“Why This in America?”

Why This in America- 1

© 2023 Don Pinson | [Download]
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Not since the 1960s have we seen anything like the rioting in the streets we’ve seen lately.  The wave of the so-called “New Left” thinkers in that era brought that about with their socialist mantra that “America is bad; we can make a perfect world if you’ll let us have control of your lives.”  But two things stopped that socialist revolution in America.  One, we elected a President who gave back to the policemen the right to use force to stop the rioting.  Secondly, God sent a revival that impacted the nation.  That revival brought the focus of many in my generation back to God and His plan for them.  That caused many to see that the anti-God agenda of the socialists, like Saul Alinsky, was wrong—as well as impossible.  As that revival grew in understanding and numbers throughout the 1970s, Christians would go to the polls and elect Ronald Reagan as President in 1980.  President Reagan would do much to stem the tide of socialism that had been sweeping the country in the sixties.

But most Christians, being ignorant of God’s plan for civil government, placed our governmental hope in the President, and we went back to sleep politically.  The socialists changed their strategy too.  Instead of marching in the streets, they marched into the colleges and universities and took up teaching positions, believing that they could rear a generation through the schools who would later join them in exchanging our Biblically-based Republic for a socialist, dictatorial form of government.  It took them longer than they thought, for it would be two generations later before they could work their wiles on us again.  Thus, we now see the anarchy in our streets.

But our real enemy is not a man.  The real enemy is a spiritual being.  satan is the real enemy and instigator of all this wickedness in our streets.  Simply put, he hates God and God’s order for man.  And his aim is to bring all mankind into subjection to himself.  The easiest way he can do this is through the power of civil government; government that is fed by an education system that thinks his way.  You see, He uses WORDS, to accomplish his goal:  As he tried to do with Jesus when he challenged Him with the words,

“…If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread.” (Matthew 4:3)

Why This in America- 2Thus, to change a people’s political ideas, he uses words that create resistance to God among them.  And since civil government is the greatest power on earth, he pushes an “anti-God” form of civil government to accomplish his purpose of forcing everyone into compliance with his ideas:  Ideas about who he (satan) is; ideas about who God is; and why He created man.  Thus:  The warfare in the education system and the media, over what is taught to a nation, beginning with the children.  Remember, ANY idea in education, or in government, that does not honor Jesus Christ as God, and the Bible as being ABSOLUTE truth, is an idea that has come from satan; and is designed to bring a people into subjection to a dictator ruled by satan himself—PLAIN and SIMPLE!

So what is our solution to the rioting?  Number one, a President who is willing to employ armed resistance to stop the socialist agitators who are stirring up the riots.  But our greater and more desperate need is to have, once again, a move of God which will bring our focus back to God instead of our selfish wants.  What are we doing to help bring that about?  Are we praying, instead of playing?  Are we searching the Scripture for answers—or looking online for some man to give us the answers?  The reality is:  It’s not the anarchist in the street that will determine the destiny of this generation:  It’s you…and it’s me!

Think about it; because if you don’t, someone else will do your thinking for you—and for your children!  And you won’t like what that brings to you.  I’m Don Pinson; this has been Think About It.