker) who knows the candidate personally, their discernment of that candidate can be very helpful.

One of the best ways to know what a candidate will do once in office is to read his responses to surveys presented to him by groups which work to protect the family.  Family Policy Councils – in Kentucky, two great ones are the Family Foundation ( and Commonwealth Policy Center ( – ask the kinds of questions that reveal the true thinking of candidates.  One “dead giveaway” that they are a bad candidate is if they won’t fill out the survey part that deals with the issues we face:  things like abortion, homosexuals’ effort to redefine marriage, government providing things, and gambling.  It’s my opinion that if they won’t fill out those surveys, they are hiding something they don’t want us to know; and once in office, they will support (or at least tolerate) the things the Bible is against.

Another of the very best ways to really know a candidate’s positions on issues is to find out, (if he’s previously served in office) how he’s voted before.  Outside of spiritual discernment from the Lord, this is the very best method of exposing what candidates would do in office.  We have many politicians who claim to be pro-life; but their vote against or refusal to work for Pro-life bills (like the “ultra-sound” bill in Kentucky) reveals who they really are.  And they are very likely to repeat those stands (or the lack thereof!) on moral issues.

Let’s earnestly pray that God will get His people to the polls, and open the eyes of those who will vote on Tuesday to see the true character of candidates!

The Bible says the Word of God is “a discerner of… the intents of the hearts!”

Pass it on!