“Ending Life in the Womb Should End Government Service!”

Ending Life in the Womb Should End Government Service 1

© 2019 Don Pinson | [Download]
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On January 22nd, 2019, the most murderous abortion law in U.S. history was passed and signed into law by New York governor, Andrew Cuomo.  It allows murders to be performed on children in the womb right up to the day of their birth!  While most states in America have been restricting abortion more and more, New York now decides to flaunt the murder of children and celebrate it by lighting up the One World Trade Center Spire—as if this were something to be proud of!  This law even allows for unlicensed people to perform abortions, and insurance companies are forced to pay for it.  Can you believe that such savagery exists in this nation?!  While there are some exceptions, this celebration is happening mostly among the so-called “educational elite” in New York; in other words, left wing people who are, as the Bible says,

“Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools…” (Romans 1:22)

How could this have ever happened to our nation which was founded on the Biblical principles of government?  The short story is that; from the late 1800s on, we accepted more and more the idea that there is no God—or that God is not involved in every detail of life.  Along with those lies came the lie that the Bible is a book of myths.  These lies gave birth to the lie that there are no “Absolutes”.  In other words, nothing is really right or wrong, it just depends on how you feel about it.  Feelings, instead of truth, became the principle which the media and the educational curriculum taught the next generation to live by.  With no God, no Bible, and no “absolutes”, it became easy to look at children as just an inconvenience to our pleasures.  When you put that into a governmental philosophy, you come up with the short-lived idea of democracy; which means the people’s will is the highest authority instead of civil law (based on the Bible).  Thus, a Legislature and a Governor, the majority of which live as if God didn’t exist, install a law which allows the murder of innocent children; much the same way ancient Israel, in the days of Elijah, threw their children into the fire of the idol Baal—sacrificing them to satan.

Ending Life in the Womb Should End Government Service 2So what is the real issue here?  Actually it is question: “When does life begin; and who owns that life?”  The Bible makes it plain that God – who created that life the moment the sperm permeated the egg – in that moment God breathed the spirit of life into that cell and a human body began to grow.  The Scripture says,

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you…” (Jeremiah 1:5)

The prophet Isaiah wrote that God said,

“I have made the earth, and created man upon it…” (Isaiah 45:12)

Jesus said,

“…from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female.” (Mark 10:6)

The New York State Constitution states,

“We, the people of the state of New York, Grateful to Almighty God for our Freedom, in order to secure its blessings, DO ESTABLISH THIS CONSTITUTION.” (emphasis added)

(Approved by vote of the people of N.Y., 1938; went into effect 1/1/1939.  This is still the preamble.)

If the State acknowledges that “freedom” is the blessing of “Almighty God”, that God IS, why wouldn’t they acknowledge that He is the Author of Life?!!  And if He is the Author of life, then absolutely no one has the right to take that life away, except when God says to!  He owns that life He made:  Not the parents, not the state!  No one can take that life without God’s permission.  HE OWNS IT!!!

May God help the Courts to hold the Legislature and Governor to their own Constitution and to declare this law unconstitutional.  And let’s earnestly pray that the people of New York, especially God’s people, will get off the sidelines and vote!

Should not government servants who vote to end life in the womb, have their government service ended by the voters?

Think about it; because if you don’t, someone else will do your thinking for you—and for your children!  And you won’t like what that brings to you.  I’m Don Pinson; this has been Think About It.