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Few things have caused as much controversy in American politics as the President’s effort to build a wall along our southwestern border. Some claim the idea is contrary to the message proclaimed by our Statue of Liberty: “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” But are they right? How can America be a refuge for the hurting of the world if we do not maintain the liberty which makes this nation their hope? How can we help them if we let in people whose ideas are diametrically opposed to the Biblically-based ideas which made America the freest, most prosperous nation on earth?
Some would say, “Does that mean only Biblically thinking people can come here? How can they ever learn our ideas if they aren’t here, where they can learn them?” We’re not the first generation of Americans to face that issue. In the founding of America it was decided who could be a citizen here and who couldn’t be. The basic concept was Continue reading