“The Stark Contrast of Socialists and Conservatives”

The Stark Contrast of Socialists and Conservatives 1

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At the Judge Kavanaugh swearing in ceremony, President Trump apologized to the Kavanaugh family for the “terrible pain and suffering” they were “forced to endure” through his confirmation process to the Supreme Court.  Despicable things were done against them.  Other conservatives have been attacked physically lately by people who are socialists:  Ted Cruz and his wife at a restaurant; Congressmen trying to board airplanes.  The left has said, “We will come after you…”

(Confirmed: Kavanaugh and the Left’s Intentions, Family Research Council (Washington, D.C., Oct. 8, 2018))

All this venom spewed out by the socialists in America is in stark contrast to how little of this kind of thing happened from the conservative camp when Barack Obama took the Presidency.  Though many of us felt every bit as disappointed as people on the left are with the Kavanaugh appointment, we didn’t riot in the streets or in government buildings; we didn’t promise, “We will come after you!”  Yes, many of us repented for allowing such a thing to happen in America.  Many of us prayed earnestly that God would use Mr. Obama to awaken God’s people to the dangers of socialism.  Many of us pled for mercy from God, knowing we had just gotten the kind of leader we deserved because of decades of the church not taking the leadership in civil government and education.  But we DID NOT use violence to express our pain!

What does this tell us about the roots of socialism?  Socialism is rooted in the believe that there is no God; that the Bible is a fairy tale, and is most surely not to be believed.  Thus, socialists ignore the sin root of selfishness in man.  They deny it.  Yet, when they lose power because the populace begins to listen to them less, they display the very selfishness they deny, and begin to threaten those who disagree with them with physical attacks.  Is this the kind of leaders you want to be at the “helm” of our national ship?  If they “come after” those who disagree with them in a governmental debate, what would keep them from coming after you (if they were in power) if you disagreed with their ideas at a school meeting, or at a city council meeting, or a social gathering?

The Stark Contrast of Socialists and Conservatives 2

While conservative thinking people are capable of acting out of the selfish nature too, our Christian heritage in America tends to restrain physical violence toward their enemies.  The majority of conservatives in America are conservative either because of being a born-again follower of Christ, or because of their Christian heritage through the generations of their family, or just the Christian heritage of our culture.  Thus, conservatives, as a whole, are peace-loving people.  We believe in conserving the Biblical foundations of America, such as Biblically-based respect for life (that’s why we’re against abortion); or Biblically-based marriage (that’s why we believe marriage is between a man and a woman only).  We believe disagreements about these issues should be settled on the debate floor of government—not with physical blows!  We believe we’re to use reasoning processes, not physical intimidation.

America can only exist as a free nation if we return to Biblical thinking about the issues we face.  It is as John Adams, our second President stated:

“…this constitution was made only for a moral and religious people.  It is wholly inadequate for the government of any other.”

(America’s God & Country, W. Federer, p.10)

The Bible admonishes us to:

[Shun] evil, and do good; seek peace, and pursue it.” (Psalm 34:14)

So let’s work to change what’s wrong about our land through praying specifically about it:  Then by praying for, working for, and voting for Biblically-thinking candidates in the coming election!

Think about it; because if you don’t, someone else will do your thinking for you—and for your children!  And you won’t like what that brings to you.  I’m Don Pinson; this has been Think About It.