“Revolutionary War Providential Acts, Part III”

Revolutionary War Providential Acts 1

© 2022 Don Pinson | [Download]
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It was December, 1777. George Washington’s army filed silently into their winter camp at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. Washington would tell of the amazing commitment of these men by reporting how you could trace their path by the bloody tracks they were leaving. A great many of the 11,000 were barefooted; many were nearly naked in this freezing cold. More than 2,000 would die that winter from lack of food and shelter. Yet the miracle was—they didn’t leave. Why?

While it won’t be revealed completely until we stand before the Lord at the Judgment, at least one reason is the praying that George Washington did that winter. There were different reports by people who said they came unexpectedly upon Washington kneeling in the snow in the woods, earnestly pleading with God for the cause of his nation. While Washington was a very private person, and not at all given to showy religion, people close to him reported of his consistent devotions to God. No doubt the last words his mother said to him before he left home to embark on his military career had greatly impacted him. Mary Washington had Continue reading

“Revolutionary War Providential Acts”

Revolutionary War Providential Acts 1

© 2022 Don Pinson | [Download]
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Could it be done?  Could the new United States with its “ragtag” army stand up to the greatest army on earth?  Could these thirteen newly united states hold together and defend their Declaration of Independence from England?  Almost no one in the world believed they could.  Indeed, the citizens of this new nation knew they couldn’t—unless, the God of Heaven intervened and defended them because they were within His order in declaring themselves free of the disordered government of Great Britain.

The new government commissioned George Washington to be the General of this new army.  The ink was hardly dry on the Declaration of Independence when the British landed 30,000 troops on Long Island, N.Y.  Washington dispatched a young, but proven, officer with several hundred soldiers to scout out the new British troops; but, under no circumstances was he to attack the British until Washington joined him with the main body of the army.  The element of surprise meant everything since Washington was Continue reading

“The Story of the Birthing of the United States”

© 2022 Don Pinson | [Download]
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It had been a long struggle. For over twenty years the American Colonies had appealed to their king, asking him to recognize his departure from English law. The Americans, because of their Biblical foundation, understood that government servants (including the king) had to do what they did according to the law of God. King George III showed no respect for what the Bible had to say about government, and thus ignored every request to come back into the order of God.

The Story of the Birthing of The United States of America1Finally on June 7th, 1776, Virginia delegate Richard Henry Lee introduced a resolution on the floor of the Continental Congress stating:

“RESOLVED, That these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent States; that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British Crown; and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain is, and ought to be, totally dissolved.”

(The Declaration of Independence, Rod Gragg, Rutledge Hill Press, Nashville, 2005; p.35)

A committee was appointed, which included Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and Ben Franklin, to write a Declaration of Independence which would, upon the approval of the Congress be sent to the King of England. The Congress then recessed for three weeks to give the committee time to write the Declaration.

On July 1st they reconvened to debate the newly written Declaration, which was Continue reading

“Our Freedom Document”

Our Freedom Document 1

© 2022 Don Pinson | [Download]
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The Bible says, “Stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.” (Galatians 5:1)

Ladies and Gentlemen: The following document is the reason you and I, in America, are free:

“When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitles them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. Continue reading

“Covenant Is the Basis of Our Nation”

Covenant Is the Basis of our Nation 1

© 2022 Don Pinson | [Download]
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When the Pilgrims came here in 1620, they had learned some things that recent generations have had stolen from them. For instance, they had come to understand that the basis of the government is covenant. No state can exist very long if its citizens are not in covenant with each other.

The word covenant is defined as “a meeting or agreement of minds”. The minds of a people living under a particular government must be in agreement on the basics of life if they are to be able to walk together throughout the generations.

They must agree about Who God is, and who He says they are, and what His plan for them is, both as individuals and a nation. Without this agreement, education, commerce, and government just become Continue reading

“Remembering Our Milestones”

Remembering Our Milestones 1

© 2022 Don Pinson | [Download]
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Whenever I’ve been in New England studying America’s history, I’ve always been awe-struck by the many monuments and markers in that region which told of our past. Our beginnings there speak to us in a great way concerning our Biblical roots. Everywhere I turned there were references to the work of Jesus Christ in the lives of our ancestors. Why did our forefathers place these monuments there? Why are their words so specific in their instruction to us?

For example, in Plymouth, Massachusetts, where the Pilgrims first landed, there is a large stone placed over the spot where they buried half their number that first winter. On the back of that stone are printed some words we definitely need to know. They Continue reading

“God’s Protection Over Sergeant York”

Alvin York: Hero in War and Peace 1

© 2022 Don Pinson | [Download]
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In April of 1917 the United States entered into World War I. While all wars are caused by the selfishness of man, the desire of our people as a whole was not our gain. Rather, it was our desire to protect the liberty which God had entrusted to us. And our people responded in great numbers to the request of President Woodrow Wilson to observe a Day of Public Humiliation, Prayer and Fasting on May 11, 1918. He requested our people to:

“…humbly and devoutly…acknowledge our dependence on Almighty God and to implore His aid and protection…with religious solemnity and the offering of fervent supplications to Almighty God for the safety and welfare of our cause, His blessings on our arms, and a speedy restoration of an honorable and lasting peace to the nations of the earth…”

(American Minute by William Federer, April 6, 2015)

Our prayers “were heard and graciously answered.” Few would argue that it was American arms which won the day for liberty in the nations of the earth and brought this mighty scourge of war to an end. And while Continue reading

“Jesus’ Resurrection Conquers Fear!”

Jesus Resurrection Conquers Fear 1

© 2022 Don Pinson | [Download]
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Millions of people across the world celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus from the dead.  Though this event happened over 2,000 years ago, it continues to be the hope of all mankind, whether or not they recognize it.  Since man has lived in bondage to death and the fear of it, since the Garden of Eden, if Jesus really did rise from the dead, He has overcome the root of all fear in this world.  And if He has conquered fear, think what possibilities there are for the human race.  If mankind could live without fear, there would be no fear in relationships.  Think what that could do for families—and even nations!  If mankind could live without fear, think what that would mean to scientific and economic advancement.  If mankind had no fear, there would be no dictators!  Think what that would mean for government; and how government could be a true protector of God-given rights of life, liberty, and property.  Think how much better life would be in this world without fear!

While this is wonderful to think about, it is not possible unless we face the truth that the Bible teaches us about ourselves, as well as about Jesus.  In the beginning in Eden, we chose in our ancestor, Adam, to rebel against God who had made us.  This brought into us the sin-root:  The selfish attitude of “I want what I want when I want it.”  This sin separated us from our Creator because we stole the life He had entrusted to us to be used for His purposes.  This “sin-debt” we received removed Continue reading

“It’s Enough!”

© 2022 Don Pinson | [Download]
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When rulers try to rule without “the fear of God” (Exodus 18:21), they miss the very foundation of success. The worldview that denies the existence of God, as well as His right to rule us and our institutions can end only in confusion and death to liberty. That’s why in recent programs we’ve been sharing the Biblical foundations for ourselves and our nation from the book Why God Birthed America. We continue with the story of Jesus’ Resurrection:

It's Enough 1“What Mary didn’t see in that Garden was the host of others who were there. The many believers from the past who were standing around Jesus, waiting for the most triumphant entry ever staged. They were the ‘spirits of just men made perfect.’ (Hebrews 12:22-23) Abel, Noah, Moses, David, Daniel and many, many others. They did not yet have their new bodies, like the one Jesus had. But they knew His was the certain promise that theirs would one day come. (Ephesians 1:14)

“He was leading them from Paradise (the place where they had been at rest ever since their death) into heaven. The Father in heaven had ever wanted them with Him, but something had to happen first. Since all the spirit realm operates Continue reading

“Jesus Is Alive!”

Jesus is Alive 1

© 2022 Don Pinson | [Download]
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Jesus had been dead three days. Some of the women who had followed Him came to His tomb early and had found the stone door rolled away and His body gone! They had told His disciples, and Peter and John had come to the grave site and seen for themselves that His body was gone. But now the others had left and only Mary Magdalene remained. It is here we pick up the story from the book, Why God Birthed America:

“Mary did not want to leave. She stood there a few steps from the entrance to the grave, trying to sort out all that had happened. The angels had said He was alive. Jesus Himself had told them He would come back to life. But could that really be?

“She moved closer to the entrance. Questions were flying through her mind. Could He really be alive again?

“She didn’t know how long she stood there lost in thought. But as she put her head on the doorway and wept, she was instantly blinded with light! There they were again! The two shining creatures they had seen earlier.

“They looked at her with compassion. ‘Woman, why are you weeping?’ they asked. ‘Because they’ve taken away my Lord and I don’t know where they’ve put Him’, she wailed.

“She turned her head away, having no stamina which could stand up to the questions of celestial beings. What had happened? Where was His body? Her mind was racing, exceeded only by the racing of her heart.

“Blinded by tears, she turned Continue reading