“But WHY Did the Pilgrims Come?”

But Why Did The Pilgrims Come 1

© 2022 Don Pinson | [Download]
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The Pilgrims landed in America nearly 400 years ago. But do you know why they came to America? Was it to start a new life? Well, yes; but what kind of life? Was it so they could be free? Well, yes; but what kind of freedom were they looking for? Because most of us don’t know the answer to these questions is why we continue to accept—or even vote for—more and more of the slavery from which they were fleeing.

Perhaps you would say, “They came here for religious freedom.” And you would be right—but, what kind of religious freedom? Did they come merely so they could sing songs to God and study the Bible in their own gatherings? No, they came with a much broader desire than that.

You see, the Pilgrims understood they must be able to Continue reading

“The Pilgrims and The Sovereignty of God”

The Pilgrims and The Sovereignty of God 1

© 2022 Don Pinson | [Download]
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Though common men, the Pilgrims who came to America in 1620 were some of the wisest people who ever lived. They came together about 1605 in a covenant which meant they each believed that the Bible was completely true; and that it could be trusted to meet one’s need in this world, just as it could be trusted concerning eternal things. They believed the God of the Bible to be sovereign, or “supreme in power”, as Noah Webster would define the word in his first American dictionary.

They believed when church leaders disagreed with the Bible, those church leaders were always wrong, never the Bible. They believed when the King disagreed with the Bible, the King was always wrong, not the Bible. They believed when church writings disagreed with the Bible, those writings were always wrong, not the Bible. They lived this out in their daily lives and proved that the teachings of the Bible were far superior to any ideas of men about how to build a nation. To put it simply, they believed Continue reading

“The Government of the Pilgrims”

The Government of the Pilgrims

© 2022 Don Pinson | [Download]
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It was November 11th, 1620.  After sixty-six days at sea, with over half that time in violent storms, they were more than ready to get off the ship.  The Mayflower had just dropped anchor inside Cape Cod Bay.  They had been blown off course by the storm, and deposited here, much farther north than they had intended.  But they came to believe that the storm was the Lord’s way to get them to settle in this place.

These Pilgrims, as they called themselves, had come to America to have the freedom to teach their children the Bible; and to them that meant much more than teaching them how to be born again.  It included teaching to their children reading, writing, and all the other academic subjects.  Their Pastor, John Robinson, had taught them how to establish from the Bible the institutions of education, government, and economy.  These Pilgrims were Continue reading

“Good Tidings Will Soon Arrive”

© 2022 Don Pinson | [Download]
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Good Tidings Will Soon Arrive 1The year of 1777 in America brought bad news almost every day.  In the fight for Independence our Revolutionary army had lost most of their battles.  Most Americans were very discouraged.  Even the Continental Congress had been driven from Philadelphia and were at their lowest.  Sam Adams, the man among them who had fought longest and hardest for American Independence, arose and gave a stirring speech.  At the end of it he boldly declared that, “Good tidings will soon arrive.”  He was not wrong.  Within a month American forces would win the Battle of Saratoga in New York.  It proved our rag tag army could stand up to the best the British had—and win.  It greatly encouraged our people, and would ultimately bring France into the war on our side.  The Battle of Saratoga has been called one of the seven greatest military battles of all time because of its importance in establishing American liberty.

Today we need to take heart from this experience as we struggle with the socialists who now lead our national government.  Our Founders sought the face of God, crying to Him for His aid in their struggle, which they believed was part of His plan.  They often called days of fasting and prayer and sought to repent of their sins, both personal and nationally, in an effort to be in His order so they could experience His blessing.  He heard their prayers and did miracles to keep them in the fight.  Those miracles would ultimately give them victory in the War as they had given them victory in the Battle of Saratoga.

After winning the Saratoga Battle, our national government called Continue reading

“The Choice: Vote, or Be Enslaved”

The Choice- Vote or Be Enslaved

© 2022 Don Pinson | [Download]
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A very important election is close at hand.  Next Tuesday, choices will be made by voters that will affect the future of our nation for generations to come.  Are you prepared to vote?

The truth is, only 32 million—of the over 100 million people who say they’re born-again—voted in the last election.  Most of these are sincere people who are trying to live as God wants them to live.  Why then do they not go to the polls and vote?  I’m glad you asked.

Up until 1900 the Christian population of America controlled the outcome of elections.  No candidate could be elected who did not acknowledge God’s place in the history of our nation.  Actually they had to go further than that.  In their speeches and writings, they had to acknowledge that Jesus Christ was God’s Son, and that the Bible was the best book to live by in this world.  Had a political candidate in the 1800s stated that homosexuality was just a different way of family life, he would have Continue reading

“Teach Voting!”

© 2022 Don Pinson | [Download]
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Teach Voting 1In America’s early education system, one of the things that was constantly taught was the Biblical understanding of government.  Children were taught to govern themselves by internal choices.  They were taught to reason every choice back to its root; that is, what God says in the Bible about what I’m facing.  This was education God’s way.

That education system created a moral people.  Noah Webster, in his original American dictionary defined moral as:

“The conformity of an act to the divine law.”

Thus a people developed in this nation who had stable emotions.  That created persistence in what they set out to accomplish.

This way of thinking would be the foundation for the greatest civil government the world has ever known.  Their children were taught to let that internal self-government grow to the external civil government.  It was the natural outflow of a life committed to living out the Bible in this present world.  And while America’s Founding generations were certainly not perfect, they did succeed in living according to the Bible so much better than we do today, that it’s hard for us to believe that way of life is even possible.

But let’s look at their standard for civil government servants.  Noah Webster was Continue reading

“Believers Vote Biblically!”

Believers Vote Biblically 1

© 2022 Don Pinson | [Download]
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Noah Webster, the Father of America’s original education system, wrote to young people in his U.S. history book:

“When you become entitled to exercise the right of voting for public officers, let it be impressed on your mind that God commands you to choose for rulers, ‘just men who will rule in the fear of God.’ The preservation of [the government of a republic] depends on the faithful discharge of this duty; if the citizens neglect their duty and place unprincipled men in office…the rights of the citizens will be violated or disregarded. If [the government of a republic] fails to secure public prosperity and happiness, it must be because the citizens neglect the divine commands, and elect bad men to make and administer the laws.”

(History of the United States (New Haven, Durrie & Beck, 1832), pp. 336-337)

The school teacher who made America great, taught us to look at a person’s character before we give him our vote.

And how are we to know what a person’s character is really like? Noah Webster revealed that when he warned us not to neglect “the divine commands”. In other words compare their actions to those the Bible commands us to have. It’s the same thing Jesus said when He taught us, “You will know them by their fruits.” Do a person’s actions show that they view things the way God views them?

Can this be done in the present election? Can we know how candidates think? We certainly can. In fact, this is Continue reading

“Do Gospel and Government Mix?”

Let His Kingdom Come 1

© 2022 Don Pinson | [Download]
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Recently a young friend of mine sent me an article he was disturbed about. A man who, no doubt, is a sincere believer, was saying Christians should not be involved in government because, as he said, “God’s kingdom isn’t here on earth”. He went on to put forth the idea that our work as Christians is to share the Gospel with the lost, not to lobby in government.

This is a common mistake I hear believers make. They divide life into the ‘spiritual’ and the ‘secular’ parts. In their thinking, neither is supposed to affect the other.

Is God’s kingdom only in Heaven? If that were true, why did God say in Genesis 1:26 that the reason He made us was so we would be “…in His image, after His likeness, and have dominion over…all the earth (emphasis added)? If we were made to look like God, live like God, and rule like God, as this verse teaches, whose kingdom did He desire to be on this earth?

Perhaps you’re thinking, “But that was Continue reading

“Why Christians Avoid Political Involvement”

© 2022 Don Pinson | [Download]
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Why Christians Avoid Political Involvement 1At election time I used to tell the church I pastored:  “Now go vote; that is a God-given privilege; but don’t get involved in politics.  That’s just a dirty business, and if you get involved with it, you’ll get dirty too.”  I learned that statement from older Pastors who had helped me start in the ministry.  Why have Pastors refused to be involved in the political realm?

We’ve bought into the lie that if we preach the Gospel everything else will be taken care of.  And, I would agree with that—if we were preaching the Gospel Jesus said to preach.  Most of us as Evangelicals have thought we were preaching the Gospel; and we were—it’s initial part.  We’ve told people that we all were sinners and needed a personal Lord and Saviour.  That is exactly right.  That’s where Christianity starts.  But it doesn’t end there, like many of us have thought.  When Jesus said in Matthew 28,

“Go ye therefore and teach all nations…”

He was not only telling us to teach them that they were sinners and needed a personal Saviour, He was telling us to,

“…[teach] them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you.” (Matthew 28:19-20)

“Observing all things…” means that we who are Christians are to take “dominion”, like He said in Genesis 1:26 we were created to do!  We are to rule, which is Continue reading

“Should I Vote?”

Should I Vote- 1

© 2022 Don Pinson | [Download]
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With the election only a month away, the candidates are fervently pushing their agenda, trying to convince us we should trust them with the future of our children.  That is what’s at stake, you know.  They promise us ‘all will be well’ if we give them our vote.  But with all the lies politicians have told us throughout our lives, why should we even bother to vote?  Well, the last two generations, many have decided not to.  We now think we’ve had a good voter turnout if 50% of those registered to vote get to the polls.  Not to mention the huge numbers who haven’t cared enough to even register.  How sad!

Why has this happened?  Since the 1920s most of our universities have been teaching that there is no God and life is all about us, and our pleasure.  Without knowing that the God of the Bible created us in an instant of time, we have no association with Him, which means we have no reason for self-worth, or for committing our lives to worthwhile tasks.  We simply “live for the weekend” as many put it.

This spills over into the governmental realm.  People who live for pleasure are Continue reading