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I cannot tell you how very disappointed I’ve been with church leaders in recent days. The so-called “pandemic” revealed some very interesting things about our lack of understanding of the Biblical principles of civil government. This is not to say that, in the beginning of it, there was not the need for caution. There certainly was; since we didn’t know what we were dealing with. But the way church leadership just bowed down to the so-called “medical experts” and were willing to stop most ministry just because some governor said they had to, reveals a tremendous lack of understanding as to how Communists, and the many groups which work with them, work to take over free nations. This lack of understanding is scary. It shows that we’ve let our minds be shaped by socialist ideas: That we haven’t known that Karl Marx, the father of Communism, stated that his whole aim in establishing worldwide communism was for the purpose of destroying Christianity. What kind of ignorance does this reveal in us who lead the church? Remember the Bible says,
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge…” (Hosea 4:6)
It was Pastors who led Continue reading