“Why Memorial Day?”

"Think About It" - Heritage Ministries of Kentucky

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© 2016 Don Pinson / To Download, right-click here: [Download]

Why Memorial Day1At this time each year we celebrate Memorial Day:  A time when we visit the graves of departed loved ones.  Where did this tradition begin?  Why was this day established as a national holiday?

During the War Between the States, some southern women began to decorate the graves of both Union and Confederate soldiers who had died in battle.  Out of their love and respect has grown this national holiday, celebrated in May of each year.  Thus, the real reason for the day is to show respect for those who have defended our liberties.  We are to “give honor to whom honor is due” as the Bible states (Romans 13:7).  Certainly it is right to show respect to those who have laid down their all to keep our liberties secure.

The most noted speech ever given in honor of the defenders of liberty was by Abraham Lincoln.  He spoke these immortal words on Nov. 19, 1863, on the battlefield at Gettysburg where over 50,000 men died in battle.  Lincoln said there, Continue reading

“God Invades Human Flesh – Part 1”

"Think About It" - Heritage Ministries of Kentucky

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© 2016 Don Pinson / To Download, right-click here: [Download]

History really is just “His Story”—that is—God’s Story.  And we are about to see His reason for everything He’s done in this earth—including creating America. The most important part of God’s whole plan is about to be revealed.

God Invades Human Flesh-Part 1The unveiling of this centerpiece of “His Story” begins in an obscure village in Palestine called Nazareth.  An unknown young maiden is startled one day by a visit from an angel who identifies himself as being no less than Gabriel himself.  He tells Mary (for that was her name) that she will have a child and that this child will be called “the Son of the Most High” (Luke 1:32).  It was further revealed to her perplexed fiancé, Joseph, that, “She shall bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, because He will save His people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21).  Mary is shocked!  She?  Bear the long-awaited “Anointed One”?  She was to give birth to the One Who would pay man’s debt to God?  She was to bring into this world the One Who would fix what we had messed up in the Garden of Eden?  This seemed incredible!  Yet, the credibility of this mighty angel standing before her is hardly debatable.

And then the realization hits her.  She is a virgin!  How can she possibly bear a child?  She looks at the angel with Continue reading

“God Shows Us What’s Right and What’s Wrong—Part 2”

"Think About It" - Heritage Ministries of Kentucky

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© 2016 Don Pinson / To Download, right-click here: [Download]

After we as mankind refused to let God’s life come into us in the Garden of Eden, it wasn’t long before we forgot what God had taught us about His purpose for us and how we were to live on this earth.  But now God is about to reveal His mind to man in such a way he won’t ever forget it.

1God Shows Us What is Right and What is Wrong-Part 2By miracles, He brings Abraham’s children to the desert mountain known as Sinai.  In an awesome display of thunder, lightning, and the quaking of this huge mountain, God shows these “children of Israel” that He is the God who created them and is worthy of their utmost respect.  To begin this mind-altering process in man, God calls Moses up on the mountain, and, with His torch-like Hand, begins to engrave letters into the rock.  Moses watches in awe as ten commands are burned into the side of Sinai.  God then with His finger cuts the outline of two tablets separating them from the rest of the rock bed.  Moses, watching the smoking tablets, begins to read them:  “You shall have no other gods before Me…” (Exodus 20: 3).  Ten such commands reveal how God thinks about Himself, about man, and how He expects us to treat Him and those He has created.  God tells Moses to take them to the people at the foot of the mountain. He wants men to know how He thinks, and, because He wants them not to forget it, He’s written it down.

The effect of this Sinai experience will be world-changing.  Now, for the first time, the mind of God has been summarized and written in stone.  Anytime man reads these words Continue reading

“God Shows Us What’s Right—And What’s Wrong”

"Think About It" - Heritage Ministries of Kentucky

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© 2016 Don Pinson / To Download, right-click here: [Download]

When we as mankind chose to eat of the wrong tree in the Garden of Eden, we lost our opportunity to be what God created us to be.  We “sinned and [fell] short of the glory of God.”  We could no longer be a vessel of the life of God.

God Shows Us What is Right and What is Wrong1So what now?

Is the noble dream of man being a vessel God could flow through lost forever?  Is all possibility of man intimately knowing his Creator gone for eternity?  Is man hopelessly lost?

Well, yes—and no!

Let me explain.  Looking at man’s situation from the human perspective, he is hopelessly lost.  He is filled with the selfish attitude of, “I want what I want when I want it.”  No one could pay man’s debt of one perfect life which was owed to God; no one would be able to break the cycle and come up with a perfect life.  Thus, from man’s viewpoint, there was no hope…

“But God…” Continue reading

“Why God Made Man – Part 3”

"Think About It" - Heritage Ministries of Kentucky

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© 2016 Don Pinson / To Download, right-click here: [Download]

In the Garden of Eden God placed two trees which He named.  What we as man did with those two trees would determine all the rest of history.

1_Why God Made Man-Part 3Besides the Tree of Life, there was another Tree in that Paradise:  The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.  This tree represented the opposite way of life.  This way of living would be motivated by what happened outside of man.  Instead of being inspired by the moving of the Life of God deep within him, if he chose to eat of this tree man would be rejecting God’s offer to come inside him and be his life.  He would be choosing a way in which he would make his own decisions, instead of allowing the flowing will of God to come through him.

Consider the name of this tree.  It was The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.  The Hebrew word for knowledge comes from a root word which, in essence, means to know by experience.  If Adam ate of this tree he would be saying to God:  “God, I want to experience the good and experience the evil in a particular situation, and then make my own decision as to which I think is best for me.”  He would be saying Continue reading

“Why God Made Man – Part 1”

"Think About It" - Heritage Ministries of Kentucky

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© 2016 Don Pinson / To Download, right-click here: [Download]

Jesus has been hanging for six hours on a rough, Roman cross.  His body is wracked with pain, His mind oppressed by forces both natural and spiritual.  Suddenly, with a cry of triumph, He lifts His voice and declares, “It is finished!”  The air resounds with the declaration!  There’s a finality about it.  All creation is suddenly arrested with the awareness that a most important work is now completed.

But what was finished?  What work was now completed?

1Why God Made Man_Part 1The clause “It is finished”, in the Greek language in which Jesus spoke it, means to reach a goal.  It also means to pay a debt in full, so that the books balance.  Jesus had reached His goal of paying our debt.  But to understand the “debt” Jesus was paying, we must revisit the scene in the Garden of Eden:  When God begins to work with a pile of dust.  He carefully shapes it into the form of a man.  Once this human body is finished to perfection, God “blows” His own breath into the nostrils of this pile of clay.  All of a sudden, the form moves!  Light comes to its eyes!  It gets up and stands erect like God.  I can see Father God turning to the rest of His creation and saying, Continue reading

“Patrick of Ireland”

"Think About It" - Heritage Ministries of Kentucky

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© 2016 Don Pinson / To Download, right-click here: [Download]

Patrick of Ireland1It is such an amazing story!  Patrick, a young, former slave in Ireland, was called by God in the 400’s to go share the Gospel of Christ with those same Irish people who had enslaved him just a few years before!  Yet, without fear, he boldly entered again into that realm and became the agent of liberty to those who had once been his agents of slavery.

He developed this boldness because Christ had revealed Himself to him in such a living way.  Patrick’s faith in Jesus was no cold orthodoxy; his was a living relationship with the living, resurrected Son of God!  In Patrick’s life, Jesus was Lord!  We get a glimpse of the intimacy between him and his Lord when he writes of hearing His voice.  With great humility he simply states that God said to him:

“He who gave His life for you, He it is who speaks within you.” Continue reading

“Hope From Past Revivals”

"Think About It" - Heritage Ministries of Kentucky

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© 2016 Don Pinson / To Download, right-click here: [Download]

Never have we seen a time in America that was so morally debased. The homosexual agenda is bent on erasing every vestige of Christianity from our culture. Their socialist ideas permeate the media and the tax-supported education institutions throughout the land. Is there any hope of a return to moral sanity? Yes, there is! But it can only come in a heaven-sent, Christ-honoring revival in our personal, family, church, and national lives. God’s promise is plain:

Hope From Past Revivals1“If My people, which are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

(2 Chronicles 7:14)

If we as Christians will “turn” (not just talk) God will send revival. And revival always restores Biblical morality. God has done this in our past in America. He wants to do it again!

In 1798, the Presbyterian General Assembly summed up Continue reading

“It Can Happen Again”

"Think About It" - Heritage Ministries of Kentucky

Listen to or download this week’s radio program:

© 2016 Don Pinson / To Download, right-click here: [Download]

It Can Happen Again1In 1857-58 God came in revival in this nation in a remarkable way. A businessman named Jeremiah Lanphier started a noonday prayer meeting in New York City. Within a month, hundreds were praying at noon and it began to spread across the region. Some prayer meetings at noon sprang up without knowing of the New York prayer meetings. God began to move across the nation bringing hope to many who had become hopeless. The church had become so weak it couldn’t even decide if slavery was right or wrong. And whenever the Church leaves the Scripture as its standard society always goes downhill. We can always tell the strength of the Church by how much its influence controls the institutions of education, business, and civil government. Jesus said,

“You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid.” (Matthew 5:14)

If the church boldly, in the love of Christ, proclaims what the Bible says about every area of life men will turn to Christ and be born again. As they “grow in the grace and the knowledge of the Lord Jesus” society will be shaped by Biblical standards. But Jesus also said Continue reading

“America’s Most Recent National Revival”

"Think About It" - Heritage Ministries of Kentucky

Listen to or download this week’s radio program:

© 2015 Don Pinson / To Download, right-click here: [Download]

The last time America had a move of God that was nationwide was over 150 years ago. Since that time the growing darkness of secularism, founded in Americans gradually believing the lie that we are god—and that the life that has our name attached to it is ours—has brought more and more darkness to us. It definitely looks like we are going to destroy ourselves.

America's Most Recent National Revival1Is there any hope for our nation? There definitely is! And His Name is Jesus Christ! But we will never make our nation a candidate for His deliverance until we, as a majority of individuals in this land, surrender these lives completely to Him. That would bring the awareness of His Presence to us in such a real way that we could hear His voice again. That would let us work with Him in the revival he wants to give to us. Perhaps you’re thinking, “That can’t happen in these last days”, or “Wrong is too much in control, we can’t turn it back now.” These are favorite statements of the spirit of unbelief that walks this land. But neither the “last days” nor the growing darkness can keep the Holy Spirit, the third Person of the Godhead, from doing anything here that He chooses. These “defeatist” arguments do not, in anyway, cancel out the promises of God, like Continue reading