“Will the Real Church Please Stand Up?!”

Will the Real Church Please Stand Up 1

© 2021 Don Pinson | [Download]
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One of the dangerous trends in the church of our day is seeking “attenders” at the expense of compromising Biblical truth.  I’ve observed the so-called “church growth” movement for many years, and I’ve watched it move from a desire to correct the errors of the “ingrown” church to outright compromise of the truth of God.  While there are exceptions, many of the churches that adhere to the “seeker friendly” philosophy have moved from the early vision of reaching people with the Gospel of Christ, to doing away with anything that is “offensive” in their message.  This now means you can’t mention hell or judgment as a result of our sin.  They say people don’t want to hear about those things because they feel condemned—which translated means they won’t come to our meetings.  Don’t misunderstand me.  I’m not talking about a style of worship.  I see more traditional churches falling into the same type ditch on the opposite side of the road.  We may say we believe the Bible, but if we don’t believe it must be lived in this present day, we also have compromised the truth.  The root sin here is unbelief in the authority of the Scriptures—whichever camp we’re in!

In 1605 the Pilgrims came together in a Church Covenant which defined simply, but definitely, what members were agreeing to.  It stated that they would,

“…walk together in all His ways, made known or to be made known to them whatsoever it should cost them, the Lord assisting them.”

(William Bradford, Of Plymouth Plantation)

This commitment was Continue reading

“Needed: Statesmen”

© 2021 Don Pinson | [Download]
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When discussing civil government, people have a lot of different ideas as to what is needed to fix our broken governments. But actually, the fix is quite simple. We need to recognize that government is God’s institution, and that it takes statesmen to operate it the way God intended it to work.

Needed- Statesmen 1When statesmen, not politicians, are in office, deeds consistent with the Word of God are the normal thing. Now it’s true, we haven’t seen very many of those people in office for a very long time—nearly a hundred years now. So where do we go for a comparison? How can we know if someone is a statesman, instead of a politician? Let me first describe the difference.

A politician is one who is skilled in how to get things done in government. This oftentimes takes the shape of manipulation or bribery. A statesman is one who stands in the gatherings of government and states the truth about issues. He stands for the truth no matter what the cost to him or his position. Because his great desire is Continue reading

“Parents Are God’s Educators”

Parents Are Gods Educators 1

© 2021 Don Pinson | [Download]
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Today, when “the school” is spoken of, most people think of the building down the road called the “public school”.  But this was not always true in America.  Did you know we didn’t have tax-supported schools until the 1830s?  America had been here over 200 years before we had even one state that had tax-funded public schools.  There were public schools, but they were supported financially by local individuals, local churches and local businesses.  Thus, what went into the child’s mind was controlled locally.  And the truth is, most American children were educated by their parents until way up in the 1800s.  In fact, over half of America’s Founding Fathers were educated at home—and they were the wisest generation in world history!

Where did America’s Founders get the idea that parents were to be the teachers of their children?  Like all their basic ideas about life, they got it from the Bible.  God had said very plainly in Psalm 78:5-7,

“For he established a testimony in Jacob, and appointed a law in Israel, which he commanded our fathers, that they should make them known to their children:  that the generation to come might know them, even the children which should be born; who should arise and declare them to their children:  That they might set their hope in God, and not forget the works of God, but keep his commandments:”

Parents are called by God to Continue reading