“The Right Kind of Education”

The Right Kind of Education 1

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It may have been Abe Lincoln who said,

“The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next.”

(Lincoln, Abraham. Attributed. Herald Star (Steubenville, Ohio, 1984) | Stephen K. McDowell and Mark A. Beliles, America’s Providential History (Charlottesville, VA: Providence Press, 1988), p. 79; (4th printing, 1994), p. 95 | Karen Morgan, People of the Past (Historical Presentations, P.O. Box 426, Cortland, Ohio, 44410, (330) 638-8606))

Perhaps no statement better summarizes the direction life in this world will take.  Since the word “govern” means “to control”, what happens in government is going to determine the boundaries you and I walk in during our brief stay on this earth.  Lincoln correctly reasoned that whatever goes into the mind will show itself a generation later in the type of government that is ruling.  Whatever is good in government; attribute that to the education of the previous generation.  Likewise, whatever is bad in government, lay the blame for that at the feet of the education system of the previous generation.  And to think of it, I can’t think of very much that’s good in our governments today.  Oh well, ‘if the shoe fits, wear it’!

The Bible taught us this principle long before Abe Lincoln related it to education and government.  It says, “Be not deceived, God is not mocked.  Whatsoever a man sows, that shall he also reap.” (Galatians 6:7).  God has built an unchangeable law into this universe that teaches everything is the fruit of a previous thought and action.  It’s inescapable.  That being so, shouldn’t we carefully consider what we are putting into our children’s minds?  In our day information comes at our children in many ways:  Music, magazines, movies, TV, friends.  Information through friends, however, is the most important to young people according to the surveys.  This could make school the most important thing in our children’s lives, for that is Continue reading

“The Must of Biblical Education”

© 2020 Don Pinson | [Download]
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A leader among America’s Founding Fathers made the following statement about education:

“We have a dangerous trend beginning to take place in our education…We’ve become accustomed of late of putting little books into the hands of children containing fables and moral lessons…We are spending less time in the classroom on the Bible, which should be the principal text in our schools…The Bible states these great moral lessons better than any…manmade book.”

(Ames, Fisher. September 20, 1789, in an article published in the Palladium magazine. | D. James Kennedy, The Great Deception (Fort Lauderdale, Florida: Coral Ridge Ministries, 1989; 1993), p. 3.)

The Must of Biblical Education 1

Thus spoke Fisher Ames, the Founding Father who authored the wording of the First Amendment to the Constitution. Could this Founder have possibly wanted the “separation of church and state” idea that liberals now use to remove the Bible from schools?

But to continue with our thoughts on education: Since education teaches children how to think; and since, in the next generation, those thought processes become Continue reading

“Whoever Gets the Mind Gets the Nation”

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Whoever Gets the Mind Gets the Nation 1Benjamin Rush was a Signer of the Declaration of Independence.  He was also the Father of America’s original public schools—schools that were controlled by parents, and NOT the state.  Benjamin Rush made this statement about the education of children:

“Let the children…be carefully instructed in the principles and obligations of the Christian religion.  This is the most essential part of education.”

(Rush, Benjamin. 1787, A Plan for Free Schools. David Barton, “America, God Shed His Grace on Thee” (Garland, TX: American Tract Society, Box 462008, Garland, Texas, 75046; 1994), p. 4.)

Noah Webster, the Father of America’s original education method—the one that made us the greatest nation on earth—said these words:

“Education is useless without the Bible.”

(Webster, Noah. “Our Christian Heritage”, Letter from Plymouth Rock Foundation (Plymouth, MA: The Plymouth Rock Foundation), p. 5.)

How has America been changed from the nation of Biblical thinking it once was?  It’s because of the clash of two completely opposite “worldviews”:  One Biblical; one “man-centered”.  We have lost, with humanistic (that is “man-centered”) education, the ability to reason.

When we left “God-centered” education, we lost the “sowing and reaping” principle.  That happened because we Continue reading

“Why They Came”

Why They Came 1

© 2019 Don Pinson | [Download]
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The little boy tugged at the young man’s coat sleeve. “How far is it to America?” he asked, “Will we soon be there?” “No, lad,” the man replied, “It will take many days to cross this huge ocean.” The little boy gazed briefly across the ocean to the west. Then, unaware of the risks of such a voyage, he ran to find his friend to tell him this ship, the Mayflower, would be their playground for a long time. The young man continued to gaze across the vast ocean. His thoughts drifted back twenty years—to the time he had first met these people he was now a part of.

He remembered the wonderful meetings they had in their homes in England. For the first time in his life he had felt accepted, really accepted. These people were genuine, somehow he just knew it. Though others were saying this group were bigots who thought they were the only ones who were right and that they had “gone off the deep end” with their religion, he knew the truth. These people were real. They people didn’t claim to be perfect. They readily admitted that they too were capable of selfishness. But the unique thing about them (that so set them apart from those who were against them) was that they had entered into an agreement to help each other not give into selfishness by letting their friends point it out to them. And the way they did it seemed safer to him than living the way his relatives did. Because they recognized their own bent toward selfishness, they didn’t trust their own thoughts alone. They had agreed to compare their thoughts about another member’s actions to what the Bible said about those actions. Those who were critical of them certainly didn’t Continue reading

“Explaining Socialism”

© 2019 Don Pinson | [Download]
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What is Socialism 1It is just hard to believe that we have so many Presidential candidates that are openly embracing socialism! While fifty years ago a socialist political candidate couldn’t get to “first base”, today it’s becoming much more accepted due to the multitude of Socialists professors in America’s universities. They teach our young adults from a socialist perspective, and many, if not most, of those young adults come to think socialistically. Now they are running for office—even the Presidency!

Why is this upsurge in socialism occurring? I believe it is mainly because we don’t understand what socialism really is. satan has always worked in the darkness; and it is in this region of ignorance that tyranny begins. So let’s TURN THE LIGHT ON SOCIALISM. Let’s take a REAL look into it and its operations.

By definition, socialism “is Continue reading

“Revival and Reformation Spread”

Revival and Reformation Spread 1

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God so used one man, Patrick of Ireland, in the 400s to so change Ireland that it would be a base from which the Gospel would be carried to the ends of the earth in that day!  Patrick led thousands to Christ in Ireland.  He started over 700 churches in twenty-eight years!  He trained and set apart 700 bishops and 3000 ministers to further disciple the people who had come to Christ.  He started training centers to equip believers to carry the Gospel to their own—and to the world.  And Patrick understood something we’ve lost:  That is, the institution of civil government was God’s institution and must operate by His truth, the Bible, if it is to fulfill its purpose of protecting God-given rights of life, liberty, and property.  He reformed (reshaped) Ireland’s governments to agree with Biblical principles.  This is exactly what we need in America today!

Patrick’s disciples would carry to the world this Biblical message of reshaping cultures through Christ.  They confronted the Barbarians, who were over-running Europe at the time, and neutralized with the Gospel of Christ their savage destruction.  Indeed one historian believed Continue reading

“Why Mass Shootings?”

Why Mass Shootings- 1

© 2019 Don Pinson | [Download]
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Mass shootings seem to be escalating.  And while the political pundits always try to pin the blame on their political enemies, the truth is the numbers of shootings have been increasing no matter which political party is in power.  The news media, psychiatrists, and talk show hosts, have tried to answer the question, “Why do tragedies like this occur?”  And, as usual, most of them aren’t even close to the right answer.  But there is a simple, “root” reason for things like this occurring; and it’s found only in the Bible.

The Bible explains that because of our refusal to allow the life of God to enter us in the Garden of Eden, so we could be a channel of the life of God in this earth, we received a “sin principle”.  That is, a root of sin that colors the thinking of all who do not walk with Christ.  It produces the attitude:  “I want what I want when I want it.”  This causes a man to lash out at others when he doesn’t get what he wants, when he wants it.  This attitude is the foundation of all the political philosophies in the world—except God’s original plan for government revealed in the Bible.

It becomes obvious, contrary to the way the secular media tries to spin it, that the root thinking of mass killers is Continue reading

“Our Freedom Document”

Our Freedom Document 1

© 2018 Don Pinson | [Download]
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The Bible says, “Stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.” (Galatians 5:1)

Ladies and Gentlemen: The following document is the reason you and I, in America, are free:

“When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitles them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. Continue reading

“Covenant Is the Basis of Our Nation”

Covenant Is the Basis of our Nation 1

© 2019 Don Pinson | [Download]
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When the Pilgrims came here in 1620, they had learned some things that recent generations have had stolen from them.  For instance, they had come to understand that the basis of the government is covenant.  No state can exist very long if its citizens are not in covenant with each other.

The word covenant is defined as “a meeting or agreement of minds”.  The minds of a people living under a particular government must be in agreement on the basics of life if they are to be able to walk together throughout the generations.

They must agree about Who God is, and who He says they are, and what His plan for them is, both as individuals and a nation.  Without this agreement, education, commerce, and government just become Continue reading

“Why Flag Day?”

Why Flag Day 1

© 2019 Don Pinson | [Download]
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Recently one of the churches in our community held a special meeting on Flag Day, June 14th.  They honored the United States Flag, “…the Republic for which it stands…”, and the soldiers who have defended that Republic.  Our original Continental Congress approved the basic design of our Flag on June 14th, 1777, which is why the day has been set aside as a day to honor our Flag.

I remember being taught the importance of our Flag as a child by my Dad and Mom.  Dad was a World War II veteran and had a great love for our country.  The public school I attended likewise taught us respect for country and the Flag which represents it.  We saluted the Flag and pledged allegiance to it every morning.  This is rarely done now as the emphasis through the education system is on nations coming together in a one-world government.  We were taught the Biblical understanding that:

“God hath made of one blood all nations of men…and appointed…the boundaries of their habitation.” (Acts17:26, emphasis added)

Now most children don’t even know the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.  Let’s carefully consider this pledge in an effort to Continue reading