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The media is in an uproar over President Trump’s desire to build a wall on the Mexican border to stop illegal immigration there. Not that the media being in an uproar against what’s right is anything new. But many are questioning if his desire to stop illegal immigration is right. Like most things that socialistic thinking gets wrong, they’re wrong on this too. They say a “Wall” won’t work. If they really believe that, why do most of their leaders live in “gated communities”? Think About It.
Because a nation can only be as strong as it is within its own borders, you can’t help other nations in the world until you are strong at home. Those who expect America to take care of the world either are uninformed as to how God teaches us to help others, or they reject the Bible as their standard for such benevolence. Just as the Bible says that “Jesus began to do and teach,” so we cannot share with the world what we are not ourselves. “Doing” always precedes “teaching”. A tree cannot extend its branches any farther than its root system equals underground, or the whole tree will topple. American strength has been flowing away for years because we’ve tried to join the world “globalism” movement and compromised so many of our historic convictions in order to be “part of the crowd”. One of the major principles of “globalism” is that there can be no borders between nations (On that thought, wonder how they expect to define a nation if it has no borders?). All the President wants to do is to get us into a position of strength once again so we can lead from the front!
So what does the Bible say about immigration? Since it has something to say about every issue in life, what does it say about immigration?
First of all it teaches in Acts 17:26 that God gave to nations physical borders, stating:
“And [God] hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation…”
If He gave nations borders, that means He wanted nations to be distinctly identified. How could that be maintained if other nations are not controlled from crossing those borders? How could any nation be secure if it can’t guard its borders from infiltration by those who intend it harm?
The real issue here is: What is citizenship? Is it any group of people that live within the same borders? Or must there be some common agreement between the people who live within those borders? The Bible says:
“Can two walk together, except they be agreed?” (Amos 3:3)
And since “all law is just the codification of some religious belief”, the covenant of citizenship must agree on Who God is, and what His plan for man is. Otherwise, disordered laws will be made, and citizens will walk in a disorderly way, creating chaos and destroying any liberty that might have been temporarily established in the beginning. Our nation was established this way; and it’s only been in more recent years that we’ve tried to “fit in” with the “globalism” plan by opening our borders. The result has been disastrous. After 10 years here, 70% of legal and illegal immigrants are on some form of welfare!
Shouldn’t we protect our own borders in order to help someone else to protect theirs? Shouldn’t we restore the principle of covenant as the basis for citizenship?
Think about it! Because if you don’t, someone else will do your thinking for you—and for your children! And you won’t like what that brings to you. I’m Don Pinson; this has been Think About It.