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A lady from Argentina cries out to us in America and says,
“We pray you people of the United States stand up and hold on for we are counting on you to defend our freedom.”
(Answers in Genesis Newsletter; July 27, 2007)
Does that not make you feel a great responsibility? It certainly should!
While we go about enjoying our prosperous lifestyles the rest of the world longs for the opportunity to be able to compete in the market place without the interference of an oppressive government. While we use our abundant free time for every conceivable pleasure known to man, the rest of the world only dreams of having a work day that didn’t last from daylight to dark every day. While we use our freedom to frequent golf courses, ball games, and shopping malls, most people on earth long for enough freedom just to teach their children how to keep body and soul together.
Am I saying prosperity is wrong? No! Is liberty wrong? No! They are gifts from Almighty God. But how Continue reading