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Since January 22nd, 1973 we have killed over sixty million of our own children. That number is near 20% of our total population in this country. And don’t be fooled by the political rhetoric; only 1% of those killings had anything to do with rape, incest, or the mother’s life being in danger. 99% of this murderous holocaust has been done because these children were thought to be an inconvenience! What heights of selfishness we’ve now reached!
Not that our Congress, the voice of the people, ever legalized it! It was the U.S. Supreme Court in 1973 that illegally declared abortion legal: It was because we, in the church, sat by and griped, instead of getting involved in the voting process identifying lawmakers who supported such a hideous crime, and replacing them with our votes. The God Who made us and to Whom we will give a full account of our earthly deeds, is not blind to these hideous murders of children; or our refusal to get involved to stop it.
God warned His people in the days of Jeremiah that their nation would Continue reading