“The Christmas Story”

© 2019 Don Pinson | [Download]
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Ladies and gentlemen, the following story is why we have Christmas:

The Christmas Story1 “Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When his mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together she was found with child of the Holy Spirit. And Joseph her husband, being a righteous man, and not willing to make her a public example, was minded to put her away [privately]. But when he thought on these things, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, ‘Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit. And she shall bring forth a son; and thou shalt call his name JESUS; for…he…shall save his people from their sins.’ Now all this is come to pass, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord through the prophet, saying, ‘Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel; which is, being interpreted, God with us.’ And Joseph arose from his sleep, and did as the angel of the Lord commanded him, and took unto him his wife; and knew her not till she had brought forth a son: and he called his name JESUS.” Continue reading

“God’s First Step towards Fixing Us”

© 2019 Don Pinson | [Download]
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Gods First Step toward Fixing Us 1When I was ten years old, three ladies in the community where I grew up in Pike County, Kentucky came faithfully to our school each week to teach us the Bible.  They taught us who God was, who we were, and what His plan was for our lives.  One of the things they taught us was to memorize the Ten Commandments.  Then they told us God wanted us to obey those Commandments.  So I decided I would obey the Ten Commandments.  I committed myself to “Have no other gods” before God, my Creator.  I committed to not steal or lie or desire what belonged to somebody else.  I committed to always obey my parents.  Was I in for an awakening!  I found out that, try as I might, sooner or later, I would break one of those Ten Commands.  And you see, our Bible teachers knew that’s exactly what would happen:  Because that’s the very reason God gave those Commands.

Perhaps you’re thinking:  “Don, I don’t understand.  Why would God give us a command that we couldn’t keep?”  He does so because He’s wiser than we are.  You see, He knows that when we refused to let His life indwell us in the Garden of Eden, we received instead “darkness” to indwell us.  That is:  We lost our understanding of why we were alive.  From then on, satan planted different ideas in our mind about Who God was and why we were alive.  As we believed his lies, we plunged into darkness about the reason for our existence.  Selfishness replaced purpose.  This would Continue reading

“Why They Came – Part 2”

© 2019 Don Pinson | [Download]
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Why They Came - Part 2 1The spray from the waters of Cape Cod blowing in the wind was covering the men in this small boat.  They were looking more and more like ‘ice men’ as the spray quickly turned to ice as it hit their beards and clothing.  The snow was becoming blinding.  The wind was picking up now, making any site of land impossible.  Not only was it looking like they wouldn’t be able to find a place to build their houses today, they were beginning to fear this might be their last day on earth.  This storm was such a rage, they began to pray in desperation that they could find any safe harbor.  Suddenly, as if God had intervened, the wind died enough for one of them to see what he thought was a shoreline.  They struggled desperately with the waves and the elements, and with great difficulty finally made land.  They had no clue where they were, for in weeks of looking around Cape Cod for a place to settle their families, they had never been here before.  They were really afraid because their guns had gotten wet and would not fire.  They had already encountered the Indians in this area and they had proven to be enemies instead of friends.  The men prayed and prayed for the storm to stop and for God to protect them.

The next morning when the sky had cleared the men found they were on an island in what is now Plymouth Bay.  The storm had blown them through the narrow entrance of the bay just as if God had planned it so.  Indeed they would come to believe He had; for as they looked across the bay to the mainland, they could see what would become their home.  The land was gently sloping, good for farming, with four fresh water springs.  The top of the hill was perfect for defense against unfriendly neighbors and the harbor was deep enough for ships bigger than the Mayflower to anchor.  Indeed, they believed God had prepared and preserved this spot for them.  But they didn’t know the half of it!

Four months later, they would Continue reading

“Why They Came”

Why They Came 1

© 2019 Don Pinson | [Download]
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The little boy tugged at the young man’s coat sleeve. “How far is it to America?” he asked, “Will we soon be there?” “No, lad,” the man replied, “It will take many days to cross this huge ocean.” The little boy gazed briefly across the ocean to the west. Then, unaware of the risks of such a voyage, he ran to find his friend to tell him this ship, the Mayflower, would be their playground for a long time. The young man continued to gaze across the vast ocean. His thoughts drifted back twenty years—to the time he had first met these people he was now a part of.

He remembered the wonderful meetings they had in their homes in England. For the first time in his life he had felt accepted, really accepted. These people were genuine, somehow he just knew it. Though others were saying this group were bigots who thought they were the only ones who were right and that they had “gone off the deep end” with their religion, he knew the truth. These people were real. They people didn’t claim to be perfect. They readily admitted that they too were capable of selfishness. But the unique thing about them (that so set them apart from those who were against them) was that they had entered into an agreement to help each other not give into selfishness by letting their friends point it out to them. And the way they did it seemed safer to him than living the way his relatives did. Because they recognized their own bent toward selfishness, they didn’t trust their own thoughts alone. They had agreed to compare their thoughts about another member’s actions to what the Bible said about those actions. Those who were critical of them certainly didn’t Continue reading

“Good Tidings Are Out There”

Good Tidings Are Out There 1

© 2019 Don Pinson | [Download]
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There’s plenty of bad news these days if you allow it to dwell in your mind:  The unfounded impeachment proceedings in Washington; the socialists hoping to recapture the White House again, as well as the U.S. Senate, through these impeachment proceedings.  In my opinion, here in Kentucky, we’ve just replaced with a socialist, the best Governor we’ve had in my lifetime.  Also, in that same election, many of our small towns fell to the liquor industry.

All of this reveals how weak the church is in our state and nation.  It reveals how many, many church leaders are either ignorant of what our Founders created, or, they lack the courage to speak the truth about it to God’s people.  The very system our Founding Fathers enacted, which gave the greatest amount of liberty to the greatest number of people ever, is now being trashed by the socialists who control the media and the teachers unions.

But, America has seen threatening times before.  In the War for Independence, by September of 1777 the American cause looked hopeless.  The American army had Continue reading

“Columbus and the Gospel”

Columbus and the Gospel 1

© 2019 Don Pinson | [Download]
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In just the last few days we have celebrated Columbus Day.  But why do we celebrate this day?  I remember learning in school that Columbus discovered America, but I don’t ever remember hearing why Columbus discovered America.

When we read Columbus’ own writings, it becomes obvious he decided to make his journey because of inspiration from God, his Creator.  Columbus wrote,

“It was the Lord who put into my mind (I could feel His hand upon me)…that it would be possible to sail from here to the Indies.  All who heard of my project rejected it with laughter…[But] There is no question that the inspiration was from the Holy Spirit, because He comforted me with rays of marvelous inspiration from the Holy Scriptures…”

(Columbus, Christopher. August 3, 1492, as recounted by Bartolome’ de Las Casas. Samuel Eliot Morison, Admiral of the Ocean Sea (Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1942), p. 149. | John Eidsmoe, Columbus & Cortez, Conquerors for Christ (Green Forest, AR: New Leaf Press, 1992), p. 106.)

While there are those who reject the idea that God can lead us in this world and make plain to us what He wants us to do, the Bible is Continue reading

“Why Drought?”

Why Drought- 1

© 2019 Don Pinson | [Download]
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“It’s hot!”  I must have heard that a hundred times this summer—including all the times I said it to myself.  The small amount of rain over a lot of weeks is quickly moving us toward a crisis with our water tables.

But while we’re quick to complain about the dry weather, we’re much slower to consider why the rain has been withheld.  I hear Pastors sometimes quote that “God sends the rain on the just and the unjust”, as Jesus stated.  And that is His normal course of action.  However, there are other Bible passages that shed further light on this subject.  For instance, 2nd Chronicles 6:26, when King Solomon prays to God and says, “When the heavens are shut up and there is no rain because they have sinned against [God]…”  Solomon obviously believed rain could be withheld because God’s people were in sin.  This was also proven with the prophet Elijah.  God told Elijah that He would withhold the rain because of the wickedness of King Ahab and his Queen Jezebel.  Moses warned Continue reading

“Is Sunday Sad?”

Is Sunday Sad- 1

© 2019 Don Pinson | [Download]
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Recently, I read a magazine article which so illustrates the thinking of our day.  The subject was what might be called the “Sunday sads”.  I used to get it in the pit of my stomach when I was a small boy; Sunday evenings this sadness would creep over me because I had to go to school the next day.  Playtime was over.  The feeling said, “Back to the old grind, boy; fun’s over!”  But in this article, I couldn’t help noticing how much the so-called, “Sunday sads”, illustrate the humanistic thinking of our day.

First the article identified the symptoms of this experience.  They spoke of how, as Sunday evening draws nearer, feelings of regret for good or bad done that day start descending like a black cloud.  Then there’s the fear of what this coming week might hold; in other words, worry.  It can all make for a sad Sunday evening.

But when reasons for this and solutions for it were put forth, not one person interviewed even mentioned Continue reading

“Revival and Reformation Spread”

Revival and Reformation Spread 1

© 2019 Don Pinson | [Download]
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God so used one man, Patrick of Ireland, in the 400s to so change Ireland that it would be a base from which the Gospel would be carried to the ends of the earth in that day!  Patrick led thousands to Christ in Ireland.  He started over 700 churches in twenty-eight years!  He trained and set apart 700 bishops and 3000 ministers to further disciple the people who had come to Christ.  He started training centers to equip believers to carry the Gospel to their own—and to the world.  And Patrick understood something we’ve lost:  That is, the institution of civil government was God’s institution and must operate by His truth, the Bible, if it is to fulfill its purpose of protecting God-given rights of life, liberty, and property.  He reformed (reshaped) Ireland’s governments to agree with Biblical principles.  This is exactly what we need in America today!

Patrick’s disciples would carry to the world this Biblical message of reshaping cultures through Christ.  They confronted the Barbarians, who were over-running Europe at the time, and neutralized with the Gospel of Christ their savage destruction.  Indeed one historian believed Continue reading

“The Judgments Promote Just Living”

The Judgments Promote Just Living 1

© 2019 Don Pinson | [Download]
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Everything from parental disrespect, to chaos in the schools, to mass shootings, can be laid at the feet of one missing truth in our society:  Accountability to God, our Creator.  And yet, I seldom hear a sermon from the passages in the Bible which teach that we will face God as our Judge of what we’ve done with this life.  Yet the Bible is so clear about it!

The final judgment, the one for those who haven’t surrendered to Christ as their Master, is found in the book of Revelation, chapter twenty.  It tells us:

“And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away…And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works…And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.” (Revelation 20:11-15)

God is going to open “the books” (Rev. 20:12); that is, the Books of the Bible; and He is going to reason with every single lost person about why they should have surrendered their lives to Christ, until they bow their knee and say, “Yes, you were Continue reading