“The Immigration Fix For America–Part 3”

The Immigration Fix, Part 5 1

© 2019 Don Pinson | [Download]
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The arguments continue over whether a wall should be built along our Southwest border to keep out people who are not willing to meet the qualifications our Congress has set for people to enter the United States.  Those who want the Wall believe a nation needs well defined borders.  Those who do not want a wall believe there should be no borders between nations.  I’m still wondering how you define what is a nation if you don’t have borders.  I hear opinions being expressed by most everyone.  But I rarely hear anyone addressing this issue from the Biblical perspective.  What does God say about the boundaries of nations?  Since God created nations (Acts 17:26) you’d think He’d have some definite things to teach us about nations.  Indeed He does:  If we’d only be quiet and listen instead of believing that our thoughts deserve to be heard more than anyone else’s!

God tells us about nations’ borders in Deuteronomy 32:8.  The Bible says,

“When the most High divided to the nations their inheritance, when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds [or boundaries] of the people according to the number of the children of Israel.”

God gives to nations boundaries, therefore, the boundaries should be respected as a moral issue as well as a geographical issue.  Shouldn’t we be searching the Bible for answers to the immigration problem instead of listening to the news commentator?  Duh!!

The globalists, such as Nancy Pelosi, want us to come into one government that rules all the people on earth; ignoring the distinctions with which God created us.  At the heart of this issue is the question:  “What religious philosophy is the foundation of our law?”  Socialists like Pelosi argue that secular law doesn’t have a religious base.  But the fact remains:  All law is just the codification of some religious belief.  Go anywhere in the world and you’ll find that a nation’s law is based on the religion of that nation.  Beliefs affect our actions—including the making of law!

But socialism, being atheistic in nature, is thought by some to not be religious.  That’s where the deception is.  When we reject the Creator God and His Son Jesus Christ, we set up our own thoughts as god.  We become a god unto ourselves; so atheistic law (such as socialistic law) is also based on a religion.  Even the U. S. Supreme Court has defined this humanism as a religion!  So, ALL law is the codification of some religious belief.  So would we rather our law be based on the Bible; or on the wisdom of man—which God calls “foolishness” (1 Corinthians 3:19)?

The Immigration Fix, Part 5 2

Since we became the greatest nation in history by following Biblical principles of immigration and citizenship, why not return to those principles?  A good way to start would be by requiring ALL eighteen-year-olds to take the same test that immigrants are required to pass to become citizens.  A survey several years ago revealed that one in three voting age Americans couldn’t pass that test! (Study: One in Three Americans Fails Naturalization Civics Test, Brian Greene, Contributor, (US News & World Report), April 30, 2012)  Require ALL eighteen-year-olds to pass the test and swear allegiance to the U.S. Constitution, and speak English proficiently, or they cannot vote.  Require the illegal parents who have children here to do the same once their children are eighteen.  If the parents don’t pass or won’t pledge to live by the Constitution, deport those parents!

Most of all, let’s pray earnestly that the Lord will give us His solution to our immigration mess.  He knows what is best for all concerned.  Shouldn’t we find that out and do it?

Think about it! Because if you don’t, someone else will do your thinking for you—and for your children!  And you won’t like what that brings to you.  I’m Don Pinson; this has been Think About It.