Who Is Patrick of Ireland?

Patrick of Ireland (called by some St. Patrick) lived in Ireland in the first half of the 400’s.  He was once a teenage slave there, escaped, was converted to Christ, then went back to Ireland with a call from God to share Christ with the Irish.  Ireland was not a unified country then, but was ruled by local chieftains.  Patrick began to lead these chieftains to Christ.  They then wanted to know how to rule their clans according to the Bible.  It was in 432 that Patrick lifted out of the Books of Moses in the Bible the civil laws, forming what he would call, in Latin, Liber Ex Lege Moisi; or The Book of The Law of Moses.  The local chieftains who had been converted to Christ began to implement these laws in their clans.  The Biblical idea of decentralized government took root in Ireland and would later spread to Scotland through the work of a man named Columba.  This would become the basis of British Common Law.

As the Scots and the Irish came to America in the 1600-1700’s, they brought with them this Biblical idea of decentralized government.  Their thinking and the thinking of the Pilgrims was very similar at this point.  Thus, it is no exaggeration to say that  Biblical reasoning gave to America it’s decentralized form of government (a republic) in it’s beginning.  So Patrick not only led people to Jesus initially, he discipled them in both their personal lives and in their institutions; thus becoming a foundation layer of liberty in this nation as well.

“Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.”  (2 Corinthians 3:17)

May the Lord bless you this day!
Because of Christ,
Don   Is. 58:12