“Why Jesus Came”

"Think About It" - Heritage Ministries of Kentucky

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Jesus once said,

“A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things.” (Matthew 12:35)

How we think inside produces our actions outside.  Jesus is pointing out to us that the mind will determine what we choose, and thus, how we act.  So what we put into the mind will determine the way we act.

Why Jesus Came 1

So what should we put into our mind?  What are the most basic truths we need to know in order to function as God intended us to function?  What truths will Continue reading

“Thankful for Biblical Civil Systems”

"Think About It" - Heritage Ministries of Kentucky

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Thankful for Biblical Civil Systems 1

In 1623 the Pilgrims celebrated a time of Thanksgiving with their Indian friends, Chief Massasoit and his Wampanoag tribe.  The Pilgrims were grateful to God for their Indian friends.  The peace treaty into which they had entered helped both peoples to go on with their daily lives in an ordered manner.  This is, of course, the purpose of civil law; to protect the God-given rights of life, liberty, and property.  When this is done, the resulting order allows society’s institutions to function without the interruption of chaos.  The Pilgrims’ Pastor, John Robinson, had taught them that this order flowed from Biblically based civil government, and thus, the first thing they did when they arrived was to write the Mayflower Compact; which instituted this type of government.  I believe their new civil government was one of the things they were most thankful for on those first Thanksgiving Days.

And the Pilgrims’ new civil government was working.  Their original economic system failed because it was Continue reading

“Columbus Defended”

"Think About It" - Heritage Ministries of Kentucky

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Columbus Defended 1“In 1492, Columbus sailed the Ocean blue.”  Thus, children in America learned the little rhyme which firmly fixed in our minds who was responsible for the American continents being discovered.  The last two generations haven’t learned that because some in what is called “higher education” circles didn’t want us to know who Columbus was.  Many in those circles came to be ashamed of Columbus’ God because they were convicted by the mentioning of the Name of Jesus.  Since Columbus was a devout man and often mentioned God and Jesus Christ, they tried to remove him from our history.  Now that war against his name has reached new heights.

In September, a statue of Columbus in Binghamton, New York, had the word “murderer” painted on it.  In New York City, Columbus’ statue in Central Park was vandalized.  The New York City mayor’s, answer to that was to appoint a commission to consider which historical monuments should be removed!

I remember Rich DeVos, Betsy DeVos’ father-in-law, saying Continue reading

“Heroes’ Memory Worth Preserving”, Part 2

"Think About It" - Heritage Ministries of Kentucky

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The outcry to remove Confederate monuments from the public square is not, at its root, an issue of racial justice.  One of the ways we know this is that the leaders who are stirring people to march in the streets against monuments of Robert E. Lee are the same people who will vehemently defend Planned Parenthood.  Planned Parenthood murders more children by abortion that any other one organization in America, and many of those are black children.  Their founder, Margaret Sanger, believed the black race was inferior and should be killed.  And, no doubt, this is why they’ve placed so many of their “clinics” in predominately black neighborhoods.  And now abortion is the leading cause of death in the Black community (sisforlife.org)!  If the leaders of this “remove the monuments” movement were so concerned about racial justice, why do they so adamantly support Planned Parenthood?

The truth is:  Robert E. Lee was one of the greatest American Christians ever!  Lee once spoke of the Bible to Chaplain William Jones:

“There are things in the old Book which I may not be able to explain, but I fully accept it as the infallible Word of God, and receive its teachings as inspired by the Holy Spirit.”

(Young, Marse Robert, p. 344.  Peter Marshall & David Manuel, The Glory of America Calendar (Garborg’s Heart’N Home, Inc., Bloomington, MN, 1991), 8.9.)

Heroes' Memory Worth Preserving, Part 2 1

On the way to battles, Lee would often stop and join his troops if they were gathered praying.  Perhaps this is why Continue reading

“Heroes’ Memory Worth Preserving”

"Think About It" - Heritage Ministries of Kentucky

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© 2017 Don Pinson | [Download]
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Heroes' Memory Worth Preserving 1The recent rash of attacks on monuments of heroes like Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson should be a matter of great concern to all freedom-loving Americans.  Because of the massive deleting of our history from the minds of the last three generations, most of us are taking this “sitting down”, instead of letting our voice be heard about this wholesale theft of the liberty of our children and grandchildren.

Why do I say this?  Because only Biblical ideas produce liberty in a nation.  The Bible says,

“Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.” (2 Corinthians 3:17)

Liberty in the heart from the guilt and bondage of sin only comes through the blood of Jesus Christ, and by His resurrection power.  And if we let this liberty grow to its full maturity, it will result in civil liberty being diffused throughout a society.  That liberty will then be institutionalized in Constitutions which will secure the right of each citizen to live in that civil liberty.  And while you can’t legislate what will happen in the human heart; if you don’t legislate the protection of the flow of the Gospel of Christ to the human heart, you work against the purpose of God in bringing men into a redeeming relationship with Him.

This concept of internal liberty becoming also external liberty is the basic idea from which America’s liberty was birthed and maintained for the first 300 years of our existence.  For the last few months an attack against Southern statues of heroes committed to this concept has been mounting.  What is called “social justice” is actually a direct attack against the liberty of all Americans.  See last week’s message entitled Learning From Our Past at heritageministriesky.com to discover who is really behind the riots happening in the name of “social justice”. Continue reading

“Learning From Our Past”

"Think About It" - Heritage Ministries of Kentucky

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© 2017 Don Pinson | [Download]
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In recent months there’s come a new “fix” for America’s ills, pushed by those who do not believe the Bible to be literally true.  It is:  Tear down our monuments of heroes from the Southern side of the War Between the States.  This idea is most certainly pushed by people on the left of the political spectrum which follows perfectly their agenda:  That is, “Divide and Conquer”.  Using race to divide citizens within a nation is nothing new.  satan has been using this tactic since early human history to enslave people politically, so he can keep the Gospel of Christ from reaching them.  Its end is always death, because satan comes “but for to steal kill and destroy…” (John 10:10)

Learning From Our Past 1

illustration by Sweet Publishing

First, let’s answer the question:  Should nations have monuments at all?  It was God, Himself Who first taught His model nation, the Jewish Republic, to erect monuments.  When He had dried up the Jordan River so His people could cross on dry land, He told Joshua to build a monument of twelve stones (Joshua 4:4-5) so that, quote:

“…this may be a sign among you, that when your children ask their fathers in time to come, saying, What mean ye by these stones?  Then ye shall answer them, That the waters of Jordan were cut off before the ark of the covenant of the LORD; when it passed over Jordan…and these stones shall be for a memorial unto the children of Israel for ever.” (Joshua 4:6-7)

So monuments are Continue reading

“John Adams: Example of Founders’ Thinking”

"Think About It" - Heritage Ministries of Kentucky

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The Bible says, “Remember those who led you…” (Hebrews 13:7)  Yet, in America we’ve forgotten what those who founded this nation were like.  We no longer know how they thought or what they did.  Someone has truthfully described us as having “national amnesia”.

John Adams: Example of Founders’ Thinking 1The great danger in a nation forgetting its past is that they will lose the foundational ideas that made that nation great.  We’re missing out on the inspiration provided by the stories of our ancestors who did amazing things to birth, grow, and protect America.  Worse still, we’re missing the interventions by God Himself so that we no longer credit Him with America’s existence.  Thus we lose the very Strength Who has brought the good to us which we now enjoy.

A renowned minister, A.W. Foljambe, spoke great wisdom when he said in 1876:

“The more thoroughly a nation deals with its history, the more decidedly will it recognize and own an over-ruling Providence [in it], and the more religious a nation [it will] become; while the more superficially it deals with its history, seeing only secondary causes and human agencies, the more irreligious will it be.”

One of the greatest ways to rediscover our past is simply Continue reading

“Our Vision Must Increase!”

"Think About It" - Heritage Ministries of Kentucky

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© 2017 Don Pinson | [Download]
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In traveling about this region of several states, I’ve noticed the many prayer meetings that have been taking place the last three years.  Many of those expressed great concern for the state of our nation and the elections of 2016.  Having won most of those elections I’ve been very interested to see if the prayer meetings would continue.  I’m happy to say many of them are.  However, I have a great concern.

Our Vision Must Increase 1Jim Cymbala, Pastor of the Brooklyn Tabernacle, says that prayer is born out of a “felt need”.  We felt our need acutely before last fall’s elections.  We could see the persecution of Christians rising in this nation; we could see the degrading of our nation by previous administrations; we felt the growing socialist control over our children, especially if they were in a tax-supported school.  We cried to God out of hearts which felt the need of a change that we couldn’t work.  Many of us believe that God answered those desperate cries and mercifully granted us a President and many other government servants who are, at least, respectful of God, the Bible, and the name of Jesus.  They honor our flag and our Constitution.  Compared to what we’d had for many years, all this is so wonderful it’s easy to think the crisis has passed.  But don’t be deceived!

What caused us to be in the death struggle for the life of our nation has Continue reading

“Giant Step Toward Educational Freedom!”

"Think About It" - Heritage Ministries of Kentucky

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© 2017 Don Pinson | [Download]
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On April 27th, President Trump did an astounding thing!  He reversed an 80-year-old policy concerning the relation of the national government to education in this land.  With an Executive Order he set as the official policy of the national government to “protect and preserve State and local control over” the nation’s educational system.  That is unprecedented since the national government began to reach into the area of education.  National control of schools has grown for over 80 years.  Now finally, there is an order from the White House to reverse that destructive trend.

Giant Step Toward Educational Freedom 1America’s Founders wanted no such control.  James Madison warned us on the floor of the very first Congress (and remember it was Madison who wrote most of the Constitution!) of the destruction that would come if the national government ever got involved in education.  It would mean that a few people in the national government could control the thinking of the rest of the nation by what it allowed, or disallowed, to be taught in the schools.

We’ve watched as the national Court system has said Continue reading

“There is No ‘Trans’-Gender”

"Think About It" - Heritage Ministries of Kentucky

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© 2017 Don Pinson / To Download, right-click here: [Download]

We are hearing a lot about what is termed, “Transgenderism” these days.  Some say it’s an option.  Some say it’s a choice.  Some say it’s a right.  The Bible teaches it is sin!!  Most who promote the idea of “transgenderism” are also the people who push the murder of a child in the womb as being a “choice”—choice of death for the baby!  Isn’t it interesting how satan loves to give sins a more acceptable name so that they will be more readily accepted by the masses.  Let’s consider why what is called “transgenderism” is sin.

There is No Trans1For starters, it is not logical:  Not in origin, not in practice.  No matter what kind of surgery you have on the body, you cannot change the genes.  We are internally what God made us to be, either a male or a female.  This cannot be changed.  Change on the outside does not change what is inside, in the genes or internal organs.  Neither can we change the way we go about doing things.  All established order in this earth recognizes a male “approach” to things and a female “approach” to things.  Thus, you can be a “transvestite” (meaning you can dress like the opposite sex) but you cannot be “transgendered”.

But more importantly, a so called “gender change” directly attacks Continue reading