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Though common men, the Pilgrims who came to America in 1620 were some of the wisest people who ever lived. They came together about 1605 in a covenant which meant they each believed that the Bible was completely true; and that it could be trusted to meet one’s need in this world, just as it could be trusted concerning eternal things. They believed the God of the Bible to be sovereign, or “supreme in power”, as Noah Webster would define the word in his first American dictionary.
They believed when church leaders disagreed with the Bible, those church leaders were always wrong, never the Bible. They believed when the King disagreed with the Bible, the King was always wrong, not the Bible. They believed when church writings disagreed with the Bible, those writings were always wrong, not the Bible. They lived this out in their daily lives and proved that the teachings of the Bible were far superior to any ideas of men about how to build a nation. To put it simply, they believed Continue reading