“The Key to Preserving Liberty”

The Key to Preserving Liberty 1

© 2020 Don Pinson | [Download]
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It really amazes me how so many people continue to sleep in the midst of this crisis, which, without revival, will end in the loss of our liberty.  Yet most Americans  continue on and on with no serious thought that our nation could be forever changed.  It is the fault of our education process that we continue to sleep, as we did on the morning when we were attacked at Pearl Harbor in 1941.  This is not to place all the blame on school systems either; education is much more than just the classroom.  The television programming, the internet viewing, the music we listen to, are all major contributors to the way we now think.  Without careful study of the Bible, believing that its teachings are true and thereby should be lived by, we simply follow the inclinations of our own thinking—and that’s the root problem.

The Bible says, “There is not a just man upon the earth that doeth good and sinneth not.” (Ecclesiastes 7:20)  It reveals that our “…heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked; [but] who can know it?” (Jeremiah 17:9)  This is because there is a root of sin in us which releases in us the attitude of “I want what I want when I want it.”  To get what you want, you have to be able to control your circumstances.  That means you have to fight someone else for control.  This desire for control is what has caused every hurt and every war in history.  Thus, those who haven’t surrendered their will to Jesus Christ, and had His life replace theirs in this world, cannot Continue reading

“Liberty or Security?”

© 2020 Don Pinson | [Download]
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Liberty or Security- 1Liberty or Security?  Which is most important in the long run?  It is impossible to have 100% of both liberty and security in this natural world.  Liberty, of necessity, must involve some risks.  The major one is that you have to trust your neighbor to respect your God-given rights of life, liberty, and ownership of property.  Likewise, your neighbor must be able to trust you in the same way.  This is why our Founders warned us that we couldn’t maintain this Republic, with its great amount of liberty for the individual, without most of our people knowing the religion of Jesus Christ in the pure way that Jesus gave it.  If I know that I will “reap what I sow”, both in this world, and in the world to come (Galatians 6:7), I have a strong reason to respect your rights; knowing that God Himself is judging me in my actions.  If I’ve had those truths hidden from me both in the home and the school, then I don’t know that I will surely “reap what I’m now sowing”; thus, I have no deterrent to my own selfish desires, leaving your rights at risk.

Thus, God gave us civil government based on His Ten Commandments in order to aid us in keeping the last six of those commands toward our neighbor.  Government “bears not the sword in vain” (Romans 13:1-4); thus, the threat of punishment becomes Continue reading

“Does Lockdown Stop Virus or Liberty?”

Does Lockdown Stop Virus or Liberty- 1

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Kentucky Governor, Andy Beshear, not only intends to continue the lockdown of Kentucky’s citizens; he now speaks of us all having to wear masks when we’re in public.  Is all this a violation of God-given rights protected by Kentucky’s and the U.S. Constitutions?

Is this lockdown necessary?  Not if you listen to doctors who think for themselves; several were interviewed on Bryan Fischer’s Focal Point this week.  Dr. Scott Atlas, former chief of neuro-radiology at Stanford Medical Center, says that the mortality rate of those diagnosed with coronavirus is .01% (one tenth of 1%).  That’s just about the same death rate for the regular-type flues which we’ve dealt with for years.  Why the massive fear which causes shutdowns?  Could the fear be being used to bring about an agenda that has nothing to do with our immediate health situation?

When you consider that Dr. Fauci, who has shaped this governmental policy which demands shutdown, says it will take one-and-a-half to two years to develop a vaccine; when his own medical journal from his National Institute of Health said in 2005 (August 22nd edition) that chloroquine (the drug that the President promotes to take care of the coronavirus) is a powerful preventive and healing drug of the chrono family of viruses.  Yet now, Dr. Fauci avoids talking about hydroxychloroquine.  Does anybody else “smell a rat” here???

One Dr. Richards in Texas treated Continue reading

“The Greater Crisis: The Virus or Constitutional Rights?”

The Greater Crisis- The Virus or Constitutional Rights- 1

© 2020 Don Pinson | [Download]
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The time had finally come.  After twenty years of growing government interference into the affairs of the American Colonies, the patience of Americans was exhausted.  The Representatives of America had appealed to their British King over and over during those twenty years, and had only been insulted for their efforts.  Over and over the King had treated their appeals with disdain.  Finally, Thomas Jefferson would sum up the attitude of the majority of Americans when he wrote in the Declaration of Independence,

“A Prince, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.”

The final break with England began on March 16th, 1776.  The Continental Congress, representing each of the thirteen colonies, called upon the American people to observe a day “of fasting, humiliation, and prayer.”  The Congress stated:

“In times of impending calamity and distress; when the liberties of America are imminently endangered by the secret [scheming] and open assaults of an insidious…administration, it becomes the indispensable duty of these…colonies, with true penitence of heart…publicly to acknowledge the over ruling Providence of God; to confess…our offences against Him; and to supplicate His interposition for averting the threatened danger…”

(The Declaration of Independence, Rod Gragg (Nashville, Rutledge Hill Press, 2005), p. 33.)

It may seem Continue reading

“Which is Supreme: God’s Law—or Man’s?”

Which is Supreme- Gods Law or Mans- 1

© 2020 Don Pinson | [Download]
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It almost seemed that Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear was targeting conservative Kentucky churches with his warning to not meet together last Sunday; a Sunday where they especially celebrate the Resurrection of Christ.  He threatened them with a 14-day quarantine if they met inside their buildings.  His stated reason was the prevention of the spread of the China virus that has impacted parts of America in a serious way.  But it’s interesting that he did not apply that threat to Kentucky’s abortion clinic; and certainly that hideous act of murder cannot be performed unless those involved are close enough to spread the virus.  At any rate, Kentucky State Police were at church parking lots gathering license plate numbers from vehicles, to be turned over to the County Health departments so their agents could visit the homes of those vehicle owners to make certain they were confined to their home.

Without even touching how Kentucky State Police were possibly violating the Fourth Amendment of the National Constitution—which protects citizens on private property from “unreasonable searches”—this is a huge encroachment into religious liberty rights.  Our Founders in America (and Kentucky’s Founders) included Continue reading

“Judgment and The Remnant”

© 2020 Don Pinson | [Download]
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America is in a difficult time.  But all national difficulties are designed to help us (or “force” us) to seek God.  We simply must face something we don’t like to face:  As the Bible says it:

“…whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” (Galatians 6:7)

Judgment and The Remnant 1We are reaping the judgment of God because of our many idols:  The worst being the god of immorality and our sacrifice to it—the murder of our own children by abortion.  God warned the nation of Israel that one of the judgments He would send would be “pestilence” (Jeremiah 29:17).  This virus is one of those “pestilences”.  As Founding Father, George Mason, warned us at the Constitutional Convention:

“…Providence [(God)] punishes national sins with national calamities.”

But God’s aim is redemptive:  He just wants us to quit “buzzing” and listen to Him!

So I want to encourage you with some of the promises which God gives to us in the Bible.  These promises are made to a specific group of people which the Bible calls “The Remnant”.  While the phrase, “The Remnant”, has specific references to the Jews, it also is a reference to a specific group of true believers in Christ.  This is how I’m referring to it today.  The “Remnant” is not made up of your average church-goer, and certainly does not include those of religions outside of Christianity.  Neither does it include those who nominally believe that Jesus is God’s Son.  It doesn’t Continue reading

“The Bondage of Socialism”

The Bondage of Socialism 1

© 2020 Don Pinson | [Download]
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Is it wrong for a Governor of a state to stop others from crossing from another state?  Is it wrong for a Governor to stop church meetings; to fine them or imprison them if they do?  Was it wrong for a Pastor in Florida to be arrested for having his church  meet?  The answer lies in first answering the question of:  What is socialism and how does it operate?

Socialism is an economic system which is based on the belief that government should own or control the tools of production (i.e. government should control business).  Thus, to implement this plan, socialists must control government so they can use its power to force everyone to work their economic system.  They enforce their control by:

  • Taxation: A business owner must buy a license and register his business with the government.
  • A traveler must have a permit (a license) to travel.
  • A school must have a certification from a central agency (like an Accreditation Association). If the socialists control that Accreditation Association, it guarantees that their socialism will be taught to the next generation because a teacher must have a certification from that Accreditation Association.
  • A physician must have the permission of government to practice; He must have a government worker’s approval to treat a patient in a certain locality; to prescribe a certain hospital or a certain medicine (FDA) for his patient.

All this government control means there must be Continue reading

“Understanding These Times”

Understanding These Times 1

© 2020 Don Pinson | [Download]
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I haven’t seen this much fear in people since the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962.  Everywhere people are concerned for the life of loved ones, as well as for their own life.  It would appear God has come calling.  He warns us:

“Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.  For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.” (Galatians 6:7-8)

Many voices for many years have spoken to us prophetic warnings that God would not put up with us murdering our children through abortion; as well as allowing sodomy to exist without punishment:  Not to mention the idolatry of sports and other pleasures we’ve embraced as normal.  Prophetic warnings about our lust for material things has fallen, for the most part, on deaf ears.  Are we now “reaping” what we’ve “sown”?  Time will tell.

And while we may not Continue reading

“Reformation Army”

© 2020 Don Pinson | [Download]
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One of America’s greatest men spoke these sobering words:

Reformation Army 1“The time is now near at hand which must probably determine whether Americans are to be freemen or slaves; whether they are to have any property they can call their own; whether their houses and farms are to be pillaged and destroyed, and themselves consigned to a state of wretchedness from which no human efforts will deliver them.

“The fate of unborn millions will now depend, under God, on the courage and conduct of this army.  Our cruel and unrelenting enemy leaves us no choice but a brave resistance, or the most abject submission.  We have, therefore to resolve to conquer or die.  Our own country’s honor calls upon us for a vigorous and manly exertion, and if we now shamefully fail, we shall become infamous to the whole world.

“Let us rely upon the goodness of the cause, and the aid of the Supreme Being in whose hands victory is, to animate and encourage us to great and noble actions.”

(Washington, George. July 2nd, 1776, from his Headquarters in New York the General Orders were issued to his troops. Jared Sparks, ed., The Writings of George Washington, 12 Volumes (Boston: American Stationer’s Company, 1837; NY: F. Andrew’s, 1834-1847), Vol. III, p. 449 | Peter Marshall and David Manuel, The Glory of America (Bloomington, MN: Garborg’s Heart’N Home, Inc., 1991), 11.18.)

The great American who spoke those words was George Washington.  He spoke them to his ‘ragtag’ army on July 2nd, 1776, the day when the Declaration of Independence was first approved in Congress.  Looking at their natural assets, that little army didn’t have Continue reading

“Patrick’s Breastplate”

Patricks Breastplate 1

© 2020 Don Pinson | [Download]
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It has been said of Patrick, the great missionary to Ireland during the 400s, he “found Ireland all heathen and left it all Christian.”  And while, no doubt, that statement is not completely true; it, no doubt, has much truth in it.  Because Patrick was used of God powerfully in converting the Irish to Christ and helping them structure their government so that it would protect for centuries the right to share the Gospel of Christ with the next generation.  Patrick’s understanding and submission to God brought tremendous power from the Holy Spirit to his life.  You hear his understanding of God, and this world God created and controls, in what is known as Patrick’s Breastplate:  Hear the power of God in it!  He states:

“I arise today
Through a mighty strength, the invocation of the Trinity,
Through the belief in the threeness,
Through the confession of the oneness
Of the Creator of Creation

“I arise today
Through the strength of Christ’s birth with his baptism,
Through the strength of his crucifixion with his burial,
Through the strength of his resurrection with his ascension,
Through the strength of his descent for the Judgment Day. Continue reading