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It has been said of Patrick, the great missionary to Ireland during the 400s, he “found Ireland all heathen and left it all Christian.” And while, no doubt, that statement is not completely true; it, no doubt, has much truth in it. Because Patrick was used of God powerfully in converting the Irish to Christ and helping them structure their government so that it would protect for centuries the right to share the Gospel of Christ with the next generation. Patrick’s understanding and submission to God brought tremendous power from the Holy Spirit to his life. You hear his understanding of God, and this world God created and controls, in what is known as Patrick’s Breastplate: Hear the power of God in it! He states:
“I arise today
Through a mighty strength, the invocation of the Trinity,
Through the belief in the threeness,
Through the confession of the oneness
Of the Creator of Creation
“I arise today
Through the strength of Christ’s birth with his baptism,
Through the strength of his crucifixion with his burial,
Through the strength of his resurrection with his ascension,
Through the strength of his descent for the Judgment Day. Continue reading