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While in Washington recently, I heard alarming statistics about our nation. But the most alarming stats were not about government: They were about churches, and particularly Pastors. According to a Barna survey conducted in connection with Wallbuilders ministry, only 28% of the churches now believe that the Bible is absolutely true. 90% of the Pastors in those Bible-believing churches say they believe the Bible speaks to current issues. But get this: 90% of those Pastors have never preached from the pulpit what the Bible says about the issues of our land!
Pastors’ AWOL attitude concerning civil government is the reason God’s people don’t know that they must be the ones to watch over civil government, in order to protect the right of the truth to flow to the next generation. Thus, we’re having trouble deciding if marriage is between a man and a woman only; and if it should be protected by government. We’re having trouble deciding if homosexuality is a choice or a trait, when we used to be convinced that it was a crime. We’re even wondering if boys in school should get to use the girls’ bathroom!!
Pastors, if civil government is God’s institution—and Romans 13:1 makes it plain that it is—then should not those of us called to teach the Bible be the ones to reveal the Biblical Structure and Spirit by which government must operate? Is that not logical? Is that not right? Continue reading