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When I was a kid and I’d get a little rowdy, my Dad would often say, “Now son, I’m laying the law down to you.” And then he’d go on to explain what I could or could not do. I knew what he meant by “laying the law down”. He was making plain the boundaries for my behavior, and I understood I’d better not step outside those boundaries or I would suffer the consequences—not the least of which was his belt applied to my rear end. I learned through that discipline that I could live “by the law”.
I’m amazed at how many people think we can’t live by law anymore. They say by their actions, if not their words, “You don’t have to keep any law. I determine the law for myself.” In other words, there is nothing “set in”, which is what the word law means. The boundaries for behavior shift depending on what the individual wants in a given situation. But is this good?
The Bible says, “My people perish for lack of knowledge.” (Hosea 4:6). We are Continue reading