“Walked-On Salt”

"Think About It" - Heritage Ministries of Kentucky

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Salt is a powerful agent.  It nourishes, heals, flavors, and preserves things.  Jesus used it as an illustration of what His followers are to be.  He stated,

“You are the salt of the earth…”

walked-on-salt1(Matthew 5:13)

As His life flows through born again believers, He nourishes, heals, flavors, and preserves people of every age and description by them being introduced to Him and His delivering power.  On the other hand, Jesus gave a fearful warning concerning us being the “salt” of this earth.  He went on to state,

“… but if the salt has lost its savor, wherewith shall it be salted?  It is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.”

In other words, if we, the “salt” of this earth lose our ability to nourish, heal, flavor, and preserve, we will find ourselves being “walked-on” in our society.

This is why we now have such government oppression against the church in America.  Most of us who say we are born again believers have stepped out of the leadership of government in this culture.  This is evidenced by the huge numbers of Evangelicals who have stayed away from the voting booth.  Of the over 100 million Evangelicals in America nearly half of us are not even registered to vote.  Of the half who are registered to vote half of them do not show up to vote in any given election, and of the half who do vote nearly half of them vote for candidates who will make laws which are diametrically opposed to the Biblical position on the subject of that law!  When salt loses its “saltiness” it gets walked on.

A painful illustration of this is the legal, but immoral, use of power in the Kentucky legislature by the present leadership in Kentucky’s House of Representatives.  Greg Stumbo, Speaker of the House (Democrat from Floyd Co.), constantly sends most pro-life bills to committees which won’t let them get to the House Floor for a vote—particularly the “Ultra-sound” bill.  This bill would, no doubt, save hundreds of children’s lives if it could get a fair hearing in the House.  But the Stumbo leadership team has consistently sent it to “graveyard” committees which will not hear it, so it has died for many years.  And because born-again believers have not informed themselves of Stumbo’s manipulative ways, a majority of those voting (though most probably haven’t voted) in his district have continued voting for him to be re-elected.  To give you an idea how much Democratic members of the House have bowed down to Stumbo’s will, in the 2016 Legislative Session in Kentucky, of the 128 bills passed by both House and Senate, the Democratic members in the House only voted against Stumbo’s position .04 percent of the time.  They voted with him 99.6 percent of the time!  (Does this show that somebody else is doing their thinking for them?!)

walked-on-salt2This is why it is so important born-again believers get to the polls and vote!  Sure, you may not like any of the Presidential candidates—that’s not a reason to stay away from the voting booth!  The Presidential race is not the most important race in this election.  Our state governments are our best line of defense against a runaway national government.  We need statesmen in our state governments!  Go vote for Biblically-thinking people (or the closest thing to that).  Why?  So liberty to teach the Gospel of Christ in public can be restored.  All other liberties hang on that one!

Will you give corrupt politicians a “salt-sting”—or will you be “walked-on salt”?

Think about it; because if you don’t, someone else will do your thinking for you—and for your children!  And you won’t like what that brings to you.  I’m Don Pinson; this has been Think About It.