“The Church is Responsible for Teaching Civil Government”

The Church is Responsible for Teaching Civil Government 1

illustration by Sweet Publishing

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Concerning Civil Government, God says in Romans 13:1,

“…there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.”

Thus, we see that God is the One Who created the realm of authority known as civil government, just as He created the realms of authority known as the home and the church.  And from the Garden of Eden to the time of Noah, God exercised the authority of civil government by punishing crime Himself.  He set up the angel with the flaming sword to guard the Tree of Life, and keep man from eating of it after man had sinned.  It was God, Himself, who pronounced the sentence on Cain for murdering his brother, Abel.  It was God who sent the great Flood and punished the people of Noah’s day for their crimes of immorality and violence.  So early in human history God took responsibility for enforcing His statutes of civil law onto man.

But after the Flood, God transferred to man the responsibility for operating civil government.  He said to Noah Continue reading

“Christ Brings Freedom To The Whole Man”

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Sam Adams, the Father of the American Revolution, which secured our liberty in America, stated:

Christ Brings Freedom to the Whole Man 1“The right to freedom being the gift of God Almighty, the rights of the Colonists as Christians may best be understood by reading and carefully studying the institutions of The Great Law Giver and the Head of the Christian Church, which are…clearly written…in the New Testament.”

(Adams, Samuel. November 20, 1772, in his pamphlet entitled, The Rights of the Colonists, in section: “The Rights of the Colonist as Christians.” The Rights of the Colonists (Boston: Old South Leaflets), Volume VII, 1772 | John Eidsmoe, Christianity and the Constitution – The Faith of Our Founding Fathers (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, A Mott Media Book, 1987; 6th printing, 1993), p. 254.)

Sam Adams believed that our liberty was rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  It was simply the extension of the internal liberty Christ brings into our spirit and soul when we submit to Him as our Master and Deliverer.

The prophecies surrounding Jesus’ birth reveal Continue reading

“Knowing Our History Is A Must!”

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Knowing Our History Is a Must- 1Woodrow Wilson said:

“A nation which does not remember what it was yesterday, does not know what it is today, nor what it is trying to do.  We are trying to do a futile thing if we do not know where we came from or what we have been about…”

(1913. Robert Flood, The Rebirth of America (Philadelphia: The Arthur S. DeMoss Foundation, 1986), p. 12)

Where did earlier generations get the idea we are to know our history?  Why did our ancestors place so much emphasis on knowing our history?  Could our present decline be rooted in the “national amnesia” so prevalent across our land?

While it may be a shock to some; America’s Founders got the idea they must communicate to their children the story of where they came from—right out of the Bible.  It was the Pastors who taught the importance of remembering our history.  They pointed out such commands by God as the one in Deuteronomy 32:7, which states:

“Remember the days of old, consider the years of many generations: ask thy father, and he will shew thee; thy elders, and they will tell thee.”

Those early American Pastors realized that if we knew history well, we would Continue reading

“The Greatest Need in America”

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The Greatest Need in America 1With more disrespect being shown to our flag, even within our own borders, it would do us well to revisit our heritage! Fort McHenry (where in 1812 a battle raged which inspired Francis Scott Key to write The Star Spangled Banner) was named after a man who served as a medical soldier in George Washington’s army, and later signed the U.S. Constitution. His name was James McHenry. While unknown to us today, James McHenry was one of those men who laid such a firm foundation for America that during the 1800s it would grow to become the greatest nation on earth. James McHenry got his foundation from the Bible. In addition to his achievements just mentioned, he also served as a member of the Continental Congress, his state legislature, and the U.S. Secretary of War—and President of the Baltimore Bible Society! He had this to say about the Bible:

“…public [usefulness] pleads most forcibly for the general distribution of the Holy Scriptures. The doctrine they preach, the obligations they impose, the punishment they threaten, the rewards they promise…can alone secure to society, order and peace, and to our courts of justice and constitutions of government, purity, stability and usefulness.

“In vain, without the Bible, we increase penal laws and draw entrenchments around our institutions. Bibles are strong entrenchments.”

He then Continue reading

“God’s Instruments of Liberty”

God’s Instruments of Liberty 1

© 2024 Don Pinson | [Download]
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Is America a nation birthed by God?  Well the Bible says all nations are birthed by God:  In Acts 17:26 the Bible says,

[God]…hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined…the bounds of their habitation;”

Let’s learn about it from the book, Why God Birthed America

“God’s plan had not changed, even though man had left the good beginnings brought about by Jesus’ death, resurrection, ascension, and outpouring of His Spirit into believers.  Still yet, God had not given up on His dream of man being a vessel through which He could live His life.  And He was about to Continue reading

“The World or the Word”

The World or the Word 1

© 2024 Don Pinson | [Download]
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Since the Garden of Eden there has been a war of ideas going on in this world. Today we see this war manifested in the battle over what methods will be used in our education systems, with the minds of our children being the prize that goes to the victor. It is likewise evident in the economic realm, as those who believe government should stay out of business debate with those who believe increased government interference will solve our economic woes. Government itself is a battleground of ideas. There are those who believe government is a tool of God to maintain order. On the other side there are those who believe government is god!

In this battle the stakes are high. Liberty, with all its priceless benefits, is what is at stake. So how do we determine who is right? Can we find the answer deep within us, as man-centered thinkers would have us believe? Or must we look Continue reading

“Who’s the Best at Influencing Government?”

Who’s the Best at Influencing Government- 1

© 2023 Don Pinson | [Download]
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Often when I speak in churches I ask people to be involved in their government in order to protect the liberty of their children.  Many times they look at me with bewildered looks, as if to say, “How can I affect government?”  I’m sorry we’ve gotten to such a state.

When the Pilgrims came to America they had been through many years of government oppression.  And before them, many others had felt the restrictions of ungodly government and education.  Because of the hurt they had experienced through un-Biblical government, they knew they must establish education which was true and government which was just.  They knew the Bible taught that liberty could not be maintained in any nation apart from teaching the ways of God in their schools; neither could they expect liberty to continue if their government was not the form of government taught in the Bible.  Thus, they worked to create cultural institutions which God taught in the Bible:  Institutions which would teach and protect the moral foundation necessary for Republics to carry out their God-given purpose.

When people look at me with a questioning face that says, “How can I affect government?”,  I know they have Continue reading

“The Arrival of the Lawgiver”

The Arrival of the Lawgiver 1

© 2023 Don Pinson | [Download]
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This time of year there’s a lot of reference to the Baby Jesus in the manger.  That’s a good thing.  We think of the Christ child and hope comes to us that God literally invaded history and brought hope that there could be “peace on earth toward men of good will” (Luke 2:14).

And yet, for all this good feeling surrounding the Baby Jesus, few ever think beyond the manger.  And even of those who do think of His important life, death, and resurrection, even fewer ever come to understand His impact on all civilization; and particularly here in the western hemisphere.  Jesus was the most important Lawgiver in world history.  His influence over moral and civil law in this world makes Him, without question, the most influential person in all of history.  Yet, few law schools in America ever acknowledge His powerful impact at all.

Jesus’ birth came at a time when Continue reading

“Believers Vote Biblically!”

Believers Vote Biblically 1

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Noah Webster, the Father of America’s original education system, wrote to young people in his U.S. history book:

“When you become entitled to exercise the right of voting for public officers, let it be impressed on your mind that God commands you to choose for rulers, ‘just men who will rule in the fear of God.’ The preservation of [the government of a republic] depends on the faithful discharge of this duty; if the citizens neglect their duty and place unprincipled men in office…the rights of the citizens will be violated or disregarded. If [the government of a republic] fails to secure public prosperity and happiness, it must be because the citizens neglect the divine commands, and elect bad men to make and administer the laws.”

(History of the United States (New Haven, Durrie & Beck, 1832), pp. 336-337)

The school teacher who made America great, taught us to look at a person’s character before we give him our vote.

And how are we to know what a person’s character is really like? Noah Webster revealed that when he warned us not to neglect “the divine commands”. In other words compare their actions to those the Bible commands us to have. It’s the same thing Jesus said when He taught us, “You will know them by their fruits.” Do a person’s actions show that they view things the way God views them?

Can this be done in the present election? Can we know how candidates think? We certainly can. In fact, this is Continue reading

“Our Solemn Vow to God”

Our Solemn Vow to God 1

© 2023 Don Pinson | [Download]
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With the false slant the secular media gives its reporting, and the support of universities in propagating that viewpoint, some people wonder if there is any purpose in fighting this war for the preservation of liberty.  Through their rhetoric, these ‘change agents’ of our culture try to discourage us from going to the polls.  Is there any good reason for moral conservatives, and especially Christians, to vote?

Yes!  Absolutely yes!  Let us not forget that first and foremost of all, our vote is not about its effect.  Our vote is not primarily about whom we elect.  It is most importantly an act of obedience to the God who created us.  In America’s first dictionary, written when we weren’t ashamed to name the Name of Jesus Christ in public places, Noah Webster defined the word vote as coming from a root word meaning, “our solemn vow to God”!  Our vote is an act of agreement with God in His work of protecting the right of the next generation to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ; and thus, to have the opportunity to become all He created them to become.  Our vote is our sacred opportunity to preserve liberty for our children!

The Bible teaches that electing our rulers is Continue reading