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Sometime back, there was a letter to the editor of one of our newspapers in this region, which sadly expressed the lack of understanding of some people in our land. This man began by saying, “Our state is under the spell of a myth, the myth of a Christian nation.” He goes on to assert that most of our leading Founding Fathers were deists. In particular he names Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and George Washington. He then goes on to define deism: “Deism is a way of looking at the world and believing there’s a god who created it, but then left things alone (i.e., no miracles, no son of god, no divine intervention).”
I fear this man represents some in America who simply misrepresent the facts about our Founders, either by ignorance or design. Why don’t we do a novel thing? Let’s let the Founders speak for themselves! Wouldn’t that be a different approach to education?
As to Kentucky being under the “myth” that we are a Christian nation: The Patriot, Patrick Henry, let Continue reading