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Recently a young friend of mine sent me an article he was disturbed about. A man who, no doubt, is a sincere believer, was saying Christians should not be involved in government because, as he said, “God’s kingdom isn’t here on earth”. He went on to put forth the idea that our work as Christians is to share the Gospel with the lost, not to lobby in government.
This is a common mistake I hear believers make. They divide life into the ‘spiritual’ and the ‘secular’ parts. In their thinking, neither is supposed to affect the other.
Is God’s kingdom only in Heaven? If that were true, why did God say in Genesis 1:26 that the reason He made us was so we would be “…in His image, after His likeness, and have dominion over…all the earth” (emphasis added)? If we were made to look like God, live like God, and rule like God, as this verse teaches, whose kingdom did He desire to be on this earth?
Perhaps you’re thinking, “But that was Continue reading