“The School of the Pilgrims”

© 2023 Don Pinson | [Download]
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The group had made great sacrifices to be able to teach their children the truth of why God made them, and of His plan for them.  First, they had sold their farms in England—that had been in their families for generations—in order to be able to move to Holland, where they hoped to have the liberty to teach their children God’s truth.  And The School of the Pilgrimswhile there was liberty to do it, there wasn’t the means to do it.  The parents in this group (known later as the Pilgrims) were shut out by the Dutch economy to the point that there wasn’t enough money to allow them to teach their children.  So many hours were spent just scraping out a living that there was no time left to educate their families.  So then they made the second sacrifice:  They got on a boat, the Mayflower, and crossed the Atlantic to come to America in order to be in a place where they could have the means and the liberty to teach their children God’s truth; and be able to teach all the academic subjects from the principles of God’s truth revealed in the Bible.

The Pilgrims were taught well the truth recorded in the Bible which states,

            “As a man thinks, so is he…” (Proverbs 23:7)

They knew that whatever they allowed to go into their child’s mind was going to determine the direction of that child in life.  They likewise knew that, without a Biblical education in history, government, and logic, their children would Continue reading

“Creation’s Purpose: His Life Flowing Through Us”

Creations Purpose- His Life Flowing Through Us 1

© 2023 Don Pinson | [Download]
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Recently I was with a friend at a magnificent overlook of some of our Eastern Kentucky mountains.  A park system sign stated that this deep gorge had been formed over millions of years as the river ran through these mountains.  What an unscientific explanation for such an astounding piece of creation!  But it’s typical of what our children are being taught everyday through the public-school textbooks and the secular media.  This plan is designed to separate us from our Creator—and thus, our accountability to Him.  And yes, there are those who say they believe it because it deceptively helps the Judgment to seem unlikely; and some of those are knowingly working to change our whole nation to a “secular” (i.e. “without God”) way of life.

The thing they don’t understand is that this is a scheme of satan to keep us from discovering God’s real plan for us—and how He uniquely put us together to be able to Continue reading

“Believers Vote Biblically!”

Believers Vote Biblically 1

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Noah Webster, the Father of America’s original education system, wrote to young people in his U.S. history book:

“When you become entitled to exercise the right of voting for public officers, let it be impressed on your mind that God commands you to choose for rulers, ‘just men who will rule in the fear of God.’ The preservation of [the government of a republic] depends on the faithful discharge of this duty; if the citizens neglect their duty and place unprincipled men in office…the rights of the citizens will be violated or disregarded. If [the government of a republic] fails to secure public prosperity and happiness, it must be because the citizens neglect the divine commands, and elect bad men to make and administer the laws.”

(History of the United States (New Haven, Durrie & Beck, 1832), pp. 336-337)

The school teacher who made America great, taught us to look at a person’s character before we give him our vote.

And how are we to know what a person’s character is really like? Noah Webster revealed that when he warned us not to neglect “the divine commands”. In other words compare their actions to those the Bible commands us to have. It’s the same thing Jesus said when He taught us, “You will know them by their fruits.” Do a person’s actions show that they view things the way God views them?

Can this be done in the present election? Can we know how candidates think? We certainly can. In fact, this is Continue reading

“Our Solemn Vow to God”

Our Solemn Vow to God 1

© 2023 Don Pinson | [Download]
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With the false slant the secular media gives its reporting, and the support of universities in propagating that viewpoint, some people wonder if there is any purpose in fighting this war for the preservation of liberty.  Through their rhetoric, these ‘change agents’ of our culture try to discourage us from going to the polls.  Is there any good reason for moral conservatives, and especially Christians, to vote?

Yes!  Absolutely yes!  Let us not forget that first and foremost of all, our vote is not about its effect.  Our vote is not primarily about whom we elect.  It is most importantly an act of obedience to the God who created us.  In America’s first dictionary, written when we weren’t ashamed to name the Name of Jesus Christ in public places, Noah Webster defined the word vote as coming from a root word meaning, “our solemn vow to God”!  Our vote is an act of agreement with God in His work of protecting the right of the next generation to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ; and thus, to have the opportunity to become all He created them to become.  Our vote is our sacred opportunity to preserve liberty for our children!

The Bible teaches that electing our rulers is Continue reading

“Reformation Day”

Reformation Day 1

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On October 31st, a lot of people in this land will celebrate Halloween.  Though begun as a day to remember many Godly people and the truth they gave to the world, it has degenerated into becoming the high day of satanism throughout the world.  Hideous acts of worship to satan will be done on this night.  The occult will have its greatest celebration on this night.  But it was not always so in America.

Up until the mid-1800s, America celebrated a different day on October 31st.  It was known as Reformation Day; and it reminded Americans of the great price that was paid for the “liberty of conscience”.  It was a celebration of the liberty brought to the personal life and the life of the nation as a result of men laying down their lives to stand with the truth of the Bible.

That liberty had begun with John Wycliffe, an Englishman in the mid-1300s, who translated the Bible into the language of the common people.  Being able Continue reading

“Columbus Defended”

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Columbus Defended 1“In 1492, Columbus sailed the Ocean blue.”  Thus, children in America learned the little rhyme which firmly fixed in our minds who was responsible for the American continents being discovered.  The last two generations haven’t learned that because some in what is called “higher education” circles didn’t want us to know who Columbus was.  Many in those circles came to be ashamed of Columbus’ God because they were convicted by the mentioning of the Name of Jesus.  Since Columbus was a devout man and often mentioned God and Jesus Christ, they tried to remove him from our history.  Now that war against his name has reached new heights.

A statue of Columbus in Binghamton, New York, had the word “murderer” painted on it.  In New York City, Columbus’ statue in Central Park was vandalized.  The New York City mayor’s, answer to that was to appoint a commission to consider which historical monuments should be removed!

I remember Rich DeVos, Betsy DeVos’ father-in-law, saying Continue reading

“Should I Vote?”

Should I Vote- 1

© 2023 Don Pinson | [Download]
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With the election only a month away, the candidates are fervently pushing their agenda, trying to convince us we should trust them with the future of our children.  That is what’s at stake, you know.  They promise us ‘all will be well’ if we give them our vote.  But with all the lies politicians have told us throughout our lives, why should we even bother to vote?  Well, the last two generations, many have decided not to.  We now think we’ve had a good voter turnout if 50% of those registered to vote get to the polls.  Not to mention the huge numbers who haven’t cared enough to even register.  How sad!

Why has this happened?  Since the 1920s most of our universities have been teaching that there is no God and life is all about us, and our pleasure.  Without knowing that the God of the Bible created us in an instant of time, we have no association with Him, which means we have no reason for self-worth, or for committing our lives to worthwhile tasks.  We simply “live for the weekend” as many put it.

This spills over into the governmental realm.  People who live for pleasure are Continue reading

“Are We Slaves of Socialism?”

Are We Slaves of Socialism- 1

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Do we Americans live in the land of the free; or the land of political slavery?  Political slavery, or socialism, means that the few who administer civil government tell the rest of us what to do.  To determine if we live in political slavery:

  • Ask a parent if they can spank their child without fear of the government removing the child from them;
  • Ask a school teacher if they can choose their own curriculum;
  • Ask a physician if they can choose the type of medicine, therapy, or hospital, by which they care for their patients;
  • Ask a business owner if he can operate without first consulting government as to his location, pay for employees, and tools he uses;
  • Ask a church if they can building a building, or parking lot, without first asking government about septic systems, phone taxes, employee taxes, fire prevention restrictions, etc.;
  • Ask an individual how long he works each year just to pay the government what he is taxed. Let me answer that one for you: 30% of their work year!!

President Ronald Reagan warned us,

“Government that is big enough to give you everything you want is more likely to simply take everything you’ve got.”

(Speech given at St. John’s University in New York, March 28, 1985)

The Bible teaches Continue reading

“The Church: Key to a Strong Republic”

© 2023 Don Pinson | [Download]
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The Church - Key to a Strong Republic 1Many people wonder why America is going downhill morally. Why is there so much drug use? Why are the gangs with all their violence growing so rapidly? Why is homosexuality capturing so many of our young people? Why do so many people refuse to marry, and instead just “live” with someone? Wrong living comes from wrong thinking; and wrong thinking comes from wrong listening!

The reason for these wrong ideas was pointed out in a Barna Research Group survey taken some years ago in Kentucky. The survey revealed that, while 82% of Kentuckians said they were Christians, over a third of those surveyed said they only attended church once every six months. This poor church attendance mocks the Scriptural command to,

“Not [forsake] the assembling of ourselves together…” (Hebrews 10:25)

But perhaps you’re thinking, “What difference does it make how often someone goes to church?” It makes a lot of difference! It makes a lot of difference to an individual, a family, and a community. It makes a lot of difference to a nation! When you hear the Bible taught in its truth, your mind is Continue reading

“The Economy of the Pilgrims”

© 2023 Don Pinson | [Download]
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It wasn’t working.  The spring of 1623 saw the Pilgrims into their third year in America.  But there was a serious problem.  They were hungry:  And because of it they had no energy with which to plow their fields and plant their crops.  They knew winter would come again and with it death by starvation if they didn’t go to the fields.  Yet many of them just seemed unable to get themselves moving.

The Economy of the Pilgrims-2Recognizing the seriousness of their situation, their Governor, William Bradford, called for a meeting of the leaders of the colony.  They didn’t have to discuss their problem very long until they pinpointed what was wrong:  It was the socialistic economy they were trying to labor under.  They had long known this.  The businessmen who had financed their trip had insisted they live by a common storehouse.  In other words, they were to put all their produce into one storehouse, no matter which family had raised that produce.  Then, they were to take out as little as they could get by with for their own needs, and send the rest of it back to England to their financiers as payment for their debt.  The Pilgrims knew this would not work, but the businessmen insisted this is how they must do it.  The Pilgrims knew the Scripture taught that, “If any would not work, neither should he eat” (2 Thessalonians 3:10).   And they knew that even Christian people, like themselves, had to know they could “reap what they sowed” if they were to produce well.   However, they felt they had no choice.  They had to Continue reading