“The Origin of America’s Biblical Economy”

The Origin of Americas Biblical Economy 1

© 2022 Don Pinson | [Download]
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You don’t have to be an expert in economy to recognize that what this national government is doing is not only causing our economy to sink lower and lower; it is moving it toward total collapse:  And it would seem as if collapse is the goal of this administration.  Why would they promote socialism when it’s already been tried in America—and failed!!

For the first two-and-a-half years the Pilgrims were here, they tried to live by a socialistic economic system.  They nearly starved to death.  Recognizing the seriousness of their situation, their Governor, William Bradford, called for a meeting of the leaders of the colony.  They had long known their problem was this socialistic system they were laboring under.  The businessmen who had financed their trip had insisted they live by a common storehouse.  In other words, they were to put all their produce into one storehouse, no matter which family had raised that produce.  Then, they were to take out as little as they could get by with for their own needs, and send the rest of it back to England to their financiers as payment for their debt.  The Pilgrims knew this would not work, but the businessmen insisted this is how they must do it.  The Pilgrims well knew the Scripture taught that,

“…if any would not work, neither should he eat.” (2 Thessalonians 3:10)

And they knew that even Christian people, like themselves, had to Continue reading

“Pastor, America Is in Your Hands!”

© 2022 Don Pinson | [Download]
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While in Washington, D.C., I heard alarming statistics about our nation.  But the most alarming stats were not about government:  They were about churches, and particularly Pastors.  According to a Barna survey conducted in connection with Wallbuilders ministry, only twenty-eight percent of the churches now believe that the Bible is absolutely true.  Ninety percent of the Pastors in those Bible-believing churches say they believe the Bible speaks to current issues.  But get this:  Ninety percent of those Pastors have never preached from the pulpit what the Bible says about the issues of our land!

Pastor, America is in Your Hands! - Heritage Ministries of KentuckyPastors’ AWOL attitude concerning civil government is the reason God’s people don’t know that they must be the ones to watch over civil government, in order to protect the right of the truth to flow to the next generation.  Thus, we’re having trouble deciding if marriage is between a man and a woman only; and if it should be protected by government.  We’re having trouble deciding if homosexuality is a choice or a trait, when we used to be convinced that it was a crime.  We’re even wondering if boys in school should get to use the girls’ bathroom!!

Pastors, if civil government is God’s institution—and Romans 13:1 makes it plain that it is—then should not those of us called to teach the Bible be the ones to reveal the Biblical Structure and Spirit by which government must operate?  Is that not logical?  Is that not right?

America became the greatest nation on earth because Continue reading

“Government Must Limit Man’s Selfishness”

Government Must Limit Man's Selfishness1

© 2022 Don Pinson | [Download]
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As America’s Founding Fathers were growing up as children one of the greatest revivals in all of history was occurring.  It would come to be called “The Great Awakening” as the Holy Spirit of God awakened Americans to the faith their Pilgrim ancestors had known so well.  The Bible became the standard once again for morals as well as manners.  They would grow up with the view of God and the view of man which the Bible revealed.  The Ten Commandments would set the boundaries for what was right and wrong in their generation.  The Biblical structure for education, business, and government would become their quest in building their society.  Their view of God was not the “teddy bear” god we’ve tried to shaped Him into in our day; rather, it was the Biblical revelation of Him as the awesome Creator and Ruler of all that is.  Because He was our Maker and Redeemer (in Christ) He was the One Who would be our Judge.

Thus, our current view of ourselves as being the focus of life was not their view.  They believed what the Bible teaches about man:

That is, though we were Continue reading