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At this time each year we celebrate Memorial Day: A time when we visit the graves of departed loved ones. Where did this tradition begin? Why was this day established as a national holiday?
During the War Between the States, some southern women began to decorate the graves of both Union and Confederate soldiers who had died in battle. Out of their love and respect has grown this national holiday, celebrated in May of each year. Thus, the real reason for the day is to show respect for those who have defended our liberties. We are to “give honor to whom honor is due” as the Bible states (Romans 13:7). Certainly it is right to show respect to those who have laid down their all to keep our liberties secure.
The most noted speech ever given in honor of the defenders of liberty was by Abraham Lincoln. He spoke these immortal words on Nov. 19, 1863, on the battlefield at Gettysburg where over 50,000 men died in battle. Lincoln said there, Continue reading