“Should I Vote?”

Should I Vote- 1

© 2023 Don Pinson | [Download]
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With the election only a month away, the candidates are fervently pushing their agenda, trying to convince us we should trust them with the future of our children.  That is what’s at stake, you know.  They promise us ‘all will be well’ if we give them our vote.  But with all the lies politicians have told us throughout our lives, why should we even bother to vote?  Well, the last two generations, many have decided not to.  We now think we’ve had a good voter turnout if 50% of those registered to vote get to the polls.  Not to mention the huge numbers who haven’t cared enough to even register.  How sad!

Why has this happened?  Since the 1920s most of our universities have been teaching that there is no God and life is all about us, and our pleasure.  Without knowing that the God of the Bible created us in an instant of time, we have no association with Him, which means we have no reason for self-worth, or for committing our lives to worthwhile tasks.  We simply “live for the weekend” as many put it.

This spills over into the governmental realm.  People who live for pleasure are Continue reading

“Are We Slaves of Socialism?”

Are We Slaves of Socialism- 1

© 2023 Don Pinson | [Download]
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Do we Americans live in the land of the free; or the land of political slavery?  Political slavery, or socialism, means that the few who administer civil government tell the rest of us what to do.  To determine if we live in political slavery:

  • Ask a parent if they can spank their child without fear of the government removing the child from them;
  • Ask a school teacher if they can choose their own curriculum;
  • Ask a physician if they can choose the type of medicine, therapy, or hospital, by which they care for their patients;
  • Ask a business owner if he can operate without first consulting government as to his location, pay for employees, and tools he uses;
  • Ask a church if they can building a building, or parking lot, without first asking government about septic systems, phone taxes, employee taxes, fire prevention restrictions, etc.;
  • Ask an individual how long he works each year just to pay the government what he is taxed. Let me answer that one for you: 30% of their work year!!

President Ronald Reagan warned us,

“Government that is big enough to give you everything you want is more likely to simply take everything you’ve got.”

(Speech given at St. John’s University in New York, March 28, 1985)

The Bible teaches Continue reading

“The Church: Key to a Strong Republic”

© 2023 Don Pinson | [Download]
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The Church - Key to a Strong Republic 1Many people wonder why America is going downhill morally. Why is there so much drug use? Why are the gangs with all their violence growing so rapidly? Why is homosexuality capturing so many of our young people? Why do so many people refuse to marry, and instead just “live” with someone? Wrong living comes from wrong thinking; and wrong thinking comes from wrong listening!

The reason for these wrong ideas was pointed out in a Barna Research Group survey taken some years ago in Kentucky. The survey revealed that, while 82% of Kentuckians said they were Christians, over a third of those surveyed said they only attended church once every six months. This poor church attendance mocks the Scriptural command to,

“Not [forsake] the assembling of ourselves together…” (Hebrews 10:25)

But perhaps you’re thinking, “What difference does it make how often someone goes to church?” It makes a lot of difference! It makes a lot of difference to an individual, a family, and a community. It makes a lot of difference to a nation! When you hear the Bible taught in its truth, your mind is Continue reading

“Pastors Are Stewards of Civil Government”

Pastors Are Stewards of Civil Government 1

© 2023 Don Pinson | [Download]
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Pastor Jonas Clark stood on Lexington Green on the steps of his church building on April 19th, 1775, watching 600 British troops file onto the grassy area.  He had taught his people for twenty years the Biblical principles of why and how to defend civil liberty.  He did this because he knew the Bible taught that civil government was God’s institution just like the home and the church were God’s institutions.  He stood there that day and watched nine of his men die on that field.  They died because they stood and took the first volley.  They had learned from their Pastor that only defensive war is just.  For God to fight with them, they must not fire the first shot.  They didn’t.  God honored their sacrifice; the British, though a vastly superior force, were routed that day by the Colonial forces.  A “shot was heard round the world” about how you defend civil liberty God’s way!

Samuel Davies, a Pastor in Virginia, was Patrick Henry’s inspiration for powerful public speaking.  Laying “line upon line” the great Pastor’s reasoning both stirred and gave Continue reading

“Religious Acts by Our Government”

Religious Acts by Our Government 1

© 2023 Don Pinson | [Download]
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Today we hear much about what is called the “Separation of Church and State”.  By that phrase is meant that the Bible, nor Christian ideas, have any right to influence government.  Groups such as the ACLU, who promote this idea, say that the First Amendment to the Constitution forbids Biblical ideas from influencing government.  But an honest study of the men who wrote the First Amendment will reveal just the opposite.

America’s Founders came from a long line of people who looked to God as the Source and Strength of their lives.  Prayer to them was as natural as breathing, and an absolute necessity in times of national crisis.  When the first major step toward war occurred, which was the blockading of Boston harbor, the first Continental Congress was then in session.  This gathering marked the first time the thirteen colonies had come together to discuss how to deal with the King of England’s tyranny over the American colonies.  Their very first act was to invite a minister to start their sessions with prayer and the reading of the Bible.

On September 7, 1774, John Adams wrote to his wife, Abigail, describing Continue reading

“Pastors: Speak Up or Be Silenced Forever!”

© 2023 Don Pinson | [Download]
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Pastors Speak Up or Be Silenced Forever 1I cannot tell you how very disappointed I’ve been with church leaders in recent days.  The so-called “pandemic” revealed some very interesting things about our lack of understanding of the Biblical principles of civil government.  This is not to say that, in the beginning of it, there was not the need for caution.  There certainly was; since we didn’t know what we were dealing with.  But the way church leadership just bowed down to the so-called “medical experts” and were willing to stop most ministry just because some governor said they had to, reveals a tremendous lack of understanding as to how Communists, and the many groups which work with them, work to take over free nations.  This lack of understanding is scary.  It shows that we’ve let our minds be shaped by socialist ideas:  That we haven’t known that Karl Marx, the father of Communism, stated that his whole aim in establishing worldwide communism was for the purpose of destroying Christianity.  What kind of ignorance does this reveal in us who lead the church?  Remember the Bible says,

“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge…” (Hosea 4:6)

It was Pastors who led Continue reading

“Liberty or Security?”

© 2023 Don Pinson | [Download]
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Liberty or Security- 1Liberty or Security?  Which is most important in the long run?  It is impossible to have 100% of both liberty and security in this natural world.  Liberty, of necessity, must involve some risks.  The major one is that you have to trust your neighbor to respect your God-given rights of life, liberty, and ownership of property.  Likewise, your neighbor must be able to trust you in the same way.  This is why our Founders warned us that we couldn’t maintain this Republic, with its great amount of liberty for the individual, without most of our people knowing the religion of Jesus Christ in the pure way that Jesus gave it.  If I know that I will “reap what I sow”, both in this world, and in the world to come (Galatians 6:7), I have a strong reason to respect your rights; knowing that God Himself is judging me in my actions.  If I’ve had those truths hidden from me both in the home and the school, then I don’t know that I will surely “reap what I’m now sowing”; thus, I have no deterrent to my own selfish desires, leaving your rights at risk.

Thus, God gave us civil government based on His Ten Commandments in order to aid us in keeping the last six of those commands toward our neighbor.  Government “bears not the sword in vain” (Romans 13:1-4); thus, the threat of punishment becomes Continue reading

“Why Did Americans Fight for Independence?”

Why Did Americans Fight for Independence 1

© 2023 Don Pinson | [Download]
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On April 19th, 1775, seventy-five American farmers faced an overwhelming force of some 600 British professional soldiers. The Americans were out-manned, out-gunned, and out-trained. And when the first shots were fired, nine of the Americans fell dead. Why were they willing to face such overwhelming odds? Were they dreamers? Were they crazy? Were they men of such noble ideas that they were willing to die for them? While they were all these things (except crazy), they had an even greater reason for resisting the King of England. They believed they were obeying the God of the Bible with their resistance. Their Congress had stated:

“Resistance to tyranny becomes the Christian…duty of each individual…Continue steadfast, and with a proper sense of your dependence on God, nobly…defend those rights which heaven gave, and no man ought to take from us.”

(Massachusetts Provincial Congress. 1774, in a resolution. George Bancroft, Bancroft’s History of the United States, Vol. X (Boston: Charles C. Little & James Brown, 3rd Edition, 1838), Vol. VII, p. 229 | Peter Marshall and David Manuel, The Glory of America (Bloomington, MN: Garborg’s Heart’N Home, Inc., 1991), 8.31.)

When our ancestors defended themselves on Lexington Green, and later much more successfully at Concord Bridge, they believed they were walking in a principle of liberty taught in the Bible.

When God placed Adam in the Garden of Eden, he told him to “keep it”; that is, to Continue reading

“Why America Declared Independence”

© 2023 Don Pinson | [Download]
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In declaring our Independence from England, were our Founders rebels, pushing against God-ordered government? Or were they revolutionaries, re-establishing God-ordered civil government? It’s way past time we again considered the twenty-seven reasons they listed for declaring Independence. They stated:

Why America Declared Independence 1

King George III

“The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

“He has refused his Assent to Laws…wholesome and necessary for the public good.

“He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing importance…

“He has refused to pass other Laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of Representation in the Legislature…

“He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual…for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures.

“He has dissolved Continue reading

“Why This in America?”

Why This in America- 1

© 2023 Don Pinson | [Download]
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Not since the 1960s have we seen anything like the rioting in the streets we’ve seen lately.  The wave of the so-called “New Left” thinkers in that era brought that about with their socialist mantra that “America is bad; we can make a perfect world if you’ll let us have control of your lives.”  But two things stopped that socialist revolution in America.  One, we elected a President who gave back to the policemen the right to use force to stop the rioting.  Secondly, God sent a revival that impacted the nation.  That revival brought the focus of many in my generation back to God and His plan for them.  That caused many to see that the anti-God agenda of the socialists, like Saul Alinsky, was wrong—as well as impossible.  As that revival grew in understanding and numbers throughout the 1970s, Christians would go to the polls and elect Ronald Reagan as President in 1980.  President Reagan would do much to stem the tide of socialism that had been sweeping the country in the sixties.

But most Christians, being ignorant of God’s plan for civil government, placed our governmental hope in the President, and we went Continue reading