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Mass shootings seem to be escalating. And while the political pundits always try to pin the blame on their political enemies, the truth is the numbers of shootings have been increasing no matter which political party is in power. The news media, psychiatrists, and talk show hosts, have tried to answer the question, “Why do tragedies like this occur?” And, as usual, most of them aren’t even close to the right answer. But there is a simple, “root” reason for things like this occurring; and it’s found only in the Bible.
The Bible explains that because of our refusal to allow the life of God to enter us in the Garden of Eden, so we could be a channel of the life of God in this earth, we received a “sin principle”. That is, a root of sin that colors the thinking of all who do not walk with Christ. It produces the attitude: “I want what I want when I want it.” This causes a man to lash out at others when he doesn’t get what he wants, when he wants it. This attitude is the foundation of all the political philosophies in the world—except God’s original plan for government revealed in the Bible.
It becomes obvious, contrary to the way the secular media tries to spin it, that the root thinking of mass killers is Continue reading