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Think of the potential: Adam had the possibility of being a dwelling place for his Creator! God—the Almighty—wanted to take up residence inside Adam. He wanted to fill man’s mind with His mind. He wanted to fill man’s will with His will. God wanted to fill our emotions with His feelings. Man had the opportunity to be the channel through which God could flow to the world. But God has never been into making robots. He wanted man to choose Him to be his life. He wanted a relationship with man in which man made the choice to allow God to come inside him and express His life through him.
This was the reason for the two trees. As the Scripture declares,
“And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.”
(Genesis 2:9)
God placed two trees in the Garden for the purpose of allowing man a choice as to whether he would receive the life of God as that which would indwell him—be his energy, his life. He would not force his way into our hearts, raping and wounding us so as to prevent our being able to return His love. He would woo us by showing us Himself. He came to walk with Adam daily in the garden so mankind could Continue reading