“The Key To Preserving Liberty”

The Key to Preserving Liberty 1

© 2020 Don Pinson | [Download]
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It really amazes me how so many people continue to sleep in the midst of this crisis, which, without revival, will end in the loss of our liberty.  Yet most Americans  continue on and on with no serious thought that our nation could be forever changed.  It is the fault of our education process that we continue to sleep, as we did on the morning when we were attacked at Pearl Harbor in 1941.  This is not to place all the blame on school systems either; education is much more than just the classroom.  The television programming, the internet viewing, the music we listen to, are all major contributors to the way we now think.  Without careful study of the Bible, believing that its teachings are true and thereby should be lived by, we simply follow the inclinations of our own thinking—and that’s the root problem.

The Bible says, “There is not a just man upon the earth that doeth good and sinneth not.” (Ecclesiastes 7:20)  It reveals that our “…heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked; [but] who can know it?” (Jeremiah 17:9)  This is because there is a root of sin in us which releases in us the attitude of “I want what I want when I want it.”  To get what you want, you have to be able to control your circumstances.  That means you have to fight someone else for control.  This desire for control is what has caused every hurt and every war in history.  Thus, those who haven’t surrendered their will to Jesus Christ, and had His life replace theirs in this world, cannot possibly preserve liberty.  Unless Christ is our Lord, we will trample on other’s rights in order to get what we want.  This is why America’s Founders taught us we could not keep our liberty unless we kept our virtue, meaning our moral goodness.  An immoral life destroys liberty.  You and I can’t “have it our way” and still have liberty; it’s that simple.

John Adams, our second President, said it like this:

“Private, and public Virtue is the only Foundation of Republics.”

(America’s God and Country, William Federer, p.12)

John Witherspoon, President of Princeton College, who trained many of our Founders stated it plainly when he said,

“A Republic must either preserve its virtue or lose its liberty…he is the best friend to American liberty, who is most sincere…in promoting true and undefiled [Christianity], and who sets himself with the greatest firmness to bear down on profanity and immorality of every kind.  Whoever is an avowed enemy of God, I [hesitate] not to call him an enemy of his country.”

(Witherspoon, John. May 17, 1776, in his sermon entitled, “The Dominion of Providence over the Passions of Men”, delivered at The College of New Jersey (Princeton). Varnum Lansing Collins, President Witherspoon (New York: Arno Press and The New York Times, 1969), I:197-98 | John Eidsmoe, Christianity and the Constitution – The Faith of Our Founding Fathers (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, A Mott Media Book, 1987, 6th printing 1993), p. 85.)

William Seward was Secretary of State during Abraham Lincoln’s Presidency.  Earlier in life, he had been the Vice-President of the American Bible Society.  He once said concerning nations, like America, which are Republics:

The Key to Preserving Liberty 2“I know not how long a republican government can flourish among a great people who have not the Bible; the experiment has never been tried; but this I do know: that the existing government of this country never could have had existence but for the Bible.  And, further, I do, in my conscience, believe that if at every decade of years a copy of the Bible could be found in every family in the land, its republican institutions would be perpetuated.”

(Seward, William Henry. 1836, address as Vice-President of the American Bible Society. George E. Baker, Life of William Henry Seward. Stephen Abbott Northrop, D.D., A Cloud of Witnesses (Portland, OR: American Heritage Ministries, 1987; Mantle Ministries, 228 Still Ridge, Bulverde, Texas), p. 404.)

Have you surrendered your will to Jesus Christ, asking Him to take control of that life which is rightfully His anyway?  Are you reading the Bible everyday?  Are you teaching it to your children by reading it to them and discussing it with them?

If not, why would you want to destroy their liberty?

Think about it; because if you don’t, someone else will do your thinking for you—and for your children!  And you won’t like what that brings to you.  I’m Don Pinson; this has been Think About It.