“The Immigration Fix For America–Part 3”

The Immigration Fix, Part 5 1

© 2019 Don Pinson | [Download]
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The arguments continue over whether a wall should be built along our Southwest border to keep out people who are not willing to meet the qualifications our Congress has set for people to enter the United States.  Those who want the Wall believe a nation needs well defined borders.  Those who do not want a wall believe there should be no borders between nations.  I’m still wondering how you define what is a nation if you don’t have borders.  I hear opinions being expressed by most everyone.  But I rarely hear anyone addressing this issue from the Biblical perspective.  What does God say about the boundaries of nations?  Since God created nations (Acts 17:26) you’d think He’d have some definite things to teach us about nations.  Indeed He does:  If we’d only be quiet and listen instead of believing that our thoughts deserve to be heard more than anyone else’s!

God tells us about nations’ borders in Deuteronomy 32:8.  The Bible says,

“When the most High divided to the nations their inheritance, when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds [or boundaries] of the people according to the number of the children of Israel.”

God gives to nations boundaries, therefore, the boundaries should be respected as a moral issue as well as a geographical issue.  Shouldn’t we be Continue reading

“The Immigration Fix For America–Part 2”

The Immigration Fix, Part 2 1

© 2019 Don Pinson | [Download]
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Few things have caused as much controversy in American politics as the President’s effort to build a wall along our southwestern border.  Some claim the idea is contrary to the message proclaimed by our Statue of Liberty:  “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”  But are they right?  How can America be a refuge for the hurting of the world if we do not maintain the liberty which makes this nation their hope?  How can we help them if we let in people whose ideas are diametrically opposed to the Biblically-based ideas which made America the freest, most prosperous nation on earth?

Some would say, “Does that mean only Biblically thinking people can come here?  How can they ever learn our ideas if they aren’t here, where they can learn them?”  We’re not the first generation of Americans to face that issue.  In the founding of America it was decided who could be a citizen here and who couldn’t be.  The basic concept was Continue reading

“The Immigration Fix For America–Part 1”

The Immigration Fix 1

© 2018 Don Pinson | [Download]
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The media is in an uproar over President Trump’s desire to build a wall on the Mexican border to stop illegal immigration there.  Not that the media being in an uproar against what’s right is anything new.  But many are questioning if his desire to stop illegal immigration is right.  Like most things that socialistic thinking gets wrong, they’re wrong on this too.  They say a “Wall” won’t work.  If they really believe that, why do most of their leaders live in “gated communities”?  Think About It.

Because a nation can only be as strong as it is within its own borders, you can’t help other nations in the world until you are strong at home.  Those who expect America to take care of the world either are uninformed as to how God teaches us to help others, or they reject the Bible as their standard for such benevolence.  Just as the Bible says that “Jesus began to do and teach,” so we cannot share with the world what we are not ourselves.  “Doing” always precedes “teaching”.  A tree cannot extend its branches any farther than its root system equals underground, or the whole tree will topple.  American strength has been flowing away for years because we’ve tried to join the world “globalism” movement and compromised so many of our historic convictions in order to be “part of the crowd”.  One of the major principles of “globalism” is that there can be no borders between nations (On that thought, wonder how they expect to Continue reading