“Love Your Enemies: But STAND Against Them!”

© 2020 Don Pinson | [Download]
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Love Your Enemies- But STAND Against Them- 1Celebrate a Veteran this week!

On October 8th, 1918, an Army corporal from the mountains of Tennessee did an amazing thing while fighting in World War I.  Alvin York, a shy young man, who didn’t even want to go to war, performed so well in the line of duty he would later be awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor.  York, who had been converted to Christ after being known as a “hell-raiser”, struggled with going to war because Jesus had taught that we should be peacemakers.  However, he finally reasoned from the Bible that, as he would say,

“If a man can make peace by fighting, then he is a peacemaker.”

His patrol was moving behind German lines who were ‘dug in’ within deep trenches.  The Germans discovered York and his troop, and opened fire.  The American patrol was pinned down and York would later report that the bushes all around him were shot to pieces, yet he was miraculously spared.  At great risk to his life he worked his way around the hillside where he could see the Germans entrenched above his men.  With his Tennessee sharp-shooting skills he began to pick off the German soldiers one at a time, until he had single-handedly killed twenty-five of them; and silenced thirty-five machine guns!  He then Continue reading

“Socialism Works Death!”

Socialism Works Death- 1

© 2020 Don Pinson | [Download]
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The Bible says,

“…Thou hast magnified Thy word above all Thy name.” (Psalm 138:2)

If God has magnified His Word above all His name, then He most surely has exalted His Word above everything in this world!  Every individual and institution must be judged by the standard of His Word.  If that standard is refused, deception—which brings death—will permeate that individual or institution.  Everything, and everyone, must be judged by the Word!

satan attacks the Word, and anyone and anything who can be a carrier of the Word.  He attacks man because man is made in “God’s image” (from Genesis 1:26).  He attacks institutions because they are all designed to carry the Word.  You see:

  • The Home teaches the Word to the next generation.
  • The Church teaches the Home to teach the Word to the next generation.
  • The Civil Government protects, by law, the right of the home and church to teach the Words of God.
  • Education, whether in the Home or elsewhere, is designed to teach the Words of God, and disciple children in walking out the Word in whichever institution God places them.
  • The institution of Business is designed to fund that education process in children; as well as illustrate the absolutes of God through relying on numbers to build and evaluate the business.

Socialism is the system of thought satan has substituted for God’s institutions.  Thus, it is Continue reading

“Socialism Takes—It Doesn’t Give!”

© 2020 Don Pinson | [Download]
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Socialist politicians are everywhere ranting that all should have free education; free medical care; free housing.  My only question to that is:  “Says who?”  Does God say it in the Bible?  Or is it purely the idea of some man?

Socialism Takes - It Doesn't Give- 1God teaches us that He has given to man a system by which his physical and material needs can be met.  It’s quite simple, but very, very effective.  God releases into us at the moment of conception certain abilities which, if we follow His leading, He will later direct into a calling through which our needs will be met.  A surgeon gets thinking and motor skills which will enable him to remove harmful things and reset body tissue so that God’s natural healing can take place.  An automobile mechanic gets the understanding in his mind and skill in his hands by which to diagnose and repair your vehicle.  God then intends for us to be taught by parents, pastors, and other teachers how to work with those skills to better the lives of others.  They, in turn, pay us for our services, which betters our lives.  God’s Kingdom gets advanced in both parties because each realizes that God’s way works; which encourages faith in God’s Word and His calling in other areas of life.

Socialism works just the opposite of this.  It teaches that, “there are just some people who can’t take care of themselves.”  So we give tax-funded food, clothing, and housing to a few in the beginning.  Then politicians (not statesmen, mind you!) see Continue reading

“You Do NOT Want Socialism!”

You Do Not Want Socialism 1

© 2020 Don Pinson | [Download]
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Mr. Obama endorsed for Congress in the 2018 elections, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a twenty-eight year-old avowed socialist. This clearly reveals where his loyalties lie; not that anyone who understands Biblical government had any doubt.

This push for socialism by many in the political realm is where satan has hoped to bring our nation all along. The Bible teaches that he

“…[comes] to steal, and to kill, and to destroy.” (John 10:10)

And socialism is “the greatest killing machine in human history.”

(Agenda: Grinding America Down, C. Bowers (Copybook Heading Productions LLC, 2011), DVD)

Of course, the lie is that, in socialism, you have free services from the government; free education, free health insurance, free medical care, etc. But the reality is it creates death to an economy and physical death to multitudes of its citizens – If you have children listening to this you’ll want to turn it off and go later to our website, heritageministriesky.com, so as to hear the rest of it without them. More people have Continue reading

“The Real Aim of Socialism”

© 2020 Don Pinson | [Download]
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California is probably the most socialistic state in this nation.  To see the effect of such full-blown socialism you need look no further than the lawsuits pressed by California against Pastor John MacArthur and his church.  They are seeking a court to declare him and his church, Grace Community Church, to be in contempt of court; simply because they have chosen to keep meeting together, defying Governor Newsome’s executive order to the contrary.  They simply choose to “…obey God rather than men.” (Acts 5:29)

The Real Aim of Socialism 1Anywhere socialism has gained control, ultimately the Bible becomes an outlawed book. To keep people from hearing God’s plan for them has always been satan’s greatest desire, because,

“…faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.” (Romans 10:17)

If satan can keep people from hearing the teaching of the Scripture, he can keep them from turning to Christ. That’s what the warfare in our nation about the teaching of the Word of God in public is all about. Thus, the history of socialism in modern times is a history of the effort to bury the Bible. Hitler did it in Nazi Germany; Stalin did it in Communist Russia; the Chinese Communist government is Continue reading

“Socialism Has Failed in the Past”

Socialism Has Failed in the Past 1

© 2020 Don Pinson | [Download]
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We’re hearing a great deal of talk about “socialism” in the political realm these days. In a number of places around the country the Democratic Parties are electing socialist candidates. And while the Republican Parties have not openly embraced socialism yet, many Republicans in government carry out their government duties in a socialistic way. They take tax dollars from a citizen in one part of the country, and spend it for a project in another part of the country. This is the redistribution of wealth by government mandate; which is one of the main tenets of Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto. It is socialism.

America tried socialism in the 1600s. The Pilgrims worked Continue reading

“What is Socialism?”

© 2020 Don Pinson | [Download]
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What is Socialism 1 While fifty years ago a political candidate who would have openly embraced socialism as his political philosophy would have spelled his doom, today it’s becoming much more accepted due to the multitude of Socialists professors in America’s universities. They teach our young adults from a socialist perspective, and many, if not most, of those young adults come to think socialistically. Now they are running for office—and some are winning!

Why is this upsurge in socialism occurring? I believe it is mainly because we don’t understand what socialism really is. satan has always worked in the darkness; and it is in this region of ignorance that tyranny begins. So let’s TURN THE LIGHT ON SOCIALISM. Let’s take a REAL look into it and its operations.

By definition, socialism “is Continue reading

“Socialism Defies Christianity!”

© 2020 Don Pinson | [Download]
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I remember hearing someone say many years ago that the early Christians lived by socialistic principles in the way they took care of each other. While that person may have been sincere, this is ignorance personified! In Acts 2:44 the Bible does say that the early believers “…had all things common…” But that in no way supports the idea that they operated as socialists. The early followers of Jesus chose to share their belongings with the other believers. They weren’t forced to do it by government mandate. They weren’t taxed by government and then had redistributed to other believers their goods. No! Out of the love of the Lord Jesus, Who lived inside them, they chose to give to their brothers and sisters in Christ what they needed. There’s a huge difference in those two ideas concerning how you meet the needs of the poor.

Socialism Defies Christianity 1Socialism and Christianity do not mix! Karl Marx, the father of modern day socialism, knew this. Concerning his goal to establish communism, he listed his first goal as being…

“To dethrone God…”

(Agenda: Grinding America Down, Curtis Bowers, 2010)

Socialism, and its ultimate goal, communism, will not mix with Christianity. To try to mix them is like trying to mix oil and water. You might stir them up together; but when everything settles they will have divided off into two completely different entities. People who say they are Christians and want to mix socialism and Christianity either do not know the Lord at all, or they are so shallow in Him they know very little about how God thinks; which means they have never read very much of the Bible.

The socialistic principle of, “everybody getting free everything” goes Continue reading

“Why This in America?”

Why This in America- 1

© 2020 Don Pinson | [Download]
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Not since the 1960s have we seen anything like the rioting in the streets we’ve seen lately.  The wave of the so-called “New Left” thinkers in that era brought that about with their socialist mantra that “America is bad; we can make a perfect world if you’ll let us have control of your lives.”  But two things stopped that socialist revolution in America.  One, we elected a President who gave back to the policemen the right to use force to stop the rioting.  Secondly, God sent a revival that impacted the nation.  That revival brought the focus of many in my generation back to God and His plan for them.  That caused many to see that the anti-God agenda of the socialists, like Saul Alinsky, was wrong—as well as impossible.  As that revival grew in understanding and numbers throughout the 1970s, Christians would go to the polls and elect Ronald Reagan as President in 1980.  President Reagan would do much to stem the tide of socialism that had been sweeping the country in the sixties.

But most Christians, being ignorant of God’s plan for civil government, placed our governmental hope in the President, and we went Continue reading

“Our Freedom Document”

Our Freedom Document 1

© 2020 Don Pinson | [Download]
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The Bible says, “Stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.” (Galatians 5:1)

Ladies and Gentlemen: The following document is the reason you and I, in America, are free:

“When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitles them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. Continue reading