“The Stark Contrast of Socialists and Conservatives”

The Stark Contrast of Socialists and Conservatives 1

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At the Judge Kavanaugh swearing in ceremony, President Trump apologized to the Kavanaugh family for the “terrible pain and suffering” they were “forced to endure” through his confirmation process to the Supreme Court.  Despicable things were done against them.  Other conservatives have been attacked physically lately by people who are socialists:  Ted Cruz and his wife at a restaurant; Congressmen trying to board airplanes.  The left has said, “We will come after you…”

(Confirmed: Kavanaugh and the Left’s Intentions, Family Research Council (Washington, D.C., Oct. 8, 2018))

All this venom spewed out by the socialists in America is in stark contrast to how little of this kind of thing happened from the conservative camp when Barack Obama took the Presidency.  Though many of us felt Continue reading

“Americans Are the Guardians of Liberty”

Americans Are the Guardians of Liberty 1

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We should carefully take in the words of the Father of our country, George Washington. In his first inaugural address he stated words of such wisdom that they should sober and inspire every one of us who are Americans. If heeded, they will inspire us to become an instrument in the hands of Almighty God for the good of our children and the entire earth.

Just after Washington took the oath of office to defend and uphold the newly written Constitution of the United States, he spoke these words of wisdom:

“We ought to be no less persuaded that the…smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself has ordained;…the preservation of the sacred fire of liberty and the destiny of the republican model of government are justly considered as…perhaps finally, staked [with] the experiment entrusted to the hands of the American people…”

(Tim LaHaye, Faith of Our Founding Fathers (Brentwood, TN: Wolgemuth & Hyatt, 1987), pp.63-64, 107)

Let’s look carefully at Washington’s words, since they Continue reading

“Defending the Liberty of Others”

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A lady from Argentina cries out to us in America and says,

“We pray you people of the United States stand up and hold on for we are counting on you to defend our freedom.”

(Answers in Genesis Newsletter; July 27, 2007)

Defending the Liberty of Others 1Does that not make you feel a great responsibility?  It certainly should!

While we go about enjoying our prosperous lifestyles the rest of the world longs for the opportunity to be able to compete in the market place without the interference of an oppressive government.  While we use our abundant free time for every conceivable pleasure known to man, the rest of the world only dreams of having a work day that didn’t last from daylight to dark every day.  While we use our freedom to frequent golf courses, ball games, and shopping malls, most people on earth long for enough freedom just to teach their children how to keep body and soul together.

Am I saying prosperity is wrong?  No!  Is liberty wrong?  No!  They are gifts from Almighty God.  But how Continue reading

“Biblical Living: Our Only Security”

Biblical Living- Our Only Security 1

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Across America there is a growing desperation.  Older citizens fear for what their grandchildren are going to face.  Parents fear that their children will experience the violence of a street gang, or rapist, or satanist:  Or they fear their teenage daughter may turn up pregnant.  With more and more young people using drugs, parents fear their child may get hooked too.  Young people fear that their parents may be the next to divorce.  People are asking, “Is there anything in this world that is stable?!”

There is an answer to that question!  A resounding answer:  “YES!!”  And you might be surprised to know that, in the past, there have been those who’ve known this stability.  The Founding generation in America walked in this stability.  And though they were beset with war, economic woes, and having to build a new government in the midst of all this, they still knew where the “Rock” was.  They constantly turned to Jesus Christ and His Word as “the stability of their times”.  They believed “His Word was truth”, as the Bible taught (John 17:17).  They lived out the reality of the Scriptures as they sought to obey it in their personal lives and built it into their institutions.  Daniel Webster spoke of them and their faith when Continue reading

“Religious Acts by Our Government”

Religious Acts by Our Government 1

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Today we hear much about what is called the “Separation of Church and State”.  By that phrase is meant that the Bible, nor Christian ideas, have any right to influence government.  Groups such as the ACLU, who promote this idea, say that the First Amendment to the Constitution forbids Biblical ideas from influencing government.  But an honest study of the men who wrote the First Amendment will reveal just the opposite.

America’s Founders came from a long line of people who looked to God as the Source and Strength of their lives.  Prayer to them was as natural as breathing, and an absolute necessity in times of national crisis.  When the first major step toward war occurred, which was the blockading of Boston harbor, the first Continental Congress was then in session.  This gathering marked the first time the thirteen colonies had come together to discuss how to deal with the King of England’s tyranny over the American colonies.  Their very first act was to invite a minister to start their sessions with prayer and the reading of the Bible.

On September 7, 1774, John Adams wrote to his wife, Abigail, describing Continue reading

“America’s Link with the Gospel”

Americas Link With The Gospel 1

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Is there any link between America and the Bible?  Was this nation founded on Biblical principles, or was it just “coincidence” that it came into being and grew to be the greatest nation in world history?  Though people without knowledge of, or respect for, the Bible would have us believe it was just “luck”, the historical record reveals just the opposite.

In speaking to a 4th of July celebration in Newbury, Connecticut in 1837, John Quincy Adams revealed our Biblical foundations.  Being one of our Founders and our sixth President, he was very familiar with the thinking of the Founders.  He knew what Continue reading

“Our Freedom Document”

Our Freedom Document 1

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The Bible says, “Stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.” (Galatians 5:1)

Ladies and Gentlemen:  The following document is the reason you and I, in America, are free:

“When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitles them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. Continue reading

“Patrick Henry – Voice of Liberty”

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A few years ago a State Senator said to me, as I was urging him to stand against the uprising of homosexuals in Kentucky:  “I tell you now, I just try to get along with everybody down here”, referring to people in Frankfort.  I often hear young people saying what they’ve heard in school or the music of our day:  “Let’s just compromise; everybody give a little so we can get along.”  I wonder if this state Senator and these young people know that they have been deceived by liberal thinkers of our day into thinking that the foundation of freedom is compromise.  This is not what America’s Founders believed!

Patrick Henry - Voice of Liberty 1They believed you must know the truth about every subject as the Bible revealed it.  Jesus had said, “If you continue in My Word, then are you My disciples indeed.  And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (John 8:31-32)  Then once you knew the truth, you must stand for that truth no matter what the cost.  This was true in your personal life and it was true in your state and nation.  They believed that your personal moral goodness, founded in knowing Jesus Christ as your Master and Savior, was the basis of being able to stand for liberty.  If you knew internal self-government of your bodily desires, then you were qualified and empowered to walk in liberty in your community and nation.  If you didn’t, you would have to be ruled by someone else.  If you couldn’t control yourself, someone else would have to control you.  Patrick Henry of Virginia summed Continue reading

“Pastors Taught America’s Founders”

Pastors Taught America’s Founders 1

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To any honest, diligent student of history it is obvious that the generation of America’s Founders was one of (if not the) wisest generations that ever walked this earth.  The Republic they gave birth to would rival the greatest nations on earth after only fifty years.  Many political thinkers would come here just to try to find the secret of the genius of this Republic.  Since then, probably more people have, of their own free will, immigrated here than to any other nation on earth; which shows us the greatness of what they created.

Where did America’s Founders get this kind of wisdom?  Who taught them as children and young people in such a way so as to produce the greatest nation in world history?  It was Continue reading

“Ben Franklin’s Speech Saved Our Constitution”

Ben Franklin’s Speech Saved Our Constitution 1

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The many educational elitists in our land would have us believe that our Founding Fathers were people who had no faith in God; or, at best, were skeptics.  They often point to Ben Franklin as proof of that, quoting some wrong things that Franklin said in his early life.  However, they will almost never quote from his speech at the Constitutional Convention in May of 1787 when he was eighty-one years of age.  But I want to quote, at length, from his speech that most surely saved that Convention from breaking up from selfish interests, and thus brought about the writing of our Constitution; which has produced the greatest amount of liberty for the greatest number of people in all of world history.  Consider Franklin’s faith in God when he stated:

“Mr. President:

“The small progress we have made after 4 or 5 weeks…is methinks a melancholy proof of the imperfection of the Human Understanding.

“We indeed seem to feel Continue reading